The eerie wind blew swiftly cutting through the grey clouds crowding the sky. The sun dimmed as the moon rose up shining mysteriously and hiding in the giant clouds. The sky clapped as the thunder roared menacingly out to shore. It blew furiously dragging along raindrops to any direction and landing on any destination.
The doors creaked as someone walking into the bar. It was a small bar with drinks and seats. Practically everything a bar needs. Or at least this bar needs to make a living. The bartender was always busy wiping down the counter, cleaning glasses and refilling drinks. He would occasionally look up to see the new customers walk in. It was always interesting to see what kind of character walks in as the bar wasn't anywhere specific. It was just set up where people who travel a lot and just want to make a short stop before they continue on their journey go to drink and rest for a bit.
The characters weren't friendly. Some had bad attitudes while others tended to act intimidating. If they wanted something they would stop at nothing to get it. The winds howls grew louder as a gust came rushing in after the door was opened. In came alone person who wore a cloak that covered their face and body. They had a mysterious aura to them. They didn't say much, they just walked in and sat by the counter. They drew some eyes but were soon ignored when they saw that they didn't have much on them.
"What will you be having?" The bartender asked rubbing the counter.
"Information." They said looking down, making sure nobody could see their face, their voice was like ice piercing through the noises. The bartender looked at them suspiciously.
"You know info doesn't come without a price." He said keeping a straight face. The person sighed and took out some money and placed it on the counter. The bartender inspected the money sharply. "What do you want to know?" He asked still holding onto the money. The person leaned in a little, looking around if anyone is watching him.
"Do you know about the... valours heart?" The person whispered. The bartender and a few customers stared at the person in surprise. The bartender noticed the attention and cleared his throat causing them to get back to what they were doing. The bartender looked back at his customer with a judgemental stare.
"Why do you need to know that?" He asked suspiciously. The person didn't answer. "Find another bar. We don't have that information here." He said going back to wiping down the counter.
"Interesting." The person said as they got up from the stool. "I guess you won't be needing this." The person said holding up the bag of money the bartender had a few seconds ago. The bartender checked the hand that he had the money in and it was gone.
"Ok. I guess you've made your point. The dream, huh?" The bartender looked at the person scornfully. "The dream dead and valour's heart is lost. That's all I can say." The bartender said. The person just sighed exasperatedly then threw the money back at the bartender.
"That helped(!)" The person said sarcastically then headed for the door. The person headed out not looking back, the wind did accompany the person out. The person looked to the side of the door as the door shut quietly. There in the shadows was a creature with dog-like features. "Come on, Rebel. Let's go." The person said and started walking ahead while the grey wolf followed behind obediently. "I guess we'll have to find a place to stay and wait out this rain, right Rebel." The person said looking beside him to be greeted by the wolf quietly following them.
They kept walking hardly avoiding the rain. They made it to an inn where they could rest. The person sat on the bed in their room exhausted. "What do you think about all of this Rebel?" The person asked glancing at the wolf beside him.
"I think you should stop talking to me in public. People will start thinking that you're crazy, especially if people don't believe valour's heart exists." The wolf said burying its head into the pillow.
"Well, I know it exists. It gave me immortality. You know how agonising that is?" The person said looking up at the ceiling.
"Who do you think has been wandering around with you for centuries. Anyway, only cause you're a few decades older than you should be doesn't mean you lose manners. Get rid of your cloak, you're inside." The wolf said sharply.
"But Rebel... you know I don't like to." The person said hesitantly.
"why? Because of your Scar?" The wolf asked. The person just looked down ashamed. Rebel let out a deep sigh. "Fine. But at least take off your hoodie. It's impolite to cover your head inside." Rebel said giving in a little.
The person took off their hoodie letting the breeze go through their short blonde hair. They had one azure blue eye and another amber yellow which reflected the moonlight like jewels and their bangs swayed silently. "See? Isn't it nicer to have the breeze in your face? Anyway, it's time for some sleep, make sure if you get cold you close the window. You know how painful being sick is for you." Rebel said then immediately made himself comfortable in a corner of the bed and buried his head near the person's hand.
The person stared silently into the village displayed in front of her through the window. It was easy to see the stars and the houses were rowed neatly. You couldn't see a soul on the streets. It was all quiet, no animal in sight. She stood up from the bed trying to take in the night air until a strange noise caught her attention. It was a strange beeping noise, very faint. They followed it to the door, as soon as the beeps accelerated and grew louder by the second.
"Crap." She uttered as she immediately turned back in a panic and grabbed onto Rebel making her way to the window. Before they could make their escape, however, a huge explosion got set off following them outside the window along with fire, broken glass and broken pieces of wood.
They landed safely in front of the now-destroyed inn. She let go of Rebel who was now trying to steady his body from the confusion and shock. Some nearby buildings were caught in the explosion, as a result, some homes were engulfed in flames. You could hear worried cries and screams.
Some were cries for help, most people tried to evacuate as soon as possible while others were already dead from the fire or being crushed by giant pieces of wood. The person was now darting their eyes around, as if looking for something, ignoring the screams and cries.
"You know, I'm kind of disappointed." An amused voice came from behind them and Rebel and his companion immediately turned around. "I thought it wouldn't take that long for 'Scar the Undead' to react to an attack." It was a man who spoke.
He had black hair and black eyes. He wore an amused smile and a long scarf that went down to his knees. And on his right hand, he was carrying a short sword still in its sheath. Scar looked a little taken aback by that.
"Who are you?" She questioned.
"Just someone trying to get some money for your head." The guy said taking his sword out of its sheath.
"Hey! Didn't you say it yourself? She can't be killed." Rebel said.
"The mutt can talk?" He asked a little astonished causing Rebel to growl menacingly at him. "Wait 'she'? Don't tell me you're a girl?" The guy asked pointing straight at her. "There's no way. You don't look anything like a girl, just maybe your face shape and eyes are a little feminine but apart from that. You don't look very feminine to be a girl." The guy mocked. "Oh wait, so the 'scar' in your name. Is that short for 'Scarlet'? Oh my gosh, it is! How precious. That's priceless!" The guy laughed, he laughed so hard he had to hold his stomach. However, his laugh was cut short when he felt a blade to his neck and piercing eyes right under his nose.