He is hiding something from me.
It is obvious but I don't know what it is.
The fear when I told him a woman was outside is still in my mind. I know he has been through shit—haven't we all?
I just wish it was easy for him to talk to me. He didn't want to go out with me because he didn't want me to bring it up but how can I not.
Something that weird happened and he expects me to act like I don't remember it. That woman is going to come back.
She seemed desperate to see him.
What could have happened to make him avoid her?
We eat in silence. After I told him that he didn't have to talk to me if he didn't want to. I let him know that I would wait for him to open up to me when in reality, I was dying to know. I wanted to know why he was so afraid of his mother showing up. There has to be a reason for his fear and I want him to be able to talk about it with me.