Chereads / The Guildless / Chapter 62 - The Heroes [Chapter 62]

Chapter 62 - The Heroes [Chapter 62]

I watch the man carefully while also being aware of the others around us. Vex speaks up.

"We don't need to kill them. Just find a way to subdue them. If we can resolve this peacefully we can also find out any info we need."

I suddenly remember my spells and slam my palm to my forehead.

"Damn, I could've positioned us better all this time. Guess I do prefer killing."

I sigh and cross my arms.

"[Dominate 10]."

In the blink of an eye, everyone around me smiles and stares at me. I watch, almost dissuaded from using this spell again due to how creepy everyone seems. I release my friends from it, but noticed Vex wasn't affected at all. I talk loudly.

"Right, well, uh, tell me where I can resurrect my friend."

The heroes all start talking, their words jumble together into an incoherent mess of sound. I shake my hands and head.

"No-no-no, one person please. Uh, you!"

I point to the guy who could manipulate the ground. He nods and speaks up.

"The place you're looking for, is the Mixis Tower. That's the location where they bring people back. It is about three miles that way."

He says while pointing to his left. I nod as Vex walks up to me and stares at me with squinted eyes.

"Why are you only now using this? Do you know how much trouble this could've saved us?!"

He shouts while I scratch the back of my neck.

"W-well, I kind of forgot I even had it as a spell."

I mumble while looking around. I start walking away, everyone following me. I look back to see the heroes and several civilians are also following me.

"So they will just follow me now? Will they do whatever I ask?"

I mumble to myself while walking. After several minutes of walking, more heroes show up. They stare at us in horror.

"What did you do to them!?"

One man yells from in front of me. I sigh and look to his group as well. I use [Dominate 10] once more and add them to my growing list of unwilling followers. We continue forward, unimpeded by supposed heroes or guards.

Not too long later, we arrive at a massive building. It easily stretches up over one-thousand feet in height.

"Whew, that's a big building. Even compared to the others around it."

Warren mumbles in amazement. I see Kain walk passed me towards the building and stare upwards.

"This is beyond imagination, imagine how many hundreds of years this structure most likely took to build."

He seems fascinated by the construction. I see two people with fancy suits walk from the building, a man and a woman. As I start to use [Dominate 10] again, I hear confused mumbling behind me. I quickly look back to see all the heroes and civilians looking around confused.

They all glare at me and the people in suits speak up.

"We nullified that magic, since it seems you were relying on it to bust into this building. But unfortunately for you, magic doesn't work while on the Mixis' premises."

I laugh while looking to Vex.

"Look at that, the peaceful way didn't quite work out."

I turn to the people in suits and reach back for my sword.

"Listen, idiots, I didn't enslave them because I couldn't take this building by myself. I did it because I didn't feel like killing them. But since you've proved my point, that peaceful means are usually the least effective, I will now show you why that was your downfall."

Several heroes jump towards me, and as I start to attack them, Vex grabs me and tosses me upwards. I fly upwards and grit my teeth.

"Damn you."

I slam my sword into the side of the building and cut through several floors of glass. Surprisingly the glass doesn't shatter, it just cuts smoothly. I watch everyone jump up to me and grab the collar of my shirt. I pull my blade from the side of the building as I get thrown higher.

I look down to see everyone putting their weapons in the building then jumping and grabbing them back at the same moment. Several large chunks of glass fall from the building as they get up to me. We are about twenty floors off the ground when we kick in the glass and enter the building. I look to Vex and laugh.

"You are really trying to resolve everything peacefully. You know eventually we'll encounter something we can't get out of so harmlessly?"

Vex looks to me and coldly nods.

"And when that time comes, we'll deal with it. But until then, I will continue to act peacefully and preserve innocent lives."

I roll my eyes and walk through the room. All the lights are off and the only source of light within the room is a flickering tv. Warren speaks up.

"Hey, I've heard of those. Only the richest of the rich have them in Sathric, to see one in person is amazing. I believe they are called televisions."

I sigh and look at it, noticing it's talking about us. Words roll across the bottom of the screen but no sound comes out.

"We have been informed that the Mixis building is currently under attack. We are also told for no one to panic, three S-Class heroes are on their way to handle the situation."

We all look at each other. Kain speaks up.

"What's the difference between between an S-Class in Sathric and Vathric? I wouldn't imagine it would be too large of a skill gap, if any at all."

I shake my head, not having an answer to his question.

"Not sure how strong they are, but I'm pretty sure they'd die like anyone else."

We quickly move to a large metal door with "Stairs" written on the top in red letters. As Vex fling the door open, it rips off of its hinges and flies across the room.

"Well, nice to see we still have full strength inside the building."

Warren mumbles as we enter the stairwell and look up, and down. We sigh deeply at the seemingly neverending upward amount of stairs.

"Fair question, which floor is this supposed device even on?"

Vex asks while looking to me. I scratch my head and shrug. Vex lowers his head, almost disappointed.

"Alright, let's start from the top and go down. I'm sure they are already gathering the forces at the bottom floor anyways."

We all nod in agreeance.