Chereads / Of Angels And Demons / Chapter 11 - Waking Up! [Chapter 11]

Chapter 11 - Waking Up! [Chapter 11]

As I jerk up in a bed I quickly look around.

Where is the demon!?

I think to myself. I see Vic and Aziria sitting in the chairs next to me, asleep. I look out the window.

It's night time? Was I asleep?

I look around.

I think I'm in a hospital.

Vic all of a sudden wakes up and looks at me then smiles.

"Nice to see you're ok, thought we might've lost you for a minute."

I stare at her.

"What happened to the demon, and how did I get here?"

I ask as she smiles.

"I fought it, I beat it badly. I broke it's weapons then ripped one of its arms off. It got back through the portal before I could kill it. And then I carried you to to the hospital and quickly left. They shortly found you after. "

She says digging through her bag.

"Looking for something?"

I ask. She pulls out Nirioki in knife form.

"You dropped your sword during the battle.

I found it and thought you might want it back, just don't let any nurses see it."

She says with a smile, I nod.

"Thanks Vic."

I say holding the knife. I look at my body and notice I'm bandaged up on alot of my body.

"Why am I so bandaged up?"

I mumble while Vic rubs the back of her neck.

"You got cut and beat up up bad by that demon, he stabbed you through the stomach with his staff."

I quickly look her in the eyes.

"How did you know it was a staff? You didn't get there until he was weilding swords."

She scratches her head and looks at me.

"Well, I kinda was, um sleeping in a tree. I woke up when he appeared."

She says. I then remember Zero was hurt badly too.

"What happened to Zero?! Is he dead?" I ask hastily, Vic chuckles.

"Yea, he's fine, he didn't have to come to the hospital."

What!? He didn't have to come to the hospital?! That's insane!

I think as I look at my knife.

"I thought he died on the ground when he was stabbed."

Vic laughs lightly.

"He did die."

She says.

"Then why wasn't he taken to the hospital?"

I ask. She laughs more.

"When he died, shortly after you passed out, he went into his second release and flew away. Second release healed him mostly. I think it wasn't by choice, but more out of desperation to live. Almost as though his body acted on its own. But there is still we don't know about our powers, so who knows really?"

She says. I sigh.

I need a second release.

I think to myself. Aziria then wakes up and smiles. She quickly hugs me.

"Ow, ow, ow."

I say, the minor pain from her hugging me being more of a nuisance than anything. She laughs.

"Sorry, sorry. I'm just glad to see your ok. I don't want to lose another friend."

I smile.

"Thanks for calling me a friend."

Wait, did she say another friend? That sounds creepy. What happened to her other friend.

I think to myself, looking at the wall and notice a tv.

"A tv!"

I yell as I point at it.

"You're like a child sometimes."

Vic mumbles as Aziria grabs the remote and turns on the TV. It clicks on to the news. I see a man sitting there talking calmly. After a few minutes of talking about politics he suddenly leans forward to read the teleprompter.

"Um, we have just gotten word that weird cuts and damages are appearing on buildings all through the New York."

He says with a shocked expression. The camera quickly switches to a news team in New York. As we all watch we see buildings being ripped apart and a few being completely ripped down by an unseen force. As a news woman is talking about the destruction being caused by an unseen force she is ripped in half and the top half of her body stays in the air. Then it's thrown aside by an unknown force. Vic mumbles.

"Stupid demons causing a mess."

I look at her.


I ask. She nods.

"We can see demons with our own eyes, but a camera is not through our eyes."

Vic says while watching the TV. As I turn back to the, I see more buildings being cut and people being slaughtered. The news quickly regains there original feed in the news room.

"Gruesome stuff there. We will keep you updated on what is happening every few minutes. There is no word from the military on what kind of attack this is."

The news man says. Aziria speaks up.

"Why are so many demons appearing in this realm all of a sudden? What's drawing them here?"

She asks. A few moments later there's a knock at the door. Aziria speaks up.

"Come in."

A nurse with a face mask walks in and sees I'm awake. She smiles and asks.

"Feeling better?"

I smile


Aziria pulls her phone out and looks at it.

"Hey Kai, Rukia heard you're in the hospital and now she's coming here."

I sigh and nod


Wait, she has Rukia's number?

After several minutes Rukia walks in the door.

"Are you ok, Kai?"

She asks as she hugs me. I hug back and reply.

"Yea, yea. I'm fine."

Vic leans over and whispers in my ear.

"I'm gonna go to New York and deal with those demons. I'll be gone a few days. Stay safe."

She then stands up and walks out the door. Rukia smiles at me.

"I'm glad you're ok."

She says as she sits in the chair where Vic was. Aziria turns off the TV and looks at me.

"I wonder when they will let you out of the hospital?"

She asks while she rubs her neck.

"I don't know."

I mumbe, laying back down on the bed. Aziria slowly stands up from her chair and stretches.

"Well, these chairs are uncomfortable, so I am going home. See ya later Kai."

She says as she waves bye and walks out the door. I look over at Rukia and see her with her hand on the glass window and she is staring outside.

"You ok?" I ask.

"Yea, I'm ok."

She replies without looking at me. I stare at the ceiling.

She seems distant. She says she is ok, but I don't know of that's the truth.

I think to myself as I start feeling tired. Rukia stands up and walks to the edge of the doorway.

"Hey Kai, I'll talk to you later. Sleep well." She says as she walks out the door then closes it. My eyes start getting heavy.

Why am I so tired? Maybe my body is just used to sleeping at night and it's telling me to sleep? Or maybe fighting and using my demon powers are draining me a lot? I don't know, but I think I need to sleep.

I slowly dose off staring at the ceiling.

Tomorrow, I'll talk to Zero.

I think as I fall asleep.