[THE first rule for kids to be liked by adults is to be polite.]
As a former child star during her second life, that was one of the things that Neoma learned. Thanks to that, she was able to charm adults and children alike. If she was able to convince 9,999,999 million people to follow her on her social media platform, using her charisma to a duke shouldn't be that hard.
"Greetings, Lord Sloane," Neoma greeted the duke politely. "I apologize for the commotion that you unfortunately witnessed."
Sir Glenn, Byron, and Harry all bowed to Duke Sloane as a greeting.
On the other hand, she had to discreetly nudge Lewis before he bowed his head.
[Gosh, my son can sometimes be a handful.]
"I'm glad that I ran into you today, Your Royal Highness," Duke Sloane said but his eyes were fixed on Lewis. "I see that you're playing with your friends." He finally turned to her again. "But can I have a few minutes of your time, Your Royal Highness?"