Quick Update

Hey guys, the author, Silent Pain here. Don't worry, I'm not going to stop writing or anything. Next chapter will be out in an hour or so.

Recently, I've been contacted about a contract and such. I honestly started writing as a joke but it somehow evolved into a past time of mine during this summer of quarantine.

I've heard rumors of the "contract" being bad. To be honest, I'm a minor(13) so I don't even think it's legal for me to sign it. All I really want is to share my imagination with others and I don't really care about payment. (I'm overthinking)If this decision of mine somehow gets me shadow/banned or something happens, I have recently backed up all of my chapters on Royal Road and will also update there daily. You can find it by searching: I Will Be Recognized Royal Road.

If I do not post a chapter or anything at all, then you all can assume that something happened. This is my first work and I want to see it through to the end. When things happen in my adolescent life, I relieve my stress by reading people's comments. I sometimes feel joy from the support, and other times happy that people are taking the effort to criticize my work. That shows to me that my readers care for me. If there are any plot holes, or anything at all, you can leave it in the comments and I will gladly respond when I have time. Pointing out my flaws will also help me grow as a writer, I thank everyone for supporting me. After a couple days, I will move this to to the auxiliary volume because of my annoying perfectionist side.

