Chereads / The Mercenary System / Chapter 12 - Get in the suit Shinji.

Chapter 12 - Get in the suit Shinji.

It was the sixth day of training and also the last day of warp travel to the next system for the Prowler. The Trainees assembled on the bridge in a line before the Capitan to face evaluation.

Capitan Dawson looked over the trainees in a line and announced their results to the ship record.

"Trainee Theodore Hawkins, going through your record, our system noted that you performed above average in our marksmanship courses and showed an aptitude for multiple firearms. However, your hand-to-hand combat and timid nature leave much to desire in close-quarters combat. Freezing in a battle, even a simulated one, is a death sentence. That said, you were given a passing score in the strategy testing, and I am inclined to list you as a pass. You may show promise in arms, but do not discount your weaknesses. Overall, good standing." Dawson stamps Theo's digital record off on his datapad, and Theo visibly relaxes after the evaluation.

"Yes, sir. Thank you, sir." He replied and saluted as the captain advanced to Borridin.

Dawson stepped in front of a smiling Borridin with a quirked eyebrow. "Trainee Borridin Dumas, your training records decent firearm aptitude and an excellent foundation in hand-to-hand combat with obvious training in martial arts and counter-boarding tactics." Dawson took a second to pause at the now-preening Borridin and followed up with the remainder of the report.

"However, your aptitude for battlefield strategy Is drastically hindered due to your failure to minimize losses. It took multiple attempts to average a passing score, and even then, you barely passed the mark. Remember, a clever freelancer can beat a bullheaded, strong one in many ways, whereas the latter only considers one way. You pass, but you still need to keep this in mind."

Deflated, Borridin saluted and replied, "Yes sir, I will work on this for the pride of the Dumas name."

Huh, Azamir thought to himself. He had thought that name sounded familiar from somewhere. He would have to ask Theo about it later. A noble title, perhaps?

Capitan Dawson moved on to the woman trainee; it was odd that none of them knew her name even after six days on the ship. "Trainee Vessa. You also excelled in firearms training with development towards various small arms complimented by proper hand-to-hand combat skills that favor quick engagements. Strategy sessions put you on the average scale of success, so you also pass with my approval. However, one glaring issue I found is the one around communication and segmentation. Freelancers are specialized by nature and they do act independently from time to time, but teamwork and slotting those skills into a well-coordinated team is how a company maximizes its performance. You used your units in only the most rigid sense of their function and failed to use their skills to complement the other squad units during the simulation. This is what caused most of your losses."

Vessa, as she was named by the Capitan, looked contemplative and saluted to acknowledge the feedback.

Dawson finally stepped towards Azamir and gave his report.

"Trainee Azamir Ternum, you actually had an even performance in the marksmanship testing and basic hand-to-hand combat testing. Nothing overly outstanding, but marked improvement throughout the beginning of the training. However, you scored the highest of the Trainees in our stratagem simulations, with the highest success rate being 94%. That's quite a high ranking for a trainee. You will pass the evaluation and join the rest of the trainees."

Azamir saluted the Captain. "Yes, sir! it's an honor"

Dawson turned and made his way back to the front of the group.

"Trainees! Since you all passed the simulated tests, it's time to show you the more practical tools of the trade. You will all be granted the rank of provisional rookie and fitted to a temporary EXO suit to take part in a practical exercise starting at 14:00 shipboard time. Go see the quartermaster for your gear and be in the briefing room at 11:00. Dismissed."

The Trainees filtered out of the bridge and made their way down to the engineering bay and armory for the dropship. McGregor was standing next to four equipment racks with the same model of EXO-suit in each one. As they approached, McGregor turned and smiled at the group.

"Hey! ye all passed! The Cap' n told me to whip up something nice for ye, and I don't mean to blow me own horn. But I think ye will quite like these, even if it be only a basic model. Now, Gather round!"

A projection appeared on a general display depicting the same EXO model on the armory racks.

"Meet teh Vestige, Basic EXO model for any freelancer gettin their feet wet in enhanced warfare. While set aside for more specialized models on the field it still serves as a great suit to be exposed to what they can offer..."

McGregor launched into a surprisingly detailed explanation of the Vestige model, outlining its specs and features. Azamir liked the modular fittings on the forearms for different weapons and the built-in flight system on the back. It looked like a solid mix of firepower, armor quality, and speed.

After going through a few weapons and fittings with each trainee, McGregor began to prep each individual suit for their upcoming exercise. After assigning their gear, the Trainees went back to the virtual training room to experience their loadouts in an open range and staging area.

Azamir loaded into the virtual simulation again immediately, wearing the Vestige. Garbed in yellow and grey overlapping armor plating, he flexed and tested his range of motion back and forth.

Pleasantly surprised at the responsiveness of the miniature servos in the armor, Azamir found that it was no more difficult to move than without it. He then moved forward to the firing range to see his chosen equipment.


[Rifle: Cold Fury]

[Damage per shot: low-med]

[Rate of fire: 180 shots per minute]

[Fire modes: Single shot, Three round burst, Full auto]

[Quality: Common]

[Cold Fury was designed to be a versatile rifle that functions in any environment. The name refers to the ammunition being viable in a vacuum and can be propelled with or without explosive force via a magnetic rail system that launches the ammunition.]


[Laser Handgun: operator]

[Damage per shot: low]

[Rate of fire: continuous]

[Fire modes: sustained, short burst]

[Quality: Common]

[The Operator was designed to allow for long-term deployment where ammunition is sparse. The laser can also be operated as a door breach to burn through light bulkhead doors. Charged via an attachment to the user's EXO suit, this Lazegun could come in very handy for extended engagements]


Partnered with these two weapons, Azamir holstered Cold Fury as the weapon retracted and was magnetically attached to his lower waist to stay out of the way. The Operator was magnetically holstered to his right thigh next to his other tools and basic survival kits attached to the utility belt on the suit. The computer explained that Ammo and energy cells were actually fed into his armor system to be ejected out and into the clip for his rifle as long as a mag was in the slot on his left thigh.

Getting used to the placement of the weapons, Azamir fired a few rounds with each to assess the distance and general feel of the firearms. He felt comfortable in this balanced loadout and was ready to deal with any situation.

Next, the system guided Azamir to a launchpad to review the flight system. As he stepped in the middle of the pad, the AI assistant listed the functions and limitations of the flight system.

{Due to energy and heat constraints, the Vestige can sustain guided flight for upwards of 30 seconds before needing to land and vent heat. The user is advised to keep this in mind with high-level engagements and make the most of the flight time available. The suit can fly in a boosted state for 10 seconds, given there is no more than 1/4 of heat built up in the system. Users can engage in flight by pressing the belt activation plate with their hands.}

Azamir took note of this before looking up at the computerized sky. He fiddled with it for a second before palming his belt in the middle. Suddenly, the back thrusters ignited, and flames spread from his feet, shooting him up into the air!

It was incredibly freeing to move about in the sky, and the AI system generated an obstacle course in front of him.

Azamir grinned and oriented himself toward the course. "Aww, yes, here we go!" The thrusters engaged as he flew, glided, and boosted past obstacles and landed on the end platform.

The system then engaged in a battlefield simulation to test its full features. It was here, after getting used to quick boosting maneuvers and more experience with the rifle, that the AI computer told him about the final EXO-suit feature on his model.

{The Vestige is equipped with a FIRESTORM launcher and 4 salvos of ammunition. This micro-missile launcher can spread good area coverage and take out groups of hostiles when needed. Used as a last resort for high payloads or coordinated strikes, The FIRESTORM will be your deadliest ordinance in the fight}

After an explanation, the system spawned multiple projections and highlighted them for targeting.

{Please engage the FIRESTORM when ready}

With a goofy grin, Azamir locked the firestorm launcher, causing his right shoulder to deploy the weapon and paint the targets red before firing.

"Boom, Baby!" Azamir pressed the firing button on his left inside forearm and the launcher spit out three missiles that split into multiple micro missiles and leveled the whole area in a 60-degree cone in front of him.

Looking at the simulated carnage before him, Azamir smirked and mused, "Oh, I like this weapon."

The heads-up display blinked, letting him know that the briefing was due soon, so he logged out and made his way to the meeting.

Time to see what this practical exercise was about.