Old Man Ou and Madam Ou are surprised to see them come in through the door like a hungry ghost is giving chase.
"Have the young heroes found anything already?" Old Man Ou asks, stepping away from the stone oven and wiping his hands on his apron.
"You look very startled," says Madam Ou, placing the bamboo steamer she's carrying on the counter top. "We're almost finished with lunch, please join us."
Lunch is an awkward affair considering both Wu Yun and Lan Tian are too embarrassed to look at each other properly, and Wan Mi is in such a bad mood that Wu Yun expects her to start flinging dishes on the floor any second.
"Uhm, is there any progress in the investigation?" Old Ou asks, trying to get any type of conversation going. He and his wife are used to chatting animatedly during meals about the day's work, so the silence is making him antsy.