"To much attention," I replied. "I don't want it. Besides, I could care less what your royalty has to say." I sneered at the word royalty.
They act so high and mighty, like they are the best thing to happen to their country or nation; or capital in this case, yet they sit in their castle all year long doing nothing but eating good food and drinking merry as the people in need struggle to live day by day.
Why the hell should I care what royalty needs or wants from me? You're so strong and influential, ring your damn bell and get your servants to do it for you. Because I won't come at the ring of that bell, never.
"Kichi!" Rubella said, her voice shrill. "I…think we should go see what the King wants."
"Really?" I raised my lip in disgust, not at her, but the thought. "Do all of you think this?"
They all nodded their heads in agreement.
"Tsk" I clicked my tongue in annoyance and defeat. "Well, if all of you want to go, I can't say no." I scratched the back of my head. "Wouldn't be fair to all of you." I sighed as Ezra filled out the forms and placed it in a box. More than likely a mailbox of sorts.
"Good. Now if you step outside, I'm pretty sure the chariot is waiting for you." She gnarled her lip in disgust at me. "Watch your mouth around the King, criminal."
"I'll try to watch my mouth. No promises though." I said, to which I got a click of the tongue in return.
"Let's get going," Han started as he and everyone else made their way out the Guild Hall, me following behind.
"Wait!" A voice called from behind us. A familiar voice.
"Oh no…" I mumbled as I slowly turned around to see Torappu, the guild master, approaching us.
"I need to speak with you, Kichirou Saiyaku." Their voice was serious, along with their eyes.
"About what?" Sora asked as she walked up behind me.
"Just Kichirou," they replied. "The rest of you can go wait in the chariot. It won't be long." My group did as told, though hesitantly, and went outside to the chariot.
Torappu lead me back to their office, closing the door as we walked in. "Kichirou," they started seriously as they headed to the desk and sat down. "I've been informed that the King has requested an audience with you."
"Yeah…and?" I asked. "Is it a bad thing?"
"In a sense, yes." They started. "The King is no fool. He will take one look at you and he'll know that you have no magic in your body, and it will make him question who, no, what you are."
"Ah, but I do have magic," I smiled cockily, knowing I now have pyrokinesis.
"I do not sense any magic coming from you. So, what do you mean you have magic?" They raised their eyebrow in confusion.
"Well," I started as I raised on hand up as if I was giving something to them. I imagined the energy flowing through my body to my hand, focused it. Within seconds a fire appeared in my hands, burning hot and bright, though small.
"HSSSSSSSSK!" Torappu hissed at me as they jumped out of their chair towards me, pulling a knife to my throat. "You!" They hissed once more.
"H-Hey!" I raised my hands in surrender, the flame snuffing out. "W-what's going on. What did I do?"
"Don't play dumb with me, Demon King." They pressed the blade closer to my neck. I wanted to gulp, but if I did I feared my throat would be cut.
"D-Demon King?" I asked, the word confusing me. What the hell do they mean by that? Is there a person in this world known as the Demon King? Like the ones in anime? That's….kinda cool. But I'm definitely not him!
"You think you can play dumb? Everyone knows of the Demon King and the race of Demons who died out 10,000 years ago. And when that happened, the Demon King swore revenge, stating that his soul would be reborn anew in a new vessel. You must be that vessel!"
"Woah!" I had to defend myself. I'm really not the Demon King, and I don't want my adventure dying off like this. "I don't know what you're talking about. What is the Demon King and race you speak of?" They ignored my question as they spoke to themself.
"But…I don't understand. If you hold the soul of the Demon King, how did we not know? We would have found out the second you were born…and…your magic power would be…well, existent." They looked at me. "Yet you have none."
"Yeah! Exactly!" I laughed nervously, a bead of sweat appearing on my face. "Like I said, I don't even know about this Demon King that you speak of, let alone the race."
"Lies!" They hissed. "Everyone has been told the stories of the tyrannical Demon King and the race of Demons. How could you not know of them? Unless you're lying."
"W-well…actually…" I scratched my cheek.
Should I tell them? If I told them, what would happen? They were ready to kill me at the thought of me being this so-called Demon King, ready to kill something from this world. If I told them that I wasn't from this world, what would the reaction be then? Maybe I should tell…they would like that, right?
Shit, wait!
I quickly averted my gaze from Torappu's eyes. "Tsk! Stop trying to mind control me!"
"Sorry, habit," they smiled devilishly. "So…will you tell me the truth? Or will I have to get it out of you?" The pressed Yue knife even closer to my throat.
"Aha…," I scratched the back of my head. "Well….I'm not from this world." I finally said, telling the truth.
"Hahaha! You think that I would believe that? Nice try, but try aga-" I looked directly into their eyes, allowing them to control me.
"I'm not from this world, I'm from this place called Earth, and more specifically, a place called America. It's in the center of the globe. In that world, magic did not exist, and that is why I have no magic in this world." Torappu looked away from me, breaking me from their spell.
"You…aren't lying…." They blinked slowly as they looked at the ground in thought.
"I hate liars," I stated. "So why would I want to be one?"
"…Then…how did you just cast magic with no Mana or incantation?"
"That's…hard to explain," I scratched the back of my head. "But it's a skill I got from the God of War, to make things short."
"You…are one of the chosen hero's?" Torappu slowly started to laugh. "No wonder you are such an interesting character. It all makes sense now." They let out a sigh of relief. " Well then, you best be going. Your friends are waiting, along with the King."
"Thank you," I said as I began walking out.
"And a word of advice," Torappu called behind me as I opened the door. "You mustn't do any magic in front of him. If you cast spells like the demons, you will become one in their eyes. And you will be killed."
"Good to know," I replied as the door closed behind me.
No magic.