Chereads / More Than Just a Dungeon Guide / Chapter 6 - Until the Day We Meet Again...

Chapter 6 - Until the Day We Meet Again...

We returned to the guide shop, and I opened the door to let Maya walk in first.

"Welcome ba… What happened?! Why does Miss Shinomori look so roughed up?!" Akane asked, glaring at me with evident concern.

"The minotaur was a little trickier than usual. That's all," I replied, figuring it best not to reveal anything to Akane, at least not yet. "Miss Rainoha, could you use your magic and heal Maya… umm, I mean, Miss Shinomori… as an apology for my carelessness today?"

Akane kept staring at me, but her look softened. "Maya…?" she muttered.

"What was that?" I asked Akane.

"Oh, n-n-nothing… I'll heal Miss Shinomori then. You look like you could use some healing too, Mr. Kurotaka. Do you want me to handle the dungeon certificate, so you can lie down in the backroom?"

"No! I can do that!" I realized I raised my voice, so I took a deep breath to calm down. I started to walk to my desk. "…S-s-sorry. I meant to say I'll write up the certificate for Ma… Miss Shinomori."

"Ooookayyyy…" I heard Akane rise from her desk and said to Maya, "Miss Shinomori, just relax, and I'll have you healed up in a moment."

As I sat at my desk, I pondered about the confused look in Akane's face and the apprehension in her voice. Helmut's Cave was a beginner-level dungeon, after all, so neither Maya nor I should've been in any real danger. I'd fought the minotaur hundreds of times before.

And sure, there were several cases where the fight was more demanding than usual, and I'd deviate from the default battle strategy. Still, the challenge presented today was exceedingly outside the norm. It was only natural for Akane to look as concerned as she was.

But Akane and I also had an established process in our everyday duties for the shop. Whoever was tending the shop while the other was out in the field prepared the certificate for the dungeon's completion. I was utterly sure Akane had the document all written up, with Maya's name as the recipient and her name as the benefactor, all signed in Akane's handwriting.

Although I knew Akane had the completed certificate in the top drawer of her desk, I pulled out a blank from my desk and started to fill in Maya's and my names. I made sure to take my time to write as neatly and cleanly as I could. It was the least I could do to help make up for the trouble Maya couldn't avoid today.

Was I feeling guilty just now for something totally out of my control, or was this some other indescribable feeling when Maya came to mind? Nah, it's just my imagination, that's all it is…right?

While I finished signing the document, I heard Akane cast her spell. "O Heavenly Saint, seal the scars of the body and light it anew… Restoration!"

A white light enveloped Maya, her eyes closed, and her head facing upwards. Maya began to relax, her arms hanging by her sides and her shoulders drooping down. She looked so radiant, I was fixed to my chair and stared at her until the spell was finished.

I was glad that Akane hadn't turned around and saw my expression. Who knew the looks I'd get from her if she saw my mouth dropping to the floor? But why did I need to worry about that? Sure, Maya was beautiful and all, but it wasn't like I could stay with her after today, right?

The glow of the spell faded away, and as Maya opened her eyes, Akane asked, "How are you feeling?"

Maya let out another deep breath and replied, "I feel refreshed. I don't have any more pain. Thank you for treating me, Miss Rainoha."

"It's no problem. You don't have to thank me. I'm sure if it was all Mr. Kurotaka's fault anyway. He can be such a bother, sometimes I don't know what to do with him… Hahaha!" Akane then turned towards me and winked. "Isn't that right?!"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," I flippantly replied as I got up from my desk. No need to further fuel Akane's attempts to shoot me down… I think I've made enough of an excellent impression to Maya, right? At least I hope so… Wait a minute, why am I caring so much about this…?

Trying to keep my mind on the job, I walked over to the two girls and handed Maya the certificate. "Congratulations again, Miss Shinomori, for beating the dungeon. I hope you'll continue to greater feats and accomplish your mission as a hero."

"Thank you very much," Maya said. She gently took the document, carefully rolled it up, and slowly put it in her bag. Was it just my imagination again, or was Maya extremely meticulous in that process?

I began to ask, "So what are going to…"

But Maya then reached out for my left hand and clasped it in both of hers. She looked into my eyes, and I saw the warmest smile she'd given me all day. "H-Haru… Oh, I apologize, I mean, Mr. Kurotaka… Thank you again for all you've done. I'll become stronger so I can overcome my faults. I won't forget this day, and I'll start believing in myself too. Thank you…"

I sensed the genuine appreciation in her voice, and I tried as hard as I could to not take her completely in my arms. Akane was right next to me after all, and I didn't want to give her the wrong impression even further.

Just out of curiosity, I directed my eyes towards Akane when Maya bowed her head. I saw a half-confused, half-annoyed look on Akane's face; her expression confirmed I made the right decision to control my impulses.

Maya released my hand, but I remained speechless. She turned towards the exit and began to walk away.

"Thank you again for your business today!" Akane joyfully cited the usual goodbye ritual. "Please let everyone know about the wonderful service we offer and feel free to come back anytime!"

As Maya opened the door, the world around me completely froze at that moment. The mass of thoughts I was suppressing until now exploded all over my mind.

Was this it? Maya had the makings to be a mighty, prominent warrior, but she was still just a frightened, lost girl underneath it all. She made such bold claims about how the world was starting to crack. Sure, I saw those types of reports increase as of late, so maybe her story wasn't as far-fetched as it seemed.

I understood how she would feel distressed, no one giving her a chance before to tell her side of things. It seemed all she wanted was someone who'd listen, someone who'd set aside their reservations and reach out to her.

I felt glad that I was willing to hear her out. Sure, we both came from such different backgrounds. And unlike me, she probably never had anyone there to truly support her in her pain... to truly care for her... to truly love her…

But yet, her story seemed so out there. Why did I stop myself in that dungeon and give her that chance? I never gave much thought to know all my past clients, so why now?

Was it because I started to fall for her? Even if that were the case, I'd only just met this girl today, so it felt wrong to take advantage of her.

But that smile after putting away the certificate… that had to be the real Maya, the Maya who wanted to gush out and consume the darkness and trauma clouded over her.

I wanted to see that smile again. If there were some way that I could help her out… I wouldn't be able to just run away right now… leave Kolm… leave the shop… leave my family… leave Akane…

Maybe there was something… it would take time, but perhaps I could find a way to be there, to support her one day, to help make that smile natural to her… to be by her side, to just be with her…

A couple minutes after the door slammed shut, I regained my senses and started to run out of the shop. As I opened the door, I could hear Akane shriek, "H-Haru?"

I left the shop and glanced first to my right, to the south, to see if Maya was still there. There was a carriage a little distance away, and the driver extended some stairs for Maya to step in. As she raised a foot into the carriage, I cried out to her, "Maya! If I were to get stronger, strong enough that I would never be a burden to you, would you start a party with me?"

She turned her face towards me, and I saw her smile again. Not as warm as the one in the shop, but one meant for a dear friend. As our eyes met, Maya said, "Haru Kurotaka… until the day we meet again…" She then bowed her head to me and walked into the carriage.

The driver closed the door and got back up onto his horse. And as the carriage drove off to the south, I wondered when I would be able to fulfill the promise I just made with Maya, the day when she and I would be reunited once again.