Nothing Accidental About Love (Nalu)

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Chapter 1 - Chapter 1

Lucy's POV

I snuggled deeper into the covers I didn't want to get up yet. When I feel something warm and firm. I know it is Natsu but I feign ignorance. He emits so much heat and it is so cold outside and I'm so sore from all the training we did yesterday.

We had been out for hours sparring, me summoning multiple spirits at a time and changing star dresses often jumping from place to place dodging. My magic was drained to the limit while Natsu exhausted as many flames as he could and Happy flew around with him until he ran out of magic. The training was to simply exhaust us to our limits and try and bring more power out anyway.

It's the middle of winter and Natsu had climbed into my bed again. It is really so normal, that anymore I don't even Lucy kick him out in the morning. Besides as I already mentioned it is cold outside. I wouldn't be surprised if there was snow on the ground.

I groan, I know I have to get up but as that thought enters my mind I feel Natsu arms circle me and bring me in close. He is snuggling into me. I blush a little at the thought before drifting back to sleep in his warm embrace. A little longer won't hurt.


This time when I woke up I didn't feel cold or sore. It was like snuggling into Natsu the Fire Dragon Slayer mage had soothed all my tired achy muscles. I still didn't want to get up though.

The sun was high in the sky shining through my window. I bury my face into Natsu's chest trying in vain to get a few more stolen moments of cuddles before I had to get up.

I have a crush on Natsu but Mavis knows he is simply to naive to notice. Probably a good thing because I didn't want to lose my friend to these damn feelings.

Suddenly I feel Natsu's arms clench tighter around me and I feel him snuggled his face into my hair. I sigh content to lay here all day. I didn't have any plans anyway except to go too the guild and hang out for a little bit.

I would rather stay here though. I feel my eyelids grow heavy again. Suddenly I feel Natsu grow warmer I don't recall him ever getting hotter when he sleeps I open my eyes again to see him smiling his big grin staring into my eyes.

Natsu's POV

I feel Lucy snuggle closer to me and I sigh quietly. It was so worth all those Lucy kicks for her to get used to me sleeping in her bed with her. I wrap my arms around her and pull her close.

I take in a long whiff of her hair. Strawberries and vanilla her scent is intoxicating I feel the beginnings of myself getting hard again. Shit not again. I don't want to let her go yet.

I feel her sigh and snuggle in before she drifted off to sleep again. I can see the snow falling outside her window. I sigh and hold her close to me. I'm in love with her. there are no if's, and's or buts about it. I love Lucy. An hour or so passes as we are like this.

I smile contently to myself. I want to tell her, to finally confess my feelings to her. But what if she hates me for it? What if she never lets me hold her like this again?

I feel Lucy move she is burying her face into my bare chest. Oh Igneel thank you for raising me as a Fire Dragon Slayer. I run hot all the time. Making moments like this possible.

Lucy shifts and looks up right into my eyes I can't help but smile at her. She's is so beautiful. The sun is shining on her making her look like she is practically glowing.

"Good morning Luce" I say almost to stunned to react at all.

She smiles and blushes a little and starts to pull away mumbling, "Sorry."

I don't let her go. I can't, not yet. I pull her close again and whisper in her ear "10 more minutes please?" I want to beg her but I don't dare show to much emotion. I hear her sigh content as I snuggle into her again. I begin to drift off back to sleep.

Lucy's POV

"Good morning Luce" he says with his signature grin.

I smile and blush a little. He looks so handsome with the sun shining around him like this. The sun is highlighting every feature and I notice for the first time that Natsu isn't wearing a shirt and that I have been snuggling into his bare chest most of the night. Did he notice?

"Sorry," I start to pull away a little embarrassed. He doesn't normally come to bed without a shirt at least not that I have ever noticed. I would have never missed that either. As often as I wake up just to watch him sleep.

I feel him pull me closer instead and I feel his breath on my ear. "10 more minutes please" he sounds so tired. I sigh relieved that it doesn't have to end yet and snuggle in again. This is the life.

I want to wake up everyday in his arms snuggling and cuddling with no where to go. I feel his grip soften but it remains firm. I hear his breathing deepen and I look up smiling again. Natsu had fallen back to sleep.

I lay there watching him memorizing the lines and curves of his face. I gently raise my hand and begin to run my fingers through his hair.

I feel my smile deepen and suddenly I realize something hard is poking against my leg. Confused I gently move the covers to find out what it was. Natsu is wearing PJ pants and I quickly realize that his member is swollen and pressed against me.

I flinch a little and quickly drop the covers down again. I feel my face heat up I must be bright red. Well he is a man and he is sleeping.

I look up at his face again. He looks so innocent if I hadn't seen it for myself I would have never believed it. His breathing was so deep I realized that I hadn't disturbed him at all.

I flinch again as a thought entered my mind. Could I explore his body while he was sleeping? No I shouldn't it would be wrong. I look to his face again and I remembered all the times he has fallen into my breast or grabbed them by 'accident'. I feel myself redden.

Well maybe if I don't wake him up it will be fine. His face is still showing his rested and relaxed face. I lift the covers again. and I timidly reach down. I graze my fingers along his chiseled abs teaching the lines. I didn't want it to tickle him awake so I really pressed into them. For awhile I was mezmorized, until I will looked at his face again, he was sound asleep still. Then with the back of my hand I slide it along his shaft.

I looked up at Natsu again. I hear him moan barely audible. I would never have noticed if I had not been watching his face. I grin a little and do it again. His breathing hitched.

I decide that it is safe enough, I go ahead and grab his member and run my fingers up and down his shaft getting a feel for how big it is through his pants. I become nervous again. It was huge and it seemed to harden the longer I handled it. I could almost imagine that it was turning into steal if not for the soft firmness of it. I had been doing this for several minutes. Feeling him I reach lower to feel his ball sack but I find those fairly uninteresting and move back to his shaft.

I hear Natsu moan out "Luce" I freeze what I was doing and look up. Natsu's eyes were still closed but his features were hardening. I remained still waiting for him to relax again I'm almost holding my breath I'm so scared that he will wake up. "Luce don't stop, please."

I can't tell if he is dreaming or not but decide to just pretend he is dreaming. I run along his length again gripping him tight I feel him stiffen again as he pushes his hips into my hand hard.

Oh shit. Nope this was a bad idea. I feel his breath raking against my ear he pulls me in closer. His breathing was shaky and uneven. It looked and sounded like he was having trouble breathing. Did I do that?

Oh no what if I was actually hurting him? I had heard of something called blue balls could that hurt him? I don't know what to do I flinch as he cluches me tightly to his chest causing my hand to jerk it was still holding onto his shaft.

He moaned out again deeply, huskily. I'm mezmorized I want to see it again so I pull on him again harder. He shifts again moaning out my name. "Luuucccy."

I don't know when it had happened but my breathing had sped up to matching his uneven one. I took a few deep breaths trying to steady it only to feel him grab me and kiss me, hard on the lips. At first I'm stone still but I quickly melt into his kiss. He nips on my bottom lip causing me to moan out loud giving him access he plunges his tongue in exploring my mouth. We have a short battle of the tongues and surprisingly I had won.

I deepen the kiss. I feel so hot, almost like I am on fire. I throw my PJ shirt off breaking the kiss long enough to get a breath or two of fresh air before diving back in again. I'm staddling his waist now in nothing but my underwear because I don't wear a bra to bed. He is only wearing his boxers I don't know when either of our PJ pants disappeared. My fingers are pulling at his hair trying desperately to pull him in closer to my aching lips.

I feel his hands along my waist as they slowly slide up cupping my large breast in his big hands. I feel him needing them and pinch one of my nipples causing me to gasp out. "aaahhh" Natsu takes this opening to break the kiss and make his way down my neck kissing me all over and occasionally nipping at me.

"Oh Luuucccy, please will you be my mate?" I hear his plea in my ear as he nibbles on my earlobe.

I'm not stupid I have read every Dragon and Dragon Slayer book I could get my hands on since I first met him. Dragons and Dragon Slayers only mate for life. They will never leave them for any reason.

I gasp out loud "Are you sure? That you want me that is?"

"Oh yes more than anything else in the world. I want you and only you," he purrs in my ear. He makes his way down my neck. Causing me to gasp and shudder in anticipation.

"Yes, Oh please yes. I-I-I need you. I love you Natsu," I stutter out trying so hard to sound coherent and confident as my breathing hitched and stumbles against his touch.

I feel him lick up from the base of my neck all the way to my ear. He whispers into my ear, "Oh Luce, I love you too. Be mine please, never leave me, say you will stay with me forever." he begged me.

My skin is flushed and I am trembling we are both having a hard time breathing. Finally I grab him roughly and I breath into his ear, "I'm already your's," I then pull his head to one side and sink my teeth into his exposed neck.

I feel like fire is entering me through my mouth but I hang on anyway the sensations intensifying everything I felt, from the feel of his skin against mine to the smell of red cinnamon and spice that I can sometimes smell when we are close.

I realize that I had been closing my eyes so blink them open. I finally release his neck and I lick and kiss the bite mark I had left behind. I had drawn a little blood. I hadn't realized that I had been biting him quite that hard. I plant soft kisses around it softly nipping the farther away I got from the mark.

Finally I think that is enough. The books I read said that mating required the two to bite each other like this and that the female always had to go first or it was considered a failed mating. The female had to dominate the dragon before the male could choose her.

I pull away and look down at Natsu his eyes are wide open shocked at what I had just done. I run my fingers from his shoulders down his chest and across his abs. 'Oh Mavis, his body is beautiful' I think to myself as I lightly get up ignoring his grip on my hips and take off my now drenched underwear. I look Natsu straight in the eyes as I rip his boxer shorts off of him and climb back onto him pressing him down with my finger tips. He had sat up when I had gotten off of him. He smoothly went down again now.

We are completely naked and I am so wet that I am about to start dripping on him but I ignore it. I have waited for too long for this moment and I'm going to enjoy every moment of it. He is now completely laid back on my bed propped up only on a pillow. His hands had reached for my hips again and I smacked his hands away leaving him confused. I lean down and whisper in his ear, "not yet."

I scoot down him and I take his completely hard dick in my hand and I silently bend over and lick the tip. "mmmmmhmh" he almost yells out in what I think is surprise. I smile. 'Oh my Mavis, I can't believe I'm about to do this.' I think you myself as I then open my mouth and stick his head in.

"Aaaarggggg" he yells out and his hips lift up taking me with them. I can see the strain of his muscles as he falls back on the bed trying so hard to remain still. I bob my head up and down his length knowing full well that I couldn't fit all of him in my mouth I decided to use one hand the pump along the base of his shaft in time with my motions. He moaned aloud again or did he growl? Either way I take it as a good thing and continue on I use my other hand to fondle his balls again causing him to lift his hips again. I smile as I swirl my tongue around and up and down his length. I put the head back into my mouth and sucked, hard.

"Luuucccy I'm going to.... Aaaarggggg" He yells out as he cums into my mouth unable to finish his sentence. I swallow it all it taste really bitter and salty but I don't make a face. Some had dripped onto my chin and I used a finger to slowly wipe it up before I licked it up too. Being the book worm that I am I have read plenty of erotic novels saying how much it always turns men on to watch this kind of thing. Natsu had watched so mezmorized, the books must be right. It's been a few moments that I think he might have fallen asleep with his eyes open. But no, as I let my finger pop out of my mouth I hear him gasp again as if remembering how to breath again.

I feel him flip me into my back with him hovering over me. I smile at him. I knew I had dominated his dragon I could see the truth in his eyes and now it was his turn. My breathing quickened anticipation growing inside of me.

Natsu's POV

'Oh Mavis, if I would have known this was going to be how my day was going to start I would have slept more.' I'm exhausted. How did she know to do all of that? My dragon is completely tamed and I can feel myself purring with pleasure.

Waking up to a hand job was one thing. Mating was an entirely different thing all together. Once it begins it can't stop until it's done. Or my inner dragon would take over and basically destroy everything in it's way. I did not want to stop for any reason even when Lucy smacked my hands away. Not going to lie though that was a huge turn on.

She bit me, perfectly I can't believe it. It was as if she knew exactly how to mate as if she were a dragon herself. I rub my neck where the mark was and I smile looking down at her. I feel her breathing hitched as I ever so slightly graze my fingers along her face. I kiss her deeply, sweetly before I gently nudge her head to the side. She goes with it and I slowly sniff at her neck sliding the very tip of my nose along her neck, taking in her sweet scent.

I found the perfect place and gently begin to kiss on it nipping and sucking. I had begun to leave a light hickey on her before I hear Lucy whimper. I feel myself harden again, enough playing I decide as I gently sink my teeth into her soft neck careful not to hurt her anymore than I absolutely had to. I hear her breathing hitch again as she moans out loud. It is almost to much for me I feel as her sweetness seeps into my mouth. it feels as if the stars had slowly, lazily, been resting on a beach so warm and comforting in the moonlight, I didn't want to let go.

Soon enough though I realize that the smell of her arousel was overpowering. How did I not notice the scent before? She smelled absolutely amazing. I slowly release her neck licking up the trace amounts of blood and kissing along her jawline.

I slowly make my way down her perfect body kissing and nipping as I went. i was careful to give each of her breast equal attention. Licking, sucking and pinching them until Lucy was squirming. I moved lower still until I found the source of that intoxicating smell. She was clean shaven with silky smooth skin. I realize that the smell was coming from a slippery wet substance coming from between her lower lips. I look up at her face to see her start to blush but instead of pushing me away like I expected, she timidly opened her legs a little more and nodded.

She has given me permission! I smile and experimentally lick the devine smelling substance. I was rewarded handsomely. The taste was 100 times more powerful than the smell. I licked it up greedily. I hear her moaning causing me to slow down and thoroughly enjoy her. Scooping my tongue in order to get as much as possible out of her. I moaned aloud she had a taste that was all her own but if I had to say she tasted like anything; I would say she tasted something like wild strawberries a bit bitter and honey blended into this wonderful creamy mixture. So decadent it was by far the most amazing thing that I have ever tasted in my life. I feel her pour out even more of the devine substance again and again as I lick it up paying close attention to how she reacted with each touch.

I could hear her moans and gasps through the blood pounding in my ears. Oh my Mavis, I wanted more. So much more. I had already gotten hard again so much harder than I was before the blow job I had received from her. I just couldn't take it anymore. Lucy is squirming so much under me. Her legs had locked around my head as she screams out my name. "Natsu!" Urging me on like never before.

Suddenly she collapses back on the bed I hadn't even realized that her hips were in the air supporting us, her back arched to what I would think would be painful levels. I lick her clit again and her hips twitch forward again causing my tongue to thrust deep into her folds. I hear her yelp in surprise and I grin. I take two of my fingers and slowly rub them around her clit. Lucy's breathing is so shaky I fear that I might have hurt her until I finally make out the words she is crying out. "More, oh Natsu more please. Don't stop don't ever stop. Oh Natsu please more."

I smile, I was not hurting her at all. I gently slipped my fingers one at a time into her folds pulling and pushing them in and out of her. I hear Lucy scream out "NATSU!" I lick her clit again sending her into spasms. I could feel her walls clenching around my fingers as her sweet juices poured out of her.

If anything these were even sweetter than before. I moan again. My dick so large and hard that it was twitching. Oh Mavis, I couldn't hold on anymore I go back up to kiss Lucy and she grabs me roughly and flips me over. I'm surprised at this as she gets on top of me again.

Lucy's POV

Oh my Mavis. My body can't take anymore of this teasing he has already made me cum so many times I can't think straight. When his fingers entered me that is when I knew what I needed. What I wanted so desperately. He is coming back up so I grab him flipping him over kissing him deeply.

"Natsu, I can't wait anymore," I almost mouth the words they are so quiet. I sit up having straddled him again. I lift his now extremity large and hard dick with my fingers I look Natsu in the eyes as I slowly lift myself, carefully lining him up with my entrance before sliding down onto him. Taking both of our breaths away.

I had to wait until I adjusted to his size. The pressure from his shaft felt so good as it stretched me out. It didn't hurt because Natsu did so well prepping me during all the foreplay.

I looked down into his eyes as I sat on top of him. Finally feeling ready I slowly lifted up a little before sliding back down. Oh Mavis, this is the most amazing thing I have ever felt in my life the thought barely flashing though my mind. I continue to roll my hips picking up a steady rhythm with Natsu's help. He had grabbed ahold of my hips and was helping to lift me up and pulling me back down again. "Oh yes," I started to move faster. Barely registering that I had spoken out loud at all.

I felt a knot tightening up inside my middle. Tightening the faster and harder that we went. I couldn't stop. No I wouldn't stop, nothing could stop me from being with Natsu. Nothing ever. "Oh my Mavis," I moaned out. "Natsu I'm gonna!"

"I know! Me too!" I hear him as we both scream out our release. I feel as his hot cum fills me deep inside. I collapsed on top of him, shuddering as I tried to breath.

I feel Natsu lift me enough to pull himself out and pull me into his arms clutching me to his chest so hard. I gasped out what little air I had been able to take in.

"I love you Lucy I always have," I hear Natsu whisper into my ear.

"Oh Natsu, I love you so much, for so long..." I finally gasp out. "I will always love you," I smile into his chest.

Natsu's POV

Lucy dominated me again. I can't wrap my head around it. Lucy, sweet, beautiful, smart, caring little Lucy chose to spend the rest of her life with me. WITH ME! I felt my blood quicken at the thought.

"I love you Lucy, I always have" I whisper into her ear.

"Oh Natsu, I love you so much for so long. I will always love you," I hear her say pressing herself closer, harder into my chest. I pull her close to me trying but failing to make us one. Careful not to hurt her. We spent a couple hours like this.

"Lucy we are mated now, it is an old magic far stronger than any law of the land but..." I hesitated before continuing on letting Lucy change her position to look up into my eyes. Her beautiful large honey brown eyes staring into my own eyes as if they could see through to my soul. Barely audible I continue, " Will you marry me?"

Lucy's POV

"Will you marry me?" I hear/see him ask.

I froze is this real? I look into his deep emerald eyes searching for any sign that he was anything but serious. All I saw was love, his intense firery gaze lighting up my own as I screamed, "Yes!"

I attacked him again with kisses as I jumped on him. The kisses turned deeper more passionate as I pulled away enough to breath. I look deeply into his eyes seeing his eyes shaded darkly mirroring what I'm sure were my own; filled with lust and love. This was going to be a long day if I couldn't keep my hands off of him. I sighed and started to pull away off of him.

His grip tightens around me and he leans into my ear and whispers, "We still get a whole month long honeymoon." As he breaths into my ear "Our mating demand it." My libedo rising again my blood pounding as my heart skips a beat.

"It's a good thing I already paid my rent instead of waiting until next week, We shouldn't be bothered at all," I moan out.

Natsu's POV

"It's a good thing I already paid my rent instead of waiting until next week, We shouldn't be bothered at all," I hear Lucy moan into my ear as I trail kisses down from her ear to the mark I left on her neck.

I paid special attention to the mark licking it carefully and showering kisses on it. It was now healed because the mating was complete. A bright red swirl shaped much like a flame with stars sprinkled about around it with a small cresent moon between the flame and stars. Soon Lucy would see it herself in the mirror. I wondered briefly what my own mark looked like, but I became distracted when Lucy lightly bit on my mark.

I spasmed as I felt the fire running through me, burning rational thoughts from my mind as this time I crawled between her legs and began inserting my now throbbing member into her sweet, hot, wet entrance I looked up for permission and she rolled her hips impaling herself I grunted surprised again by how perfect and tight Lucy's body was. I didn't hesitate this time as I thrusted deeply into her hearing her moaning out my name over and over again. Urging me on faster, harder, deeper until I lost control again until I hear Lucy screaming in unison to my own as we felt our release again. I cum deep inside of her again holding on for dear life before I collapse on top of her. It's a damn good thing that Lucy had put a sound proofing spell in her house because she would always yell as she Lucy kicked me when she found me in her room. So there was no worry about anyone hearing our screams of pleasure. Not even a Dragon Slayer would be able to hear us if they were right outside the door.

Lucy's POV

I'm almost hyperventilating this time as we cum together yet again. I'm exhausted and Natsu had collapsed on top of me.

I smiled as I began speaking, "You know if we keep this up your going to get me pregnant." I sigh again as I feel him stiffen and look up at me. I know exactly why and what he is about to say but I wait for it anyway.

"Don't you want to start a family with me?" He pales turning his normally tan features almost white.

I smile at him and lean into his ear licking along it as I replied, "Only if you are ready for me." I sigh deeply into his ear as I feel his body heat up just short of burning me as he needs my soft tender breast grabbing a nipple in his mouth.

When both of my nipples have hardened to stiff peaks and I am again panting for air I feel myself begin to drip. Unable to take anymore I push him onto his back trapping him between my legs.

I lean down and whisper into his ear one last time, "We both know that round one would have gotten me pregnant anyway." my lips brush against his ear sending tingles down him I could feel his member at full mast yet again.

Dragon Slayers always impregnate during the first mating. The rest is quite frankly for fun. To keep the female, whom is always alpha, happy with her choice of a mate, and to solidify, the alpha in her place within the relationship.

I slide him in, hardly even looking down there, trying to keep eye contact as I ride him again. This time slowly, passionately trying to elongate our bliss for as long a possible. Natsu happily engaged, playing with my breast as they bounced up and down, feeling me deeper than just skin deep.

Natsu's POV

Lucy has passed out in my arms we have been going at it for hours. I need to get up and get things ready for the month. At some point Lucy and I will have to talk about her new powers. Now that she is my mate she will slowly turn into a Fire Dragon Slayer as well. Since I was the son of the King. That now makes me King, with Igneel gone. Making Lucy Queen and the Queen is by far more powerful than the King. The other Dragons/ Dragon Slayers will not be able to resist her commands. I will have to let her know, but first I have to prepare for the month ahead. Tempted to ravage my queen some more I quickly shake my head and slip out of bed. Groceries first.

I quickly clean up and go get groceries enough for the month I'm not ashamed it took me more than one trip. I carried as much as I could both times and I'm a little afraid that it still won't be enough. But I continue anyways. I check on Lucy again before running to the guild. I have to make sure no one came looking for us it would not be safe for anyone involved.

I tell Mira that Lucy and I will be gone for about a month for training and if she would please let anyone know who wanted to look for us. She agreed and asked where we were going. I told her it was a secret still, a surprise for Lucy. She awed and agreed, insisting I take a strawberry milkshake with me for the road. I happily agree and take it.

I then find Happy who is with Wendy the Air Dragon Slayer and Carla the pretty white exceed that Happy has been trying to woo. I tell them that Lucy and I were going to do some special training and asked if Happy could stay with them. Happy was not happy with the idea until Carla cut in answering "yes".

Both Wendy and I were surprised that Carla was so comfortable with this arrangement and didn't even try to talk it over with Wendy first or try to get rid of him. Happy immediately started trying to give Carla a fish with a great big red bow on it. Wendy and I laughed before I realized I was gone for far too long.

"Thanks Wendy, Carla see you guys in about a month," I called as I ran out of the guild careful to elude Gajeel. Wendy was still a child, but Gajeel would know as soon as he saw me why I was running. I wanted Lucy and I to tell the guild together so he couldn't know because he would tell Levy and then Levy would hunt us down. Again not safe for anyone involved.

Thankfully everyone was bundled up from the cold and hurrying around themselves to bother looking to close at me or they may have seen my mark. A cresent moon with a dragon spiraling along it a little flame shooting from it's mouth and tiny stars sprinkled around. Yep Lucy was the perfect woman.

I run back to Lucy's apartment the snow was still falling and there was several inches out now. I hurry inside going through the door afraid to wake Lucy up with the cold winter air by going through her window. I hurry and dry myself using my own fire and quickly cook some food after checking in on Lucy.

When I finished I carefully put it on a tray and bring it to the bedroom. I see Lucy move and sit up straight I see her normally honey brown eyes flash red before she saw the tray in my hands. 'Just in time,' I think to myself. Thank Mavis.

Lucy's POV

I wake up smelling something delicious. I bolt upright ready to yell at Natsu about not destroying my kitchen when I see Natsu holding a tray of food for me, with a large strawberry milkshake. I smile at him as he hands me the tray and kisses my forehead.

I feel like I inhaled my food rather than ate it. It was gone before I realized and I was a little disappointed it was amazing I wish I would have had Natsu cook for me before now, it was by far better than anything at the local restaurants or the guild.

I suddenly hear Natsu chuckle and when looked up to him sitting next to me on my bed, he lit his hand on fire and motioned for me to go ahead. Confused I just looked at him. He didn't say anything just continued to offer me his hand when I realized what he meant I practically jumped on top of him straddling him once again.

I cautiously begin to suck near his flames and I was surprised when they actually didn't burn me and I was able to swallow them. I ate until I began to feel full I realized I had started to drip again. I felt a wave of heat flush through me, not unlike the flames I had been eating, as I tore his clothes off of him. Why was he wearing clothes? Nevermind that was not important now.

Almost screaming when I felt my release yet again. We made love for hours before I finally fell asleep simply to exhausted to even pull myself off of him.

Natsu's POV

The last almost five weeks has been heaven. We were supposed to go back to the guild last week but Lucy was far too busy to think of anything but me. I'm exhausted. We have been having sex for the past 5 weeks. Only stopping when we were simply to tired to move. And only eating when I got up to cook while Luce was sleeping. She would awaken eat everything and then feed on my flames until she would then jump me again.

As the month has went on she has slept less and less needing even less as the days went on. Her energy seemingly from no where getting larger and larger was in fact her magic power increasing.

There was once that she started to panic because she realized that someone would eventually come looking for us. Until I told her I already took care of it, they think that we were away for special training. She looked at me like I was her hero and attacked me again with a fury of kisses that turned into extremely long hot sex in the bath tub.

Which were the only breaks from the bed that we got when we took showers and baths. Feeling the rushing hot water evaporate shortly after hitting our skin as I thrusted deep inside of her holding her up against the shower wall her legs wrapped around my hips. Baths were just as erotic as we filled the tub and made slow deep love in the waters.

Oh Mavis, if I would have known how amazing this month was going to be I would have saved up and paid her rent in advance for the next three months. As is during her little hour long nap yesterday I ran out and got groceries and paid the land lady so that she wouldn't come looking for it tomorrow. She gave me an interesting look before taking the money and leaving.

I realized later when I looked in the mirror that I was almost completely covered in hickeys from my jaw down my stomach that you could see through my vest from it being open most of the time. I'm an idiot. I just paraded through town covered in hickeys. I would have been redder than Erza's hair if not for Luce jumping me in bathroom.

Oh Mavis, I love this women. I quickly sated both our desires after throwing her on the bed. Tomorrow we go back to the guild. Or today I think as I look up at the clock and see that it is 3 in the morning. For now though I plunge my throbbing manhood deep into her ever tight folds.