Chereads / Pokemon: insect trainer / Chapter 30 - Plans for the future

Chapter 30 - Plans for the future

The battle ends and Lance is crouched on the ground with black lines on his head, making circles on the ground, it seems that losing to an 8-year-old child is a severe blow to the pride of the champion of two regions.

He quickly recovers and comes to talk to me.

Lance: "Big battle" champion ".

Me: "Don't call me that, I will not accept this post".

Lance: "Ehhhhhhhh?".

Lance: "Do you understand that a lot of people would kill for that post and you casually give up like it's nothing?"

Me: "I'm 8, almost 9 I don't want to take that kind of responsibility".

Lance once again becomes depressed at the mention of my age, but he understands.

I'm called by the league to take the photo to put in the Hall of Fame with my team, unlike the games you can take with your whole team instead of 6, it was kind of a relief I really didn't want to choose one to stay out.

No longer having anything to do, I take my Flygon and run away, I'm not in the mood to be interviewing.

I can reach Pallet in 20 minutes is not really that far from the Indigo Plateau.

I manage to arrive discreetly in the laboratory, the city was strangely quiet, so I realize that today is the day of Ash's party for getting far in the pokémon league.

I quickly get mixed up in the party, nobody realizes who I am, in fact I am very good at being discreet and I can easily become a background character.

The party goes on and the Rocket team makes a mess again, until Daisy notices me and is ready to scream when she realizes that I'm starting to run and as an anime character she can easily capture me as if it were the easiest thing in the world.

Daisy: "Hehe Grandpa look who I managed to capture 'little prince Jim'".

At the moment, those still at the party are Oak, Ketchums and Ash's friends who stayed to help clean up.


Professor Oak: "Aren't you supposed to be on the Indigo Plateau?"

Me: "Well, I ran away when I had the chance, the press started looking at me as if I were a piece of meat".

Daisy and Delia: "Look at the language".

Me: "And what is this 'Little Prince' thing?"

Daisy: "Don't you know? Everyone started calling you that thanks to the fact that several of your Pokémon look like royalty."

Professor Oak: "Well, since you came here there must be a reason, you never came without one".

Me: "Sharp as always, teacher, yes I wish that if there is any farm in the area that is for sale? Money is not a problem!

Professor Oak: "Well, I know you made a lot of money in the league, but you should spend money more consciously, after all, land is very expensive and can be a bad investment."

Me: "Don't worry, professor, I was already quite rich before the league, it only doubled my current fortune".

At that moment everyone looks at me as if a head has grown.

Professor Oak: "What? How is it possible? The prize to win the league is already big, you still won from the elite four!"

Me: "Teacher remember how I got permission to go on a journey?

Professor Oak: "I remember you, made a huge commotion defeating a huge number of people, DO YOU WAIT WHAT TO SAY?

Me: "Yes, to be more exact I challenged 253 people who had 7 badges up, but the number of official battles was 1112, almost everyone was back for rematches".

Professor Oak: "But if you have won so many battles against advanced trainers and possibly some in the elite rank it doesn't mean that".

Me: "Yes, I made a lot of money, oh how I miss the days of bug catcher I could just use the law to force people to fight me and after beating up their Pokémon I still took their money it was like being allowed to be one highwayman, good times life was simpler, it was a time of innocence ".

A single drop if sweat drips from people's heads.

Daisy: "Instead of being called 'little prince' he should be called 'little demon'."

People nodded in agreement.

Me: "You are just jealous of the simple way that I see life".

Everyone: "Shut up!".

Professor Oak: "So what are you going to do now that you won the league?"

Me: "I was thinking of staying on Pallet until the dust settles and I can continue my journey".

Professor Oak: "I thought you were going to do something outrageous again like trying to make the kabuto lineage win the 'Bug' type.

Me: "I thought about it, but I gave up seems like a lot of work, the Kabuto lineage only looks like a" bug "as if it were some kind of ancestor. I would have to make it develop naturally with the" bug "type by finding a pokémon with an "Egg group" that would take you towards the "bug" types I happened to find a perfect one in the 'Water3' group a pokémon called Golisopod, but I'm not in the mood to train one and I don't think I'll have the same luck with Flygon that I had immediate results I would probably need a few generations to get it right ".

People have a blank face as if I am speaking in another language, while Professor Oak, Daisy and Brock seem to understand.

Professor Oak: "Hm, since you thought so far and gave up means that you have a better project in mind, would you mind telling me which one?"

Me: "Not really, I'm interested in a 'bug' eeveelution."

Once again, a tone of surprise spread.

Gary: "Humph, don't you know that there is no such eeveelution?"

Me: "The point, my dear, is not that it doesn't exist, it just hasn't appeared yet and I'm excited to bring that to the world".

Professor Oak: "Well, you usually have detailed plans on how to pursue your crazy ideas, would you mind telling me about it?"

Me: "Well, I will use the parameters of the evolutions already available, I cataloged several items that contain energy of the type 'bug' and I have already made a training plan in case it fails and I need to teach movements of the type" bug "as Sylveon needs".

Professor Oak: "A solid plan, but I must warn you that Eevee usually has difficulty learning movements outside the normal type, usually he learns some 'Egg moves' or an inherited affinity from his parents, that's why Sylveons are almost exclusively from Kalos eevees since there are many fairy types there, the Pokémon there are saturated with 'Egg moves' or descended from powerful fairies. "

Me: "Doesn't that matter much have I already come up with a training plan that is likely to be super effective in teaching any type of attack to Eevee?"

Professor Oak and the others give me a puppy look.

Me: "I'm sorry guys, but this is a training plan."

I don't even finish speaking and a flood of people complaining and begging hits me.

Me ": Okay, okay, but if an eeveelution came out of that conversation I want the credits."

Professor Oak: "You can leave my son, I'll make sure that happens".

He speaks with flames in his eyes.

Me: "Well, Eevees can easily learn a movement that is normally ignored by Trainers and even by Eevees themselves it is called 'Narutal Gift' a movement of the normal type, but the type in which it attacks depends on the type of fruit it consumes . "

Gary: "It's just that I thought it was something smarter, this is nothing Grandpa just said that eevee don't learn movements easily".

Gary speaks, although that's what most people think.

Me: "Don't be stupid, no matter how difficult it is for Eevee to naturally learn attacks of other types, as long as he has felt and experienced adaptability of the normal type he will act and improve the training speed with other types several times."

Gary and the others look a little embarrassed and Professor Carvalho is strangely silent, but you can see some gears moving in his head.

Professor Oak: "This is brilliant, revolutionary, so simple, so creative".

All the teacher wants is to go out and get several Eevees to test.