Chereads / Why Did the God of Love Choose Me?! / Chapter 68 - Chapter 67

Chapter 68 - Chapter 67

"Elderidge?" I asked.

"That's…Beast Kin territory. What are they doing there?" Han asked, his expression was one of confusion.

Oh! I totally forgot about the Beast Kin! Maybe I'm going to finally meet a cat girl!

"They took over a village near the outskirts. They imprisoned the Beast Kin and have others held there as well. Humans and Elves alike."

"Wait, they have more people imprisoned?" I put a hand to my chin, remembering the conversation with the bandits I overheard when saving Silvia.

They talked about trading the Princess, and that they were hired to do so. They also mentioned someone hired them. That means that the boss guy I just killed isn't the man that's the head of this operation. He's just the boss of these assassins that work for him.

Could there be more going on then we know? If they're capturing people, despite race, it could be a sex trade-or maybe a slave trade. What the operation is though isn't what really matters, it's who's behind it that is.

"Yeah, and they're all females as well…they…they killed the men…" she put a hand to her mouth as more tears ram down her face. "All the kids fathers….the wives husbands….they killed them all…." My eyes widened and my pupils shrunk as she mentioned what they had did.

"Those bastards!" Han clenched his fists, shaking from the anger.

"K-Kichi?" Sora looked over at me. They al had the same look on their face. One of sadness and despair, yet anger and hatred showed in their eyes.

"I know," I stated, already knowing what must be done. I raised my right hand as if I was holding something in it, my hand catching fire. "We're going to save all of them." I clenched my hand into a fist, snuffing put the flame. "And kill the bastards who made them cry!"

"Wait, right now?" Sarah stepped in front of me as if she was trying to stop me.

"Why not?" I asked.

"Elderidge isn't across the forest. It's halfway across the Kingdom, far to the West." She replied. "So I don't think going right now would be a good idea. For one, you aren't ready, and two, I'm sure they'll find out about the dead soon enough when they don't come back. So they'll probably hire more, if not better people."

"Tsk." I hate to admit it, but she's right. That's far away, and we aren't prepared for the journey.

"So…then what do we do?" Patora asked.

Han sighed heavily. "Well, as much as I want to go kill the bastards now, we should probably go report to the guild master and tell them Kichichi finished another dungeon, and even inform them of these assassins and the people they have imprisoned."

"You're right," Rubellia agreed. "It would be best to tell Torappu about this. Maybe they can even help us?"

"Yeah," I mumbled as I looked at the ground.

I'll make them pay! I'll make sure of it!

"So, should we start heading back to the capital?" Sarah suggested.

"We?" I looked at her coldly out of habit. She shrunk down in submission. "Sorry," I scratched the back of my head. "Habit of mine. You're still new, so it may take me a second to get use to your company."

"W-what do you mean?" She asked.

"Kichi is very…" Sora put a finger to her chin. "Anti social."

"I'd say he's more Anti-People. He hates crowds and the more people that tag along and talk to him, he gets more distant and…well, pessimistic, I guess. Very depressing person to have in a party." Han added.

"Gee, thanks," I grumbled, to which they all just laughed, expect Sarah, who still seemed confused.

"It doesn't matter," I sighed. "But yeah, we should head back."

"Okay, well follow me then. I know a short cu-" A gate opened in front of her, cutting her off. She jumped back and pulled her dagger out, ready for combat.

"Calm down," I patted her on the back as I walked past her. "It's a skill of mine, teleport. It'll take us to the capital, so we don't have to walk."

"Wait, you know teleport? That means you're-"

"An Arch Mage? Yes," I finished the sentence for her and answered it as well. "Now if that's it, I'd like to get back so I can get this over with and get some shut eye before coming up with a plan to save all those people."

"Are you sure it's safe?" Sarah asked, inspecting the portal. "It isn't going to kill us?"

"Huh…well there's a chance it may," I put a finger to my cheek. "Though it's only like, 75 percent."

"75!" Sarah jumped away from the portal. Han, however, who had already caught on to my eve I'm scheme, grabbed her arms with a smile you shouldn't trust.

"Oh, you'll be fine. Promise." He slowly began walking himself and her to the portal.

"No! I-I don't want to die! Please!" She kicked and flaked, trying to break free, but to no avail. Han was much stronger than her, and he stepped through the portal, followed my Rubellia, Sora, And Patora, leaving me the last one.

I sighed softly as I scratched the back of my head and looked at the destruction before me. All the bodies that had burned from Rubellias spell. Unlike my fire magic, hers wasn't strong enough to vaporize them, but it sure as hell got the job done.

I looked at me hand. "Burn to nothing!" The words echoed in my head. I had killed a person…a human, yet I felt nothing.

Maybe it's because of Calm Mind. But I honestly doubt that. The people we had killed…they're worse than scum, and they got why they deserved. That's why I felt nothing. No remorse. No regret.

I sighed once more as I stepped into the portal.

We stepped out of the portal and found ourselves in front of the Guild Hall, just were I wanted to be. The plaza was busy with people, but we paid no mind to them as we walked into the guild. The second we walked in, we were greeted by everyone.

"Hey, it's the Reaper!" One man shouted.

"He's back from clearing another dungeon. What a monster." Another man said.

"He's strong, and good looking to boot." A woman's voice called out.

"I'm glad he's in our guild, it would suck to have him in another."

"Hey, Reaper. Come over and party with us!" They all cheered as they raised their mugs to me.

"Err… Not right now," I waved my hands in surrender, a small bead of sweat on my cheek. All these gazes and voices talking about me are beginning to make my skin crawl. I know their words of appraisal, but still. I don't like attention.

Then again, I keep clearing these dungeons, so of course that's going to draw attention, but I'm not going to stop, the gamer inside me wants to clear these dungeons and finish this game.

"We have to go report to the guild master," Sora smiled and waved as we made our way past them, heading up the stairs. "But we'll defiantly be down to party after."

Don't make a decision for me! You can stay, but I'm using teleport and getting the hell outta here.

"Alright, we'll be waiting!" Their voices trailed off as we made our way down the hall to Torappu's office.

"Why'd you tell them we'd be back?" I frowned as we walked.

"Well, I know you hate crowds, but this is your guild. You can't just not party when invited. Plus, I know deep down you want to. You'll be able to drink and relax."

YOU will be to drink and relax. I don't drink.