When she got to the hostess station, she gave the name Rindy and was immediately led to a table in a secluded spot but with a good view. There were empty tables around her but she was sure they would be filled soon.
As soon as she had sat down, a waitress appeared and asked if she needed anything to drink. BeeMan had told her he would order for her so she told the waitress that her menu was set and to ask the hostess about it. After that she sat back and sipped her water while observing the room. She had agreed, at the beginning of this food buying tradition with BeeMan, that during these times she would not touch her phone. If she really wanted to write something down, she would need to do it on paper with a pen.
She looked around the room. BeeMan would need a report on the people who she had been surrounded with. He liked to hear her imagination run wild with the circumstances she thought the people were in. People watching was, incidentally, a hobby they shared.
There was a couple sitting three tables diagonally from her. They looked very much in love but the lady seemed to be more well off that the man, judging by the state of her watch and his shirt. The collar of the shirt looked worn. She was glad they had found the time to come out to what she thought was an upper scale restaurant. She turned her attention to a middle aged woman sitting further in front of her. She seemed to have come in to just be by herself. The lady looked up and they locked eyes. Ri smiled at her and gave her a salute with her glass of water. The lady smiled back and inclined her head in acknowledgement. Ri realised she had bags under eyes from lack of sleep and the left hand she was using to reach for her glass of wine had a band of lightened skin. Fresh divorce? Good on her to take herself out on the ex-husband's money. Ri's gaze shifted to the family on the far left. They were three with a girl of about 8 years. They seemed happy, the wife smiling and talking to the daughter… if it wasn't for the husband who seemed to be sneaking texts under the table while half listening to the females at the table chat. Ri smiled into her glass. Men!
The waitress brought her first course and was followed by a waiter with a bottle of wine with a glass. The soup was set in front of her as well as the bread that always came with it, garlic, by the smell of it. Ri thanked them and switched her water glass for wine. She took the first spoon of soup and savoured it with her eyes closed. The chef here was good. The balance of flavours was really good. She buttered the bread and dipped it in the soup. As she was enjoying herself with the soup there was a commotion at the entry area. Ri chose not to look back there and concentrated on her soup and bread. It was really delicious. Just what she needed after the month she had been having.
Her concentration was broken by the hostess standing beside her table like she was directing someone to sit adjacent to her. After taking a breath with the final spoonful of soup, she opened her eyes to see who exactly could have caused such a ruckus.
Sitting in the opposite chair at the table next to hers was a face she had seen rather recently. In a search window to be exact. Her eyes gradually widened despite her efforts to try and look nonplussed. Who knew she would be meeting her fiancé a lot earlier than she expected. As he turned his head in her direction she quickly looked away. This just couldn't be happening. She had wanted a night to relax. How was she supposed to relax with her fiancé seated with in scenting distance… he wore a really attractive cologne mind you.
Ri shook herself a little. Hopefully he didn't know her face and would leave her alone. If he decided to come anywhere near her she wasn't sure what she would do. She didn't notice that the restaurant had at first gone silent and now was filled with hushed whispers.
"He usually has a new woman on his arm. How come he didn't come with anyone this time?"
"Is he up for grabs?"
"This is unprecedented"
And this was followed by phone cameras coming out of pockets, bags, under tables to take pictures. The paparazzi would be hounding the front door whenever Ri decided to leave. She sighed heavily. Thankfully her next course arrived. Seared salmon. She smiled affectionately. BeeMan really did know what she wanted. She would ignore the proverbial Elephant in the room and eat in relative peace, amidst prayer that he didn't know who she was.
She picked up the chopsticks that had been provided and dug into the fish. It had been so perfectly done with a sauce that made sure it hit every taste bud in her mouth. She moaned loudly in bliss, it was so good. She didn't notice the man she was trying to ignore raise his eyes and watch her eat. With a sip of wine she promptly entered culinary heaven.
The chef came out to make rounds. She would be sure to complement him on his cuisine, as she polished off the meal. She had two more to go. She wasn't sure how it could get any better.