"Married." everyone is shocked. Mordred was so confused. As everyone just stood there shocked Gabriel asked Mordred, "What was the fighting about? Now half of the hallway is destroyed because of your recklessness."
Mordred said, "She knew something I wanted to know and she wouldn't tell and she attacked first. I was technically defending my self."
Arthur yelled, "Defending my ass! You would have killed her if we didn't stop you."
Mordred said, "Stop me, stop me you say. You think you can stop me? Compared to me, you're a weakling Arthur. As you well know, I am more than capable of beating you." Arthur was hesitant to respond.
Molly said, "Hey! Don't ignore me! Will you accept my proposal or not." Mordred responded, "No, I will not because I don't even know you. I knew your sister ,but I never knew Rebecca had a sister till now and I'm not going to marry my dead bestfriend's sister."
Mordred then told Seraph, "Let's go." Then they walked away. Molly was surprised he turned her down, but Arthur was infuriated with Mordred because he felt humiliated. So Arthur went in the opposite direction Mordred went. With the hallway destroyed and class disrupted, school was out for the rest of the day so the students went back to there dorm rooms. There are 3 different dorm buildings one for angels, one for demons, and one for those who wish to coexist. Mordred was in the coexisting one of course. So he asked Seraph, "Hey, want to come hang in my room for a bit since we are done with school for the day?" So Mordred and Seraph headed to his room, but when they opened the door, they were surprised to find out what was waiting for them inside.