Chereads / Pokemon: insect trainer / Chapter 31 - Growth

Chapter 31 - Growth

1 month passed and a lot happened, when the media realized that I was nowhere, all Kanto stopped until I made a call to the nurse Joy of Viridian and the official Jenny of Viridian that I was fine and just didn't want to appear, they then informed their families and the League.

Not that it prevented the media from hunting me, but it doesn't matter Professor Oak wouldn't give me information if I didn't want to, anyway, speaking of him, he got a beautiful and large farm away from Pallet just a few kilometers from Mt. Silver, it only cost me 1/3 of my money. I was able to establish myself easily and my pokémons loved the place, it also allows me to make occasional visits to MT. Silver the most dangerous place in Kanto and Johto explored a small part of the outside area and is already more dangerous than Victory Road.

At the moment I am in Alola more precisely in a cave that is in the Lush jungle there are many rumors of Volcaronas and Larvestas being found here on the internet, although rumors are not very reliable, I remember that it existed in the games here.

It only took 1 day of searching to find a group, not that I am extremely lucky, but my Pokémon and I have a lot of experience in this type of thing and we are in an extremely dangerous area each group, swarm or pack is led by at least one Pokémon in the champion rank there are few people who can enter here, i am lucky that my Ninjask and my Shedinja can take me anywhere discreetly.

There are some eggs that I could take and run away from, but I'm not just anybody to lower myself like that, I just release my Beedrill and ask him to drop the whole swarm without seriously injuring me.

And in less than 20 seconds he drops the leader and releases a king's aura and everyone falls to what would be their Knee.

I approach the leader and tell him to make an egg as soon as possible with the female that I see is most powerful.

And he quickly does what I say, in the pokemon world the strong are respected, my Beedrill has released his full potential as a king in the battle against Lance and has become stronger since then, submitting to someone like my Beedrill is not shameful, maybe he is even proud that his offspring will follow me.

The next morning he shows up with an egg to give me, I give him and the female several items that are good for fire and bug and they thank me deeply.

It takes me 3 more days to get home, since I had to catch an Eevee Egg with the most famous Pokémon Breeder specializing in the Kanto Eevees lineage, Professor Oak who arranged me actually wants to see if what I can is possible I stated earlier.

Skip Time ~ 2 months later

The two were born a month ago again on the same day, Larvesta is promising, but nothing is too much these types of bug pokémons, when it does not have a cocoon stage it is very weak until it explodes in power with the evolution at once, but he has a long way to go despite having managed to do 'Ember' in the first week of life.

As for Eevee I can only thank Arceus, I was scared to death that he didn't want to become a bug-type Pokémon, but I think being surrounded by bug Pokémon since he was born and the noble appearance and deadly air of my Pokémon must have becoming his respect figures, none of the various items reacted with Eevee, but his bug training is going well, he has already managed to learn Bug bite and Fury Cutter in 1 month.

I'm currently rehearsing to open Viridian's Pokémon Contest, I wanted to refuse, but it was Nurse Joy herself who asked me, apparently Contest Pokémon are not very popular in Kanto, so they want to use me to do publicity.

I go on stage and somehow manage to make the best performance ever.

Right when I was called I had no idea what to do until I remembered a kind of shadow theater where a guy dressed as a swordsman fights several shadows in the background.

And it all took me until today when Shedinja and I gave an incredible presentation where Shedinja used his pure control over his phantom power to create forms of dark beings and creatures, while Shedinja and I played characters who face these shadows, our the performance was magnificent we managed to pass all the feelings of the journey and the growth of a hero until the final climax that we fought until the last second against one of the shadow army until the Shedinja rises and releases Gigantic "Sunny Day" that ends the army of shadows.

We turned around to thank the stunned crowd and left for 5 minutes of intense performance.

After a few minutes the audience is finally able to absorb what they just watched and give the biggest standing ovation ever witnessed in Kanto.

But I was already gone, I took the opportunity to escape, my participation was already being announced a few months ago and the press was eager to corner me here.

Later I am awakened by calls from Daisy and Joy practically demanding that I become a coordinator.

Followed by the league that wants to form a cup with my name equal to the cup Walace, once again I politely declined.

Time Skip

Then another 6 Months passed and finally things got cold again, the league made available the video of my presentation on Poketube and I am now one of the most famous people in the world.

As for my pokémons.

The younger ones have made incredible progress

Eevee has already learned Bug Bite, Fury Cutter, Leech Life, lunge, Pin missile, Beam signal, U-Turn and X-scizor.

But I don't know why he didn't evolve he has accumulated more than enough bug energy, there seems to be a little missing to trigger evolution, Professor Oak has the same opinion, He already thinks it's amazing that I taught all these bug-like movements to Eevee.

Larvesta was a little bit difficult to set up a training routine, it is difficult, he is very weak at this stage, but I thought about training him under the 'Sunny Day' effect at the beginning he almost couldn't train due to the lack of power, so Sunny day helped to learn to use a greater amount of power that he already has and also helped to recharge faster, After a point I realized that this could be a type of solar fire, I found the idea fun as a Chinese novel power and Sunny day it really works like a Sun because it can serve to activate ability based on the Sun and movements that use the Sun as a base like the solarbeam.

He really managed to learn it is much hotter than normal flames and forms a beautiful golden flame.

Currently he uses this flame naturally as if it were his natural flames. He can even use the night without a problem, he merged all the fire-like movements with Sunny day, he may even have problems using some fire-like movements without it, at first I I was worried about energy consumption, but we managed to balance it with his Flame body skill and the consumption became much lower, in fact since we worked on developing his skill he started to spend even less energy than before.

He is about to win the title for which his Evolution earned his fame "The rage of Sun".

I think it's the first Larvesta Elite rank in history.

The older ones have not changed much, but have become more powerful, with the exception of Flygon, Ninjask and Shedinja.

Flygon is Normal he practically had just evolved during the league, in these months he managed to consolidate his strength to become one of the strongest of my team despite the second position being tied with Butterfree, Scizor and Flygon.

Ninjask and Shedinja finally had their mutation.

The Ninjask its head took the shape of the head of Japanese armor, its wings became a little more transparent and changed a little to a more aerodynamic shape that made it faster and quieter, while its claws took a slightly sharper shape, but it didn't changed a lot.

As far as his power he improved his speed and his control over his Speed ​​boost ability and his stealth went to another level with his Hidden ability 'infiltrator' he is now the personification of a ninja.

Already Shedinja took a surprising shape his halo became complete instead of the usual half moon and on his forehead a third eye appeared as a streak in half moon, his wings seem to have grown a little more.

As Ninjask he also improved in his abilities, his Wonder Guard started to suffer from status effects and climates.

while there appears to be another ability that Professor Oak and I haven't been able to identify seems to function as a 'detect', but it also seems to increase its ghost-like power.

As for the others, they have grown in power, but they seem to have reached a bottleneck.

For the past 6 months I have been writing a book about bug types and how to train them.

I may have only a small number of bug types, but I had a lot of experience in the Viridian forest, I explored places there that only a few have been and dealt with a wide variety of bug types.

The title is 'Float like a Butterfree, sting like a Beedrill'.

I am the first to admit that the name does not make much sense in relation to the content of the book, but it seemed cool.