no one will come to save me,
so i decide to give up, okey so i have 48 hours so i can live my 48 hours, i get up from room and start exploring the room and first i saw if i look into this room this room is not that cheap like i thought. then i saw a photo on wall , i dont know but the photo is looing familar,
like i already saw this photo somewere and i thought i saw that creepy man before also, then i saw a ring, its beautiful, and then i try the ring in my hand and then start cheking ring from all angles and i saw a name into ring
it written is lumanious, isnt it familar name,
i start thinking,...
p : ah mr. lee dont look towards student cause they six also run away in break,
š¦mam : this modern childs what think about them self,
mr.lee : seriously this generation of childs are really amezhing
proncipal and š¦mam start looking towards mr. lee,. and then they start to find all of us with the help of magic,.
how could we find her,.
ashu : lets cgeck her location,.
tae : i know a magic lady lets get her help,
kai : ah i try her loction but it showes taes house,
tae :so can we use my plan,.
lisa :lets go towards lady,
then tae take them into a shop
tae : mrs.mailo
she come from another room,. and saw tae,
mrs,.milo : oh tae are you here
tae : yes mrs.mailo,
mrs. mailo : ah you come with your friends,..
tae : yeah anty
and then he introduce all friend with anty,.
mrs.mailo : ah nice to meet you f
gays you want to eat somthing,
lisa :no anty,.
kai :tae get on point,
mrs.mailo : a point what happened childs,
tae : ah anty i need tour help,
anty : help for what,
tae : ah anty they take trupti
anty : they means who,,
lisa : swolans
anty : they are back, oh my god it means destiny story is really happening,
kai : destiny story it means anty,
mrs.mailo look towards all childs
and start caunting them,
anty : were is seventh member from group,
jisso : from this all time i think we try to explain that they take trupti with them, and this anty ask were is 7th member,
anty : oh means a girl is seventh member,
ashwini : by the way what is destiny story
anty : oh its so long but i heared that in your collage they keep that book, this book said about future of magic world
all peoples says that, when the new generation get start the dark side get wakeup and try to destroy magic world and try to win earth,
but they only can win when they get same magic equipments a crystal a bangle and another equipments who symbols mother of earth and when they get those equipments then they can win the world and they get gone into this world of magic,