Chereads / Daughter of The Snow Godess / Chapter 27 - Shipped to the unknown

Chapter 27 - Shipped to the unknown

"If we can get out and check where this is heading, than maybe this can be our ride. The train we were supposed to take had probably already left by now." Seth replied.

We sat in the crate for another 30 minutes and to our luck, they stacked another crate on top of us. "Great!" I shouted.


Once the truck got moving, we stared brainstorming how to get out of this crate. There were boxes stacked around us and on top of us. "There is no way to get out unless we saw the crate." Seth said.

"That might me our only option here." I replied.

"Well, either way when we get out we can't just jump out of the truck in the middle on no where. We could be heading back to Montreal right now for all we know."

"So we just sit around until the crates are finally unloaded in a warehouse?" I asked.

We sat back in silence for a while, not knowing how to get out. "Seth, we need to get out of here before we go to far. We have been driving for almost an hour!" I said breaking the silence.

"What if we are going to New York and this is like a train ride?"

"What are the odds that 1 this truck is going to New York and 2 near the mountain we need to be at?"

"That is fair, but we don't know if something is going to pour on top of us from the other crate, and we don't know if there is even space between the top of the truck and the crates. Rital, we need to be smart about this and sawing the crates isn't a good idea." Seth said.

"Well, I guess we should just sit here in silence and see what is going to happen? Seth, we cant just sit around and do nothing."

"Well what else are we supposed to do? We can't get out of here right now so we will just have to wait a little."

I brought my knees to my face and we sat in silence for another hour. My body began to ache and I stretched out my legs.

"How long is a little?" I asked Seth with an annoyed look on my face. "They could be shipping us all the way to California or Alaska."

"We will figure out what to do when we get to wherever we are going. Just be patient."

I was starting to get ticked off, we wanted to get to New York and instead we are allowing ourselves to be shipped away from there.

"Those demigods back there were right. We can't just find Khione and release her, we need to be ready for anything. Someone or something drew her there." Seth said.

"There are a million scenarios that could happen. We can't be prepared for everything."

"Well, have you dreamt of anything last night that could help us."

I turned away from him remembering what I dreamt about at camp. "What is it?" Seth asked putting one of his hands on my shoulder. My entire arm began to tingle and warm up from his touch. I turned to look at him and he gave me a sympathetic smile. I smiled back and lightly brushed his knuckles making him smile more.

I realized that the truck has come to a stop and we heard the back open. 'Finally!' I thought. They were slowly unloading all the crates and we sat there for about 45 minutes before they reached ours.

"Seth, we have to get out right away. We don't want another crate stacked on top of us." Seth nodded and we were placed on the cement ground. Seth began to saw the top of our crate on the sides. When we finished with the 3rd side the crate opened up. We both got out and snuck around the warehouse until we found an exit.

Seth pointed to a sign on another warehouse near by. "We are in Ohio, not to far from New York." I said. "Now where do we go to get a train?"

"Now, I don't think a train is that great of an idea especially because of what happened last time. Maybe we can take a taxi."

"We don't have that in our budget. Remember, we still need to be able to get back to camp." I said.

"So then we go on a train risking another turn of events to happen?"

I faced Seth and asked, "Did you go to foster care in Ohio by chance."

"Ya, one of them. Why?"

"Well, maybe you know someone who could give us a lift."

"Good idea, but we need to find a phone so I can call them. I think I know there number."

I nodded and we walked up to a worker and asked to borrow their phone. He graciously agreed and Seth dialed the number. I looked around our surrounding area and wondered what it was like in camp. 'The weather wasn't bad here, so it couldn't be bad at camp.' I thought.

Seth got off the phone and returned it to the worker. "He said he could give us a lift but not tonight. He said we will leave first thing tomorrow."

"Great, we should get some rest and wash off in the mean time. There is a small town near by so we should get a motel."

"The motels here will be disgusting and we don't have that much. They gave us a very limited amount of money. We can have one night but we should keep the rest for later."

"Well we should shower, we stink. Do you know any other people around here that have a house we could wash off in?" I asked hopefully.

By this time, it is evening. Time just flew by today and we got no where close to our goal. If anything we got farther away from it.

"Ya, but I don't know his number. And we can't just show up at his house." Seth replied.

"Then we have no choice besides a motel."

"They have cheap hotels here. A much better choice than the motels. They won't be too bad."

"Okay then. Hotel it is."