Chereads / Don’t you remember / Chapter 60 - Events

Chapter 60 - Events

Keep in mind these are events that are happening right now in dreams and real life. Ok so it all started two or three days ago. I went to bed and felt kinda off. So being Christian I prayed and went to sleep wearing a silver cross my mum and dad gave me. That night I had a weird dream, I woke up in a house I didnt recognize with a man I also didnt recognize. The house was old and part of the roof was missing foliage had encroached on the hole and climbed up the walls. I was standing next to a staircase and old grandfather clock. Conversation with the man I didnt recognize stopped and a raven flew in through the hole in the ceiling and landed on the railing of the stairs. I put out my left arm and it hops on. Suddenly I am overcome with an urge and RIP its head off with my bear hands killing it and throw it at the man. I grab him by his shirt and slam him into the wall. My voice deepens and my diaphragm feels like it pops. Out comes a voice far deeper than mine and I yell, "where is it? I'm running out of patients and wont wait any longer. I want the blue orb!" I then awake to my pitbull licking my hand because she wants outside. The next night I fall asleep with no problems but my cross lays in my window. As I dream I stand in a field, surrounded by five people and the sky is filled with black and brown smoke. The sun is red and I stick out my right arm a large black raven flys over and lands on my arm digging in its talons so tightly that I bleed and I feel them touch my bone. Feeling no pain I flex my hand and speak to the group, in my normal voice this time "go" I whisper in intense sorrow I now see the blue orb floating above me and as my large built lackeys run off I slowly wander toward the horizon. that dream watch sorter but I awake feeling absolutely dehydrated a d slam three large bottles of water. Now I'm sitting on lunch break at work and cant help but notice that a raven has been following me all day, if I'm working in back it's at the window, if I'm up front at register it's at the door. If I step out back to smoke it's there. And now its sitting on the electric box next to my truck while I eat. Edit: this took forever to upload, I'm home now and I continue to see ravens, there's a whole murder of them outside in my tree. I'm kinda getting nervous now.