Riona stared into space through the window in her office, facing the city scape. She was lost in thought and excitement for the upcoming date BeeMan had set up for her. Through their communication the night before, he had told her a time and place for him to buy her that promised food.
BeeMan: So I promised to buy you food.
RindyGirl: You did
BeeMan: What does you day look like tomorrow?
RindyGirl: Looks like you are about to provide me with something.
BeeMan: You are going to the new Asian place in the city. Your dress is at the drop. Thank you for the dog by the way, I don't feel as lonely anymore, even though I would have preferred you. (attached a picture of the stuffed Doberman she had sent him.
RindyGirl: You are welcome. What time should I be ready?
BeeMan: Car will pick you up at the main branch of the lingerie shop at 7pm.
RindyGirl: Now you are sending cars for me? Do not tell me you intend to be in that car.
BeeMan: As much as I would love to, we have an agreement so unless you expressly ask for my attendance, I will keep to it.
RindyGirl: Will you be ordering for me?
BeeMan: I will, I do know your food preferences.
RindyGirl: Looking forward to it. I am glad I know how to use chopsticks.
And so the date was set. First thing in the morning she had picked up the dress, a nice blue silk dress with a Chinese collar and double slits along the outer thigh. He had even included stockings and shoes to go with it, always the thorough one. She really didn't mind being dressed by him because it was so rarely done and she got to keep the clothes. It was also fun. Sometimes she wondered whether he would be in the restaurant. It should make her feel creeped out but it didn't. in all honesty, he is the one who initiated the chat so he definitely knew what she looked like, but she felt she liked the mystery of not knowing him and what he looked like, just knowing who he was on the inside. He made her think when she was being obtuse, helped her grow, encouraged her, had even supported her during her hardest times. She wasn't afraid of him.
She turned back to her desk, she still had a good number of files to deal with before day's end and she had only 3 hours to do it. Getting through town during rush hour would be a pain and the earlier she set off the better for her. She got back to work so that she could have a guilt free night.
At 5:30pm, she was leaving the building and preparing to drive to her store. There she would change into her attire, with a few additions from her store, may be have a chat with Silia while at it and then be on her way. Silia was aware she was coming and when she went over not in disguise, she was just Silia's friend come to visit. She put on some soothing music while she drove, for some reason, this time she was nervous, she would be meeting at the very least someone who worked for or with BeeMan. She knew he was well-to-do, he never hid that from her. So he was probably sending one of his drivers to pick her up. This is as close to him as she had ever gotten. She planned to relish it, and may be badger the man with questions.
When she got to the store, it was closing. She slipped in and went straight to Silia's office. There she caught up with her friend as she changed into the outfit, picked out gutters to wear inside the clothes that would flash with the slits and applied her make up. She put her hair up in a bun and as a stroke of genius, added the chopsticks she carried with her into the hair. She studied herself in Silia's mirror as she was informed that the new lingerie designs would be in stores the next week but the marketing begun tomorrow.
"I like that this is coming together so quickly." Ri commented, she walked out of the adjoining bathroom. "When the line comes out, set aside a full set for me. I have to gift it to someone, preferably one of the rare colours. Mauve maybe?"
"I will do that. Planning to model it for someone?"Silia asked suspiciously.
"No…" Ri answered too quickly, "Nothing of the sort"
"Uhuh…" Silia answered. There was a knock at the door and Silia called for the person to come in.
"There is a car waiting outside?" the store clerk who had been leaving said as soon as she pocked her head in.
"That is me…" Ri gathered her purse. She would pick up everything else later when she came by the store. Or Silia could bring them for her the next Thursday they met.
Ri walked out of the office, through the store and out onto the curb. She found an understated black sedan waiting there. She walked up to the passenger side door as the driver came out to open a door, he reached for the backdoor but she insisted she wanted to sit up front.
"The boss said to let you know that I will be waiting for you whenever you are ready to leave and I will return you here to your car." The driver said as he inserted himself into the traffic.
The whole ride, Ri tried to interrogate the driver about his "Boss" but he was not forth coming with information. He only gave one word answers or non-committal grunts. After sometime she gave up and ventured to neutral topics like current events. On this they even got into a heated argument about the conduct and punishment of a politician. By the time they arrived, she didn't want to leave the car but alas she had a dinner to attend. She got out of the car and waved to Freddie, that was his name, saying she would see him later and started towards the entrance of the restaurant.