Chapter 2 - Chapter 2

Lucy's POV

I let out a groan as I stretched, arching my back, feeling a slight twinge of pain here and there. I smile as I think of all the reasons why I'm sore. It feels like this is the first time I have had a coherent thought in days if not weeks that wasn't completely about sex. I looked at my calendar and realized that we had been alone for 6 weeks!

Oh Mavis, the sex was amazing. Regardless of if we were in bed, in the shower or the tub. Oh Mavis, the sex was utterly amazing. Natsu knew exactly how to please me even as I would think of something I wanted to try he would smile and proceed to do exactly what I wanted without me saying a word.

Well anything but his name I probably have said a total a two dozen words to including his name over the last several weeks. "Oh Mavis, I love you Natsu," I sigh out loud.

I hear Natsu chuckle and whisper sweetly in my ear "I love you too, my queen."

I giggle and look up at him into his eyes already shaded with lust ready for me to approve it. "You know we don't have to have sex all the time?"I ask him.

He chuckled again as I see the lust leave his eyes for the first time in weeks. "Anything you say Luce." I love him so much I run my fingers through his hair feeling his soft pink hair. I feel that it is a little greasy and freeze.

"When was the last time we bathed?" I ask him seriously.

He smiled and seemed to think for a second, "Well we have been in the shower nearly everyday this last week but I don't think we ever got around to using any soap."

"Oh Mavis, I need a bath!" I exclaim burying my face into his bare chest.

I hear him laugh and kiss me on the forehead before getting up and starting the water. I was not expecting that. Even less was I expecting him to come back to me, I had sat up in confusion, and carry me bridal style to the tub. Setting me gently into the water and climbing in with me.

He slowly began by washing my hair for me and I let out a content sigh as I relaxed into his strong frame, allowing him to do whatever he may to me after he had us both clean he began kissing along my neck. I moaned as i stretch into his warm embrace. I pulled his hands around me so that he could need my already tender breast.

He works me up as I feel his shaft begin to poke at my bottom I slightly lift myself up and Natsu guides me onto his very large, very sensitive shaft. We moan together. "How would you like it Luce? Fast and hard? Slow and gentle or something else altogether?" as he runs his tongue along my ear.

I shiver at all the prospects before I sigh and respond. "Just a quicky I still want to go to the guild today," I practically breathed out.

I feel him smile against my neck, "as you wish," before he starts lifting me up and thrusting inside of me.

"Oh my Mavis!" I practically scream in pleasure. At some point he or I had turned me around so I was riding him while in the tub. I could feel every bit of myself that touched Natsu from where he was thrusting into me to my breast one of which he had in his mouth biting and sucking hard and the other his fingers had teased to no end, pinching rubbing even cradling it. Then as I would adjust he would switch. Sending me over the edge again and again.

My voice had grown raspy in the last hour or so we were in the tub from all the gibberish he had me screaming, some made sense some was inconsistent involuntary sounds. I never worried about the water getting to cold. Not with Natsu in there with me. The quicky was extremely quick compared to normal, we would usually have spent a good 3 or 4 hours but this time was only about an hour and a half.

Natsu's POV

We rinsed off well after our 'quicky' I grin at the thought. Like anytime with Lucy would be quick. Although it was faster than normal it is only around noon now so we could still go to the guild today after all. Our return had been postponed an extra week because a certain someone couldn't keep her hands off me. I smile at the thought.

We quickly got dressed together I would watch Lucy put on each item of clothing just to tear it off with my eyes, restraining myself for her. She said she wanted to go to the guild so we would go to the guild. Anything she wanted if it was in my power to give, then I would.

Lucy used a quick healing spell on both of us to get rid of all of the hickeys and was thrilled when she finally saw her mark. Like I mentioned earlier she has been otherwise occupied with me.

I finally realized that I never had that conversation with her about her power so I firmly, but gently sat her down on her couch in the living room and began to pace back in forth in front of her.

"Luce we need to talk before we go," I start by saying.

Lucy's POV

"Luce we need to talk before we go," Natsu declared as if it was the most important thing in the world. He wouldn't look at me while he paced.

I grin I know why he isn't looking he is afraid I will distract him making him forget. "Go ahead," I all but purred out. I see his member twitch from within his pants. I am going to love being able to do that to him.

Natsu's POV

Oh my dear Mavis, she did that on purpose didn't she? But she is just looking at me now as if nothing had happened. I freeze and she nodded motioning for me to continue.

I sigh out loud, "Luce I'm now the King of the dragons, well Dragon Slayers anyway. Luce, your my mate now and that makes you Queen."

I go on to explain why all this is important and how the other Slayers will have no choice in doing what she says and it's all in how she words it. She just smiled and nodded a few times paying close attention to everything I said.

"Do you have any questions?" I finally ask her.

"Nope, well just one." She smiled at me and stood up taking a fist full of my vest collar in each hand as she pulled me down to kiss her intoxicating lips. She pulled away after only a moment but I was all fired up and ready to drag back to bed when she said, "Why didn't you ever tell me you were a prince or for that matter a king?" I hear her mumble out as I see tears form in her eyes.

Oh Mavis, I made Lucy cry. My heart shattered as I pulled her in close. I whispered reassurances in her ear about how the title didn't mean anything until I took a mate. Literally I was just another Dragon Slayer until she marked me. That I never meant to hide anything from her not ever. "Oh Luce, please believe me."

Soon she looked up her teary eyes now dry as she smiled up to me. "I already knew so much because I have read so many books on both Dragons and Dragon Slayers. I know that I won't give live birth and that in a month or two I will lay our child's egg. I also know that even if the world was ending I would find a way to save you and our baby." She stopped then only because I trapped her lips with mine in a passionate kiss. I was holding onto her for dear life.

I finally let her lips go as I whisper, "I will always love you." She smiled up at me taking my breath away. I manage to say "Are you ready?" Before I felt her gently pull me towards the door. Fighting the urge to drag her back to bed.

"Yeah, we better hurry if we are still going to go. As much as I want to jump you I still want to see some of our friends." Dear Mavis her words almost had me drag her back to bed anyway, if not for her saying she wanted something.

I smile and lead the way from her house to the guild. When we reached the giant doors I kick them open for her and followed her inside.

Lucy's POV

The doors of the guild now open and I stepped inside the guild hall. I immediately see Mira behind the counter of the bar and Juvia standing next to a half naked Grey making heart eyes. Erza was sitting backwards at the bar and saw us as we walked in. Levy was sitting at a table on Gajeel's lap reading a book. I smile and stretch out "We're back!" I called together with Natsu.

Everyone looked up and greeted us. Happy came from seemingly no where and flew right into my chest for hugs, his eyes full of tears. "I missed you guys so much Lushy." He cried into my arms I gently squeezed him closer.

"We missed you too buddy," I hear Natsu say as I agree.

I feel Natsu arm snake around my waist pulling me closer and I hear Natsu say, " We should see the Master first." I nod in agreement and we tell Happy that we would be right back he smiled and went back to Carla and Wendy.

I could see Gajeel and Wendy stiffen when I came in. My neck was bare except for my mark and Natsu had his scarf loose showing his off as well. I silently bring my finger to my lips as if to shush them and I winked. They nodded in return and turned away.

Natsu and I go to Mira and are about to ask for the Master when she beats us to it. " Where have you two been? Natsu you said a month not 6 weeks!"

I hear Natsu chuckle and I grin, "Sorry Mira, it was my fault. Natsu tried to get us back but I kept distracting him."

"Oh really?" Then she notices the mark on our necks. "You guys got tattoos?" She asked puzzled.

I grin and this time Natsu speaks up, " Mira is Gramps in? We really need to see him." I nod in agreement.

"Uh yeah, go on in just make sure to knock before you go in." Mira replied disappointed that we weren't giving her any good gossip.

We agree and go to Masters office and knock on the door. "come in," We hear him call. We enter and find Master hard at work with a bunch of papers in front of him he looks up and sighs out in relief.

"We were just discussing whether or not to send a search party out for you two. Being gone for that long is one thing but I didn't receive one bill or complaint for either of you two. It was as if you had disappeared off the planet and quite frankly that is very possible with either of you," We listened to him grumble.

I smile and look at Natsu, "Do you want to tell him?"

I watch as Natsu smile grew really big until it is his signature heart stopping grin, "Can I?" I nod my head smiling at him. He wraps his arms around my waist and snuggles his chin into my neck opposite of my mark making sure both were visible and he finally says, " Lucy has decided to be my mate, we want to get married still though." I feel him purring and giggle, sometimes I wonder if he is a dragon or a cat.

I see Master's aura grow dark and heavy, he begins to shake. I am frightened for just a moment until I feel Natsu's strong arms tighten around me, reassuring me he nuzzels my neck and plants a soft kiss. "Is this true?" I hear Master ask deadly quiet.

I giggled at Natsu's affections that didn't stop while Master spoke and responded while giggling, "Aye sir!" Almost laughing out loud from Natsu's ticklish kisses.

Suddenly Master was no longer dark and scary looking but sweet and happy. "Finally! It's about time you brats settle down maybe you can convince the others to follow suit," He sighs aloud, "I'm happy for you two."

"Thanks Gramps." Natsu grins real huge at him. I laugh at Natsu he is all but ticking me on purpose. "Oh yeah Gramps, Lucy is way stronger now you should see!" Natsu brags. I blush a little at the compliment.

"Oh really? Can you safely demonstrate for my Lucy?" Master looks at me.

I look at Natsu and he grins and kisses me on the lips and whispers "You have this," before walking over to stand by master. I nod and start. I light myself on fire feeling my power grow struggling to be let free but I contain it to myself letting it grow hotter until it turns blue. I feel my hair whip around even with it in a high ponytail and I open my eyes and stretch out my hands and let myself grow hotter The blue flames turning white glowing around me. I carefully limit the field the heat is in, preventing my flames from doing more than warm up the room by a few degrees. I start to float off the ground the heat still very visible around me.

Before I slowly release the heat letting myself cool down until my fire was out. I look at Master to see him standing in his chair his eyes huge as saucers. I blush and look at Natsu and ask, "Did I overdue it?"

He grins really big grabbing me within his arms and swinging me around, "You were amazing not a single thing got scorched or burned and you were just floating in the air!" He pulls my face into his touching our noses before he kissed me really hard and passionately right there in Master's office. When he finally pulled away I was out of breath, panting. "I knew you could do it." He whispers softly against my lips.

We hear a coughing sound startling us as we realized we had forgotten where we were and pulled away just enough. I was blushing so hard I could feel the heat in my face. "Sorry," we both say.

Master continues to cough pretending not to notice before speaking, "Well Natsu can you do that as well control you fire like that I mean?"

"Not as well I would probably leave scorch marks on the floorboards still but your papers and everything would still be safe." Natsu laughs rubbing a hand along the back of his head nervously.

"Oh Mavis don't let me regret this," We hear Master mumble before he looks right at Natsu and says "Okay, show me."

Natsu does as he asked and true to his word he only scorched the floorboards a little bit.

"Yay, that was way less scorching than last time, my king!" I purr into Natsu's ear as I wrap my arms around his neck.

I feel Natsu circle his arms around my waist and feel him pull me closer. "Anything for you my queen," He purrs back before pressing his lips to mine.

*Coughing* "King? Queen?" Master asked ignoring the rest.

I look starteled and looked to Natsu before asking "You didn't even tell Master?"

Natsu's POV

"You didn't even tell Master?" I shrug sheepishly at Lucy's question.

"I told you it was meaningless until I mated remember?" I laugh slightly nervous. "So I never really saw a reason to bring it up." I look up at Lucy almost to afraid and when I saw her face I stepped back quickly just to step forward again wrapping her in my arms 'I will never get bored if this,' I think to myself.

Lucy was tearing up again. "You really weren't lying?" I hear her say out loud. Unsure of whether i should answer I just held her there in the middle of the office as what I hoped were tears of relief flowed down her cheeks.

I could see Gramps very confused looking anywhere else but at us. We waited for Lucy to stop crying and when she pulled away she still had tears in her eyes but she also had on the largest smile I have ever seen. It melted my heart.

"I would never lie to you Luce," I whisper kissing her forehead.

"Thank you. Go ahead and tell Master before he kicks us out of his office," She scolded him playfully, cleaning her face while smiling.

This time I look at Gramps almost afraid of what he will say. I hesitate until I feel Lucy wrap her arms around me and snuggle her face into my back. "Gramps, as you know Igneel was my father," I began. He nodded and waited for me to continue. "Well Igneel was also the King of the Dragons."

I waited and watched Gramps as the wheels in his head turned and he seemed to make the connection. I go on, "Gramps I'm now King of the Dragons."

He froze, it looked like Gramps was a statue for the longest time I even went down and waved my hand in front of his face. Not getting a reaction I look to Lucy.

She smiled her sweet smile and asked "Should I get Wendy?" Which seemed to snap Gramps out of it.

"You, Natsu, are King of the Dragons?" Master whispered almost inaudible. Thank goodness for my dragon senses or even right next to him I would not have heard him. I nod and I hear Lucy giggle. "Who all knows this?" He whispers.

"You, Me, Lucy; Gajeel and Wendy found out when they saw our marks when we came into the guild this morning." I respond, Lucy nods in agreement.

"I guess while we are at it we should also tell you that I'm pregnant about 6 weeks along," Lucy patted her belly gently.

"Pregnant?" Gramps looks white as a ghost.

"Yeah but I would rather you didn't say anything to anyone about it. Dragons are different and well we would like it to keep it quiet until just before our baby hatches." I see Lucy smile as I kneel down and kiss her belly again nuzzeling it softly purring a little. Yes I purr, it is a dragon thing, get over it.

"Hatch?" We hear Gramps croak out. I swear we can see steam leaving his ears. I'm still on my knees my arms around Lucy and my baby. I feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand up and I let loose a small growl. It seemed to snap Gramps out of it though.

He shook his head and smiled at us. I went back to purring and nuzzeling Lucy's belly. Lucy runs her fingers through my hair making me purr louder.

"I won't tell anyone about it. In fact I want you two to make the announcement about your engagement." I barely hear Gramps say over my own purrs. The only reason I heard at all was because Lucy got all excited and that caught my attention.

Lucy's POV

I love the way he purrs and nuzzels my belly but that should really stay at home. I giggle and start and jump around a little bringing Natsu back up to his feet as I was squeaking with delight.

I look Natsu in the eyes and I can see the mirth reflecting from my own in his. I swear as he wraps me in his arms and starts to swing me around, my own arms around his neck playfully.

We all go out into the guild hall and Master jumps up onto the railing and yells out, "Quiet you brats, I have a couple of announcements to make!" The guild gets quiet and everyone looks up at the three of us.

"First off I would like to announce that we now have two new S class wizards: Lucy and Natsu!" He lets the guild cheer for a few moments before continuing. "Natsu and Lucy," He motions for us to go ahead and sits down on the railing effectively giving us the spotlight.

I look to Natsu and he looks at me. I see his eyes light up with excitement I giggle and nodded my head at him, "Go ahead."

Natsu grabs my hand and pulls me close giving me a long passionate kiss in front of everyone in the guild hall. The room is so completely quite you could hear the ticking of the clock downstairs.

But I didn't care I melted into his kiss circling my arms around his neck pulling him closer deeper into the kiss before we finally pulled apart. Natsu is still looking into my eyes as he yells out to the guild "Lucy has agreed to be my wife!" The guild exploded into chaos from the cheers of our family and friends. You could probably hear it all the way across town at the train station.

I looked around and I saw Gajeel hurumph and crack a smile, his arms crossed standing by Levy who was going absolutely crazy jumping up and down.

I see Wendy looking confused, but happy as well with Carla and Happy. Happy came flying up to us flying straight for my arms again as I hugged him he cried and cried telling me how much he loved me and Natsu. It was so sweet I petted his head and kissed his forehead right between his cute little ears.

"Now let's party you brats!" we hear Master yell.

The rest of the day was spent drinking Natsu only a little bit and myself only Strawberry milkshakes. As many as I wanted because it had been so long since my last one. As everyone was getting drunk I was talking with Levy and Mira and I turn to Levy who had not drank much at all and I looked her in the eyes. "Levy will you be my Maid of Honor?" I ask her.

She screams out and throws her arms around my neck and I swear it was the top of her lungs she says "Yes of course!" I smile and begin taking about a summer wedding. Natsu and I had decided on the summer equinox for the wedding.

I see Natsu walk up to Grey I smile I knew he would ask him.

Natsu's POV

I see and hear Levy scream and throw her arms around Lucy. My sweet perfect Lucy.  Oh she wanted Levy to be her Maid of Honor, like there was a single person who didn't see that coming from a mile away. I walk over to Grey and sit down by him. He looks up and thumps me on the back.

"Congratulations, man. I didn't even know you two were dating?" I see him raise an eyebrow at me. I smirk at him, which he thumps me again harder.

"She wants our wedding on the summer equinox," I take a sip of my beer looking him in the eye.

He laughs out loud at this, "Makes sense the hottest day of the year perfect for a flame brain like you!"

"You want to go ice prick!" I light my hands on fire ready for a fight when suddenly Lucy is there and pulls on not only my ear but Grey's too putting us both back into our seats roughly.

"You can do it Natsu, without destroying anything," She whispers delectably into my ear making me shiver in pleasure. She walks away and I watch her ass sway as she walks.

"When did she get so strong? How did you two become S class?" I hear Grey complain bringing me back to the task at hand.

"Grey would you be my best man?" I ask him when he is finally done grumbling ignoring his question.

I watch him freeze up and stare at me, his eyes as large as saucers. I wait. Eventually he replies incredibly, "Me?"I nod my head and take another sip of my beer.

I wait for him to filter through his emotions until he finally looks me in the eye and gives me his answer, "I would be honored." I smile happy he left it without an insulting nickname he would have normally added.

I get up ready to leave with my bride to be I don't think I can wait to much longer for her. I lean down and whisper in Grey's ear, "By the way Luce is way stronger than Erza now." I wink at him as I move away leaving Grey so shocked that he looked paper white. I smile as I walk over to my mate.

I lean over allowing my breath to tickle her ear, "Are you ready? It's getting late." I then playfully wrap my arms around her shoulders and nibble on her ear.

I feel her lean into me letting out a low moan as she did. I pull away just enough to look her in the eyes. She nods and reaches for me. I carefully pick her up bridal style much to the cheers and whistles from our guild mates. As they congratulated and teased I carried her back to her apartment.

Can I really wait 3 months to marry her? Of course she is already my mate after all. When we get back inside I begin to slowly strip her of her clothes as I kissed her deeply carrying her to the bedroom.

Lucy's POV

Natsu gently lays me on the bed after he had stripped me naked. I feel so loved the way he caresses me so gently. I watch as he quickly strips himself and crawls into the bed on top of me. Slowly kissing up and down my body.

I feel myself moan out as he lifts my legs above his shoulders, I hear his breathing hitch as I'm sure the smell of my arousal gets to him. "Thank you for the meal," I barely hear him mutter before he plungers his tongue deep into my wet folds. I squirm as my legs wrap around his head pulling him closer. I'm rewarded when he scoops up to my clit swirling up, down, and around it before he buries deep into my center again. This goes on for what I'm sure was hours. I cum again and again until I feel my center knot up. So much for me giving him head too. I need him now.

I flip Natsu over on his back, he brings me with him causing me to literally sit on his face. I look down at him as he grins and attacks my clit again. I shiver as pleasure shoots through me causing my back to arch. That's it I'm going to make him understand just how much I love him, I can wait a little longer.

I turn myself around and begin handling his very erect, throbbing member. We are now in the 69 position as I take his tip and plunge it into my mouth. I hear him all but scream as he is muffled his tongue slipping deep into my folds. I deep throat him taking so much of him into my mouth, swirling my tongue up and down and around him. This is a true battle of wills both of us pleasuring the other while trying desperately not to lose focus on our tasks. I feel him tighten his grip on my hips and his own hips thrust up deeper into my mouth as he cums. I swallow everything, Natsu far too distracted to continue his own administration's. I get off of him and lay down beside him.

"How did you ever get so good at that?" I hear him pant beside me.

"I have the perfect reason, I love you and I want you to know it, to feel it, whenever I'm around," was my response. I know it sounds corny but it's true.