š¦mam :(angryly) they all leave the class in moddle of school time,
p :they all 6 members not here they all gone to get back her, but they are just childs, so we have to be quick
when he trow me in this cheap room and locked me here,
i got up and startknocking door but nothing happend i dont want to die right now in my youth time,
why i always get into situations,
ahhh! i hate my sick damn ridiculous life, but i want to fight with my life and i dont want to die in my youth,
i want to spend some time with my family, my dad keep as princess were they worry and hate me about my fattyness but they never ever showed me his hate about me, and the whole world resist me but my dad always accept as am i so in my heart i have big and rach room for my dad, my waight 68 and i try hard to get slim, actually now also i can remember that, when i was in 4th standerd i was a beautiful skinny girl, a perfect model girl, and because of my beauty i am femous at school but then some peoples who are jelious and then they start talk that this girl is bing sick she is so skinny then my dad start to decide i have to look healthy and then they give me a potion to get some fat on body and then in summer time i get caught in some alergic dease
and i get become so sick and then i dont know but i get fatty and more fatty and how muchvi try but i am not getting become slim, so i am confused if in this world no one loves me so what is bad about to get die, i thought i am useful to full someones stomuch,
i know that no one will come to save me,