" We just couldn't lose the Albertosaurus, said. Pete, all of a sudden there is a loud
roar 🐅 coming from behind them. " that is not good 👍 man 👨. said. Hank, "
Tarbossurus, not far. said, Jerry, " we have deals with this thing before. said, Pete. " I
Wish 🙏 not to again, we start fresh in the morning 🌞 said, Granger, they turn the
hummer around and in front of them the Tarbosaurus dripping from the mouth 👅. "
They scream and drove backward down the woods, as it chases after them. " what 😦 are
You going backward! yelling Pete, " trying to get us away from it, said. Hank, " call Tedd
Find 🔍 where the camp is. Said, Pete. he stop ✋ hard, there it was the Albertosaurus.
it let out a mighty roar, " we just find 🔍 it, G. Said, Hank, " this not how I want to find the
Albertosaurus Said, Granger, but they haul butt out of the woods as the two ✌️ start to
fight over them, " (where you guys at?) Asked. Tedd, " (up above 🆙 you, hurry that fight is
going to bring Dryptosaurus and Daspletosaurus, ) said. Tedd.