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My Boss and Her Wife

26 year old Madelyn Cooper is a simple girl. Normal if anything. She has a stable job, nice home, and good friends. Her job is like her favorite place to be and she loves it more than life its self but she soon finds out she is the only one who feels that way. Madelyn gets special treatment from her boss. 37 year old Skylar Royal is a high up woman. She gets what she wants and has respect from everyone. She is happily married and yet she is attracted to one of the many people who work for her. And she doesn't feel guilty one bit about it. 36 year old Melanie Royal. Happily married to Skylar but yet is attracted to her wife's assistant and is jealous that her wife gets to spend the day with her. What happens when Skylar and Melanie take their shot at Madelyn. (Little bit of BDSM)

Chapter 1 - Taste

Madelyn POV

"I will be hosting a dinner party at my house next week. You are all invited and I can't wait to see you there." I watched as my boss Skylar stepped down from the podium and get bombarded with questions from other people. I don't understand why there should be any questions about what's going on, she explained it pretty clearly but who am I to talk. I forget everything so quickly. I don't even know how I got this job. 

I continued to watch Skylar until one of my friends stood in front of me. "Still staring at the boss lady?" I chuckled. Nate has been my friend since I got hired here, which is about three months ago. He thought I had a crush on Skylar but I don't. She is beautiful and I am allowed to take notice of that. Plus she's happily married so there's that.

"Yes I am staring. But I'm not looking at her with lust so stop." He chuckled and bit his lip. He turned to look at Skylar and did his little sly brow. 

"I really wish she was straight. Then I would have a chance." I laughed.

"Please. You wouldn't have the slightest chance." He rolled his eyes

"Well unfortunately you do." I looked at him like he was crazy, which he was. "Don't act all surprised. How do you think you got this job? No offence but you aren't the brightest person May." I rolled my eyes and sighed cause I know he was right. Partly at most.

"I will agree with you on the job thing but I don't know how many times I have to tell you. She's married." He groaned.

"Don't remind me. But still you don't see the way she looks at you."

"Oh really?" He nodded his head. "Then how does she look at me?"

"With so much lust I can't even count. Oh shut up here she comes. Just look at her eyes." I turned around and saw Skylar approaching us. I smiled and so did she. "Well Mrs. Royal that was a nice speech and I can't wait for the party." She didn't answer for a while instead just stared at me. I saw her eyes traveling down my body a few times which just made me feel small. Nate elbowed me in the arm but I just elbowed him back

"Well thank you. I can't wait either." I smiled again and we just stood there without saying anything. 

"Well we have to go. We are supposed to be going out tonight." I sighed. Nate wanted to go out tonight so I just agreed with him. Although whenever he said that Skylar didn't look like she approved. 

"Oh is that so?" I smiled awkwardly and nodded my head. "Well I'm sorry to say that I am going to need you to stay after work hours for a while. Which shouldn't be that much to handle considering you are my personal assistant." I swear as she said 'person assistant' my panties became soaked.

"Of course not. I'll see you then." She bit her lip and nodded her head. She walked away and I let out a long breath that I didn't know I was holding. 

"I guess our fun night is cancelled because of Ms. Jealousy." I rolled my eyes.

"There will be plenty of other times to go."

"Yeah as long as we don't bring it up around her." I chuckled. Skylar is the boss of this company which is a jewelry company. She is amazing at coming up with new jewelry. My favorite was the diamond red pedant. Of course it was way out of my budget but I still absolutely adore it with all my heart. Plus I'm her personal assistant so I don't get out much. Which I don't mind cause I love my job, everyone else says that they hate it cause Skylar is an ass but I seriously don't see how. She's a little flirty but so am I. I flirt with everyone.


"Sorry I'm late. Nate was being stubborn." I chuckled remembering the thought. Nate tried to get me to ask this girl out that we saw down in the lobby and I told him that I had to go. But of course he didn't care. I went up to her and we started talking and all of a sudden she kissed me and then walked off. It wasn't a boring peck kiss it was one of those kisses where it was so deep to the point you fall into a trance. A horny trance. She put her tongue in my mouth and even pulled my lip with her teeth. A moan skipped my mouth which turned her on but apparently not enough because she opened her eyes and looked behind me and ran off. I was left there confused as hell.

"Yeah I bet he was. I never liked him." I chuckled. Skylar was sitting on top of her desk with her suit looking fabulous. 

"He's pretty cool once you get to know him."

"Yeah well I don't really enjoy people who push someone to kiss a random person." Oh shit. She sounded angry but it didn't seem like she was angry at me. It was almost like that tone your parents use when you do something stupid, they yell at you but only because they care about your safety. "Well never mind that, I need you to do something for me." I shook the thoughts out of my head and looked at her.

"Of course. Anything you want." I swear I saw a little smirk form on her lips but it quickly disappeared. 

"I want you to sit down and answer my questions truthfully. Now" I immediately sat down and she went behind her desk and sat down in her chair. "Well for starters, are you and Nate dating?" I couldn't breath. I did nothing. 

But laugh.

Oh my gosh! She thinks Nat and I are dating?! I can't even right now. I mean yes he is my best friend. We even go to clubs together and hook each other up with women. But I could never see myself with him. "I don't see what's so funny Madelyn" I stopped laughing and whipped the tear that came from my eye.

"You're right it's not. And no we are not dating. Not in a million years." 

"Okay then. Are you dating anyone?" Why is she asking me these personal questions?

"No I am not. I'm not really looking for anything. I'm really a one night stand kind of person." She nodded her head.

"Are you straight?" 

"Not one ounce in me." This seemed to Intrigue her. She sat up in her chair and stared at me with interest. I don't know why. There's literally nothing interesting about me. 

"So your gay?"

"As gay as can be."

"How many people have you slept with?" I started to quietly count on my fingers but got lost after twenty. What can I say. I like sex.

"Too many to count."

"Which one had been the best?"

"Why are you asking me these questions?" 

"Cause I can. You work for me. You do as I please. So I ask again. Which one was the best?" I sighed and thought. I do remember which one the best was but that's too personal and I rather not share that. But I have a feeling this is my job on the line.

"When I was 18 I slept with this wom-girl."

"Did she go to the same school?" I hesitated.


"What was her name." I sighed. I hate talking about this especially about her.

"Amy Roland." 

"Sounds like an older person's name." I gulped. "And why is that Madelyn? Why does that sound like an older name?" It was like she was staring into my soul. I did nothing but shrug my shoulders. "Madelyn!" I flinched a little at her raising her voice.

"She was my teacher."


There was an awkward silence between us and it was getting to me. When I am in uncomfortable situations I start to bite my nails, which is exactly what I'm doing. She sat there staring at me like she was trying to figure something out. I let out a loud sigh and started pacing back and forth in the room. Her eyes never left me. Or from what I can see never left my ass. "So you've slept with an older woman before?" I stopped pacing and looked at her. Of everything I just said that's the only thing she gets out of it!

"Yes I have."

"How much older was she?"

"I don't feel comfortable answering that

"Trust me I'm going to make you feel a lot more uncomfortable soon. So I'm not asking again." I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

"She was 13 years older than I was."

"So was she taking advantage of you or were you just doing it for the grade?" Now I'm pissed. She doesn't get to assume what happened when she wasn't there. I'm not some slut who fucked teachers for grades, yes I would get horny but who the fuck doesn't?! My life in high school was amazing when I met Amy and I couldn't be happier. She was the one person who I ever felt something for and I knew I couldn't live without her. She was my one and only and I didn't give the slightest fuck about the age difference. She was there for me when no one was. She sat by my side when I cried over the dumbest things. She was everything to me. But then April happened. April was the stupid bitch who happened to also have a crush on Amy. So when she saw us kissing she took a picture and sent it to the entire school. Thankfully Amy left before anyone could touch her, but she left without me. Without saying goodbye.

"I loved her." That caught her off guard. "I loved her more than life itself. I always told myself that I would throw myself in front of a bus for her. And because of that reason, it's why I'm not looking for a relationship."

"Was she good in bed?" 

"In the name of hell!" 

"Answer the damn question!"

"Yes she was fucking amazing in bed! I couldn't ask for a better orgasm." She growled. What the hell did I do? She got up from her chair and came towards me. She pulled me by the arm and pushed me on her desk. I was nervous and turned on right now.

"You want to bet on that?" She growled in my ear. Before I could object I felt her hand go inside my pants. I jumped out of shock and then whimpered once I felt her finger enter inside me. She started pumping her finger fast and sucked on my neck. I cried out in pleasure but also guilt. She's fucking married! Once I realized that I tried to push her off of me but she just pushed me back rougher causing me to lay down on the desk. She climbed over me and put my hands above my head. 

Her fingers continued to assault my vagina making me moan like hell. "Say my name." She whispered in my ear and then nibbled on it.


"That's a good girl."

"You have a wife."

"The fact that you can remember that is telling me that I'm not fucking you hard enough." She pulled her fingers from out of me making me whimper. I caught my breath for a moment or two to think what the hell just happened. But I didn't get enough time before I felt a dildo inside me. I screamed as she roughly pushed it inside me. She had on a strap on which for some reason she had in her desk. She started going in and out of me making each thrust harder than the last. I felt tears escape my eyes. This was so wrong but it felt so good. "Has anyone ever fucked you this hard princess?" I was at a loss for words so I just shook my head no. She started chuckling as she thrusted faster inside me. 

Within three minutes I was squirting all over her desk. She took the strap on and started sucking on my clit. I jumped from being so sensitive making her hold me down. I tried to push her away but she didn't budge. I felt the pressure build up in the lower part of my stomach and before I knew it I was coming again. I screamed so loud that I was thankful no one was here. Skylar came up from under me and said something that made me think of how hell my future is going to be

"You taste amazing."