I love knowing the names of my infants. I start calling them by name, Sean (Anthony Wallace Martin) and Keith (Marshall Evan Martin). They will both have big Royal names because of their bloodline. We originally thought it would be Hank and Frank but the more we thought about it those names were to plain.
I take turns reading to them, singing lullabies and their daddies talk to them every night. It's so sweet how much Kara, Brett and Rhett all enjoy watching my stomach grow. Kara has become so close to me I can't imagine doing this without her.
She uses herbs to ease my uncomfortable swelling. I try to watch how I eat. I walk everyday 10k in the morning and again before bed. My brothers have even been behaving better as well. I'm not chasing around teenagers. I think I'm doing well but I still have this nagging pull toward Rhett. I've even started to stay close by him at all hours.
Brett has even started to feel something. We have talked about it. Neither of us understand what is going on but he gets Kara to help put a protection spell over him. The days pass by quickly.
I love the nursery. We decided on a beautiful blue on top and a bright white on the bottom. The theme is sock monkeys. I make the mobiles for the cribs and we have all kinds of sock monkeys around. photos, art work, everything. I find a wagon for the books, a rug with a sock monkey and I make personalized sock monkeys for them.
The coven warns us that the magic with our pups is extremely strong and that other covens might try to take the pups for strength. We beef up security and try to make sure I'm never alone. Willson and Russell are staying nearby as well. My brothers are very protective over the boys, even before birth.
When the boys start kicking harder I ask both of my mates to come sit down for a minute I want to show them something. We all sit on the sofa. I pull my top off. Then I ask them to watch. As we all stare at my belly Kara comes in. She laughs at us. However she joins in when I tell her to watch. I'm in my sports bra so when my brothers walk in I don't mind. I still have on my leggings.
After about ten minutes all of a sudden we see a foot. You can even see the toes. Then a hand, and we even can see them flip over. It's fascinating to watch them play together in my tummy. I say, "Boys calm down a little bit, mommy wants to keep all her parts intact." We all laugh. They stop moving around. I think that they hear us.
My mates kiss my belly and then me. One at a time, first Brett and then Rhett. Rhett takes my hand to help me up because I want to make popcorn. We go to the kitchen and start making a big bowl of popcorn with butter, salt and black pepper. As the butter melts he starts to rub my lower back.
Rhett always knows what I need before I do. He reaches his hand up under my shirt to fondle my breast while I finish the popcorn. A moan escapes my lips before he can smother it with his kisses. When the popcorn is finished we return to the living room for a movie together. Because we are all together we cool it for now.
I make sure Brett is ok if I'm with Rhett, he agrees and after the movie kisses me goodnight. I love how understanding he is. He knows that I have some kind of pull going on and he releases me to act on it. Brett is a wonderful man. His love is strong and secure. I follow Rhett up to his room. We make love several times before we fall asleep in a heap of arms, legs and my big belly.
Every night I go to Rhett so I make sure to do little things for Brett. Plus with the pregnancy I stay horny. We walk together in the woods in the morning stopping for some deliciously good sex before returning. We walk together at night and have another trist in the hay of the barn. Rhett has me every night and Brett everyday.
The doctor says that everything is perfect and to keep doing what we are doing. So this is our life for the second trimester and well into the third. However a few weeks before delivery I get sick. So sick they hospitalize me. I have a protective spell but something more powerful is trying to hurt me....actually trying to kill me.
"Anastasia the coven is going to help us protect you and our pups. It's another coven that has found out how powerful the infants are. Please trust we will do everything to insure your safety.", Brett tells me. Rhett pulls me into his embrace before I pass out. Wolf/snake hybrids heal very rapidly but this magic is very strong. I see my Grandmother Lady Juliet in my dreams. She tells me that I and my pups are safe. That she has talked to the boys and they will help me fight off this attack.
I wake up after 3 days and I know it's because of my pups protection. I thank them and tell them how much mommy loves them. I'm very restless and not enjoying the end of the pregnancy. It hurts to walk now so we have to stop doing the night walks. I also can't have sex because my cervix has begun to efface.
I'm not dilated yet so I can stay home. It can take days for the process to finish. I get my bag packed and I make sure mom knows. Xiaolian has her pups so now they have 5 children. Xiaolian has her mom and nannies. I just have Kara. I'm hoping that mom gets here in time.
After a week the doctor puts me on bed rest. He wants to make sure we are all healthy. With the coven protection and my Grandmother too I feel so safe. I really hope to talk to Grandmother again or the Moon Goddess. I really want to find out why this pull to Rhett is so strong. I even have him move into my room until after the birth.
Brett and Rhett take turns staying home with me. They are so attentive and very sweet. Kara brings me ice cream to my absolute delight. It's Pecan turtle, my favorite. Between that and the peanut butter craving I have I gain another 3 pounds.
I take a shower alone on the morning of the boys birth. Afterwards I am sitting on the side of the bed talking to mom about her flight. She should be here in another 7 hours. As I get up to hang up the phone my water breaks. I get my bag and mind link my mates. I then mind link the doctor. I wait for my mates who use a transfer spell to get to me fast. Then we walk to the hospital.
I get undressed and a gown on, the contractions start getting closer together. I want water but they say not to drink or eat until after. After 6 hours it's time to push but my mom isn't there yet. The doctor has Kara come in to be with me, plus my mates are very helpful. They count, wipe my face and rub my back.
I ask Brett to kiss me because only his touch soothes my pain. Every contraction he kisses me to take the pain. This makes the pain bearable. The nurse has a royal blue string ready to tie on the first born if a arm or leg is first. It makes me giggle to think of them both wanting out.
I push 3 times before the first pup is born, "My Little Master Sean Anthony Wallace Martin." He is wailing to the heavens. It makes me cry because he sounds so strong. After another hour my mom walks in and kisses my forehead. She makes it in time to see the arrival of our second born.
6 pushes and my Keith is still not coming out. Before the 7th push Brett whispers to my Tummy, "Baby boy I know you're scared but daddy is too. Please come out to join Sean and your parents." I push and he pops out like a shot. Brett catches him like a football. "Little Master Keith Marshall Evan Martin, welcome.", Brett greets him.
My parents join my mates and Kara in the nursery. Everyone is waiting to see the boys and take pictures. I'm with the doctor to deliver the placenta and sew up any areas that are torn. The boys Weight 6.2 for Sean and 5.9 for Keith. They are both healthy and I can't wait to see them. The doctor says I can walk down if I feel like it.
I walk to the bathroom first, I need to pee. Then I go see my boys. The nurse will bring them in 5 minutes so I walk back to my room. I meet a kind old Grandmother in the hall. She ask about my pups. She makes sure to tell me to guard them with my life because these days people want power.
Her eyes turn a pure silver as we talk. She Says, "Anastasia you will suffer a great loss but your heart will mend in time. You will learn that your heart goes on and it will become your greatest gift." I know that she is the Moon Goddess and I ask, " Lady Moon Goddess, will you provide protection to my greatest love?" She nods her head and disappears.
"Ana they are beautiful baby, you did good lil mate.", Brett kisses my head. "Well done babe!", Rhett exclaims. They are hugging and slapping each other on the back. "You two get outta here and let me relax so I can feed our boys.", I say. My parents just laugh.
Breastfeeding comes like second nature to me. I prop each boy on a boob and let them eat until they fall asleep in a milk coma. I wipe their little mouths and place them down in the incubator after a burp from each. Mom tells me I'm doing great. She and Kara will watch the boys while I sleep.
When I wake up I am ready to eat. The guys have a steak and lobster dinner delivered to my room. I eat every bite and drink lots of water. I am healing really fast. I'm the first hybrid to give birth. No one could tell me how it would go. The doctor examines me and the stitches are already healed. I ready to leave the hospital but he wants to observe the boys a little bit more. I agree to stay overnight.
Kara, my brothers, my parents and everyone else who is dropping by to visit leaves at 8. We settle in for the night. Brett and I cuddle while Rhett watches the boys. When its time for them to eat Keith mind links me, "Mommy wake up please your baby boy is hungry." At first I think I'm dreaming. Then Sean does it too, "Mommy please feed us. I'm very hungry and wet." It startles me.
I get up and walk over to the boys. I change diapers and pick up each boy in my arms. I make my way to the bed and get ready to feed them. "Thank you so much mommy. This feels much better.", Sean links me. "How are you both talking to me in my mind?", I ask them. "Well because of our super power we have been learning everything from our environment in your tummy. We can even do more than this.", Keith tells me in our link.
"Your Daddys will be so proud of you both. I hope you like your names. I can't wait to show you the nursery. I brought you both your sock monkey although you are too small to hold it. Your Grandparents will be surprised to hear you talk. Its amazing.", I just start talking nonstop to my boys.
"Mommy it will take a year for our bodies to catch up but it will be so much fun when we can walk and run.", Sean is so happy. "Mommy I love my name. I'm happy Sean is the Alpha and I am the Beta. Second is better in my opinion because I won't get blamed for things." Keith makes a valid point.
"You boys rest a little bit so we feel like visiting with our friends who can't wait to meet you.", I tell them. They agree to rest until time to eat. Every 4 hours. The doctor says every 2 to 3 but they tell me 4 is better for their tummies. I kiss all four of my guys and go to sleep. Life is good.