I stumbled out of a daze, my eyes heavy and my brain feeling like it was on fire. I tossed and turned on the bed, waiting for the throbbing in my skull to die down enough to stand. I pressed my fists to my ears, trying to get the pain to stop. My throat was dry and my lips were chapped from screaming.
My clothes had been changed, to tight fitting black jeans, and a halter top. My shoes were different now too, I now was wearing boots fit for the outdoors and whatever lies out there. I was curled on the bed, rocking back and forth trying not to let the noise drive me insane. I noticed a chair and table in the corner, a jacket placed on the chair. At least if they were going to banish me beyond the gates they were going to give me proper clothing for surviving the weather. I let my hands fall from where they covered my ears, when I realized my hands were covered in blood. The sounds in my head were supposed to stun me before they left me outside to die. I touched my ear again, and realized that's where the blood had come from. My hair was short and damp, newly cut. It was now just above my shoulders, so it would be easier to manage out there.
A guard walked by the door, with guns in each hand, and ranged on the bars.
It was time.
I slowly peeled myself from the bed, my eyes hurrying around the room to memorize it before I'd never be let back in the compound. I grabbed the jacket, and shrugged it on over my shoulders, keeping a safe distance between me and the guard.
When I was twelve my older brother had left to work in the guard and only days later, got dragged out of the compound, and outside by one of the inmates.
Everyone assumed he was dead, and I can still hear his cries for them to open the gate, but they never did. Just stood there staring. We passed the lab on our way to the gate and I peeked in, looking for Adam. Adam was the only one who raised me after my brothers incident and he'd been my best friend ever since. We were both trying to figure out how we could inhabit the other parts of the Earth again, but we didn't have the right materials. We started working at the lab because it was the closest we would ever get to our mission. That is why I'd been stealing supplies in the first place. And now he was gonna watch me get thrown out of the compound.
Just like my brother.