me : ah it means i am gonna die,
he : of corse,
me : how and why you want to kill me,
he : cause i want to destroy magic world were she live. i want to make earth my way,
me : really after reading this letter also you want to destroy all,
he :...
me : i have two options for you,
first get back into mention for whom you love and live happy life, with her or her memories
and second destroy your heart were she lives,
he : if i get back into mention did i get her, but i am living moster how can she accept me
me :(smile lightly)if she was monster did you accept her or hate her for love?
he : i accept her, in any conditions,
me : then if she love you then she also accept you, or if she hate you, you can destroy everything on this earth, i am not stoping between your way,
by the way its night, i know i am living only.....oh look i have now 40 hours left, and my sleep gets 10 hours it means only 30 hours remains with me, so good night,
i get sleep,....
after that i try to sleep but memories rotating towards my head and i dont want cry but my eyes get wet, cause i am missing them. if anyone know they gonna be die then how can they becoms happy and how they can sleep,
if they want to sleep but they cant,
same condition here,
i am not afraid from death, but i am afraid from that how much they get hurt if i die,
but what special happend if i live, i think death is best option for me cause peoples like me, arent get pleace in anyones heart,
huh but if i ask my self did you want to die, my heart said no but my brain said yes,
just leave this topic
at morning,....
today is my last day and tomorrow i get die,
so what i hope from myself, huh i hate my life,
okey i getup and get down from stairs and saw many swolans are their, they look at me like they kill me any time and then i saw luminous, he come towards me,
he : thanks for letter but we decide to complete our ritual a big ritual of swolans, so can swolans get into human world in day time and get some power after give your soul to moon, its not normal full moon, its rear one which come after 75 years letter,
so today you can enjoy your day but tomorrow your not able to see sun, cause your breaths. are get stoped,
and he leave from there while put me dumbfounded,