What 😦 the seen is so far is a herd of Brachiosaurus. Ran up the Island 🏝.
" Anyone see it? asked, Granger.. " no only thing I see is Brachiosaurus G. said, Hank.
Suddenly there is a shadow in the forest, " there I found it. said, Dean. "(land now, ) let's get in the hummers guys. they got up and got into the hummers, he brought the jet down gently and opened up the cargo door 🚪, they drive out and down Canada 🍁, " (find 🔍 us a
camping ⛺ spot Tedd.) said, Granger. "( well
do, and good 👍 luck 🎲, ) they drive through
herds of Brachiosaurus, and Brontosaurus as they walking 👣 up the land. " amazing
animals G. said, Hank. " one day we will come back ⬅️ and film 🎥 them, they went into the
Woods, they cut ✂️ on the lights. they are following its foot 🦶 tracks. as Dean set up
camp 🏕, in the trees 🌲 and he, hide the jet into the bushes, they are out of the woods, the
Tracks end. " okay 😔 you got to be kidding me, said. Granger,