Chereads / The Day The World Got A Leveling System / Chapter 38 - The Top Guard Of The Prison

Chapter 38 - The Top Guard Of The Prison

Katsuya stood in front of the mirror to his bathroom, looking at his reflection.

"This should do it. " he said to himself.

Earlier that day, he had bought contacts for eyes to make them look normal. There wasn't much he could do to permanently make his looks go back to normal but, there were some things he could do to at least look presentable.

"Servant status check."

A window popped up into view, containing information about those who were connected to his [Servant Pact] skill.

[ Jill - Level: ??? | Hp: 578 | Intelligence: 119 | Mp: 312 | Atk: 94 | Speed: 102 | Endurance: 224 | Exp: 3,900/5,800 | Status: Alive

Umar - Level: 92/??? | Hp: 2,812 | Int: 123 | Mp:67 | Atk: 981 | Speed: 194 | Endurance: 342

Casey - Level: 12/??? | Hp: 756 | Int: 105 | Mp: 33 | Atk: 321 | Speed: 144 | Endurance: 204

Amir - Level: 52/??? | Hp: 2,421 | Int: 114 | Mp: 489 | Atk: 612 | Speed: 194 Endurance: 722

Hector - Level: 59/??? | Hp: 3,412 | Def: 700 | Int: 107 | Mp: 312 |

Speed: 203 | Endurance: 322 ]

He read the list as he began walking towards the living room.

From seeing each of the individuals stats, he dubbed them as being pretty durable, or at least more so than Katsuya used to be. But there was a strange problem, instead of showing their level capacity, it would show question marks.

What could this mean? What did it indicate?

"Sora, do you know what's going on?" Katsuya asked.

Sora's voice spoke inside of his head, slightly echoing.

"Hmm. Well, it's a perk. Those who are under a Servant pact will have their limiter's removed, allowing them to level up beyond what they were previously capable of."

"That's strange. The skills description didn't say anything about that."

"Descriptions mainly focus on explaining the main functions of the skill, leaving out small details such as this."

In a short explanation, Katsuya understood what this meant. Jill and the other were now 'Limit Breakers' which meant that there was no limit to how far their abilities could grow. Though, if news got out about new limit breakers, they would receive both good and unwanted attention.

Only a couple months back, there was news of an adventure that had turned into a limit breaker. Many guilds offered him a contract but he refused them. A couple months later, he was a wanted man. Nobody knew what crime he had committed. All the government officials would say was that "He can not be allowed to get away with his crimes. He will be punished just as any other criminal."

He turned himself in but still denied that he ever committed any crimes. Still, he was sent off to a prison that was unheard of. Never again was he ever heard from. An anonymous source stated that the government saw the limit breaker as a threat and so, dealt with him by locking him away. If the Limit Breaker would have put up a fight, he would have been met with death. It was a twisted claim but, everyone shrugged it off as some conspiracy theory.

But why was it a big deal?

At the time of hearing about this, Katsuya didn't think much about it, but now, his [Sixth sense] skill gives him a bad feeling about it/

Trusting his gut, Katsuya knew what he had to do.

He grabbed his balck coat off of the couch and put it on, all while he walked over to the front door.

"Wait, you're not going to a dungeon, are you?" Sora's voice asked.

"Relax, I'm not. I have no reason to kill monsters right now. I'm only going to visit the hospital and see how Jill and the others are doing."

"For what?"

"I just have to check something."

"Oh...well, in that case, continue."


(Dungeon Injury Hospital)

After arriving at the hospital, Katsuya had paid a visit to each of the survivors' rooms, introducing himself and hosting a short to mid-length conversation. After doing so, Katsuya was able to tell that none of them had noticed anything off about their level capacity yet. This was a good thing. For the time being, he wouldn't have to worry about word getting out about each of the new 'Limit Breakers'

Katsuya now stood outside of the last room he had to pay a visit to.

Jills hospital room.

Katsuya twisted the doorknob and made his way inside. Sitting up on the bed was a girl with long brown hair who was reading a book.

"Looks like you're already feeling better." said Katsuya as he wore a smile.

Jill closed her book and glanced his way.

"Katsuya? Did you just get here?"

"Actually, I've been here for about an hour already. I paid a visit to each of your teammates rooms. They're all doing fine."

A warm breath of relief left Jills mouth while she closed her eyes, before replying.

"That's good. They were all hurt pretty bad..."

When Jill and her team were in the boss room, none of them were expecting to make it out alive. Even so, each one of them fought their hardest. Just reminiscing on the traumatizing event gave Jill a feeling of sadness. She still found it hard to believe she even lost a friend back there.

Her gaze shifted downwards and her hair covered her eyes. At that moment, Jill gagged and covered her mouth as her body suddenly leaned forward.

"Woah. Are you okay?" Katsuya asked.

After a couple seconds of catching her breath, she nodded.

"...Katsuya." Jill mumered.

"What is it?"

She slowly lifted her head and looked at him. Tears were running down her cheek as if they were miniature rivers.

"...I'm sent your save us. "

There were no words to explain both her gratefulness and her sadness but, there was no need to. Katsuya knew exactly how she felt, he understood it all. There wasn't anything he could say to fix her negative emotions. All he could do was try to comfort her. His body moved forward and his arms wrapped around her, squeezing her tightly. It wasn't much, but it was all he could do.

"There's no need to cry. Everything is fine now, isn't it?"

Katsuya's question did hold a valid point. It was true that Jill wasn't trapped in the dungeon any more and everyone was okay now. She Knew that but, even if everything was fine, there was no way to reverse her friend's death.


(Location: ???)

The guards stood right outside of the prison cell, speaking on rumors about the prisoner inside.

"Any Idea why this one is held in the most heavily guarded area in the prison? Like, what the hell did he do to get put here?" The guard asked.

"It's only just a rumor but, I heard he killed his entire family. He was also a Limit Breaker, so they took extra precautions with him. No prisoner should be able to escape from here."

Both guards glanced over at the figure who sat inside of the cell. He had a white beard and long white hair. One eye was missing, having anipatch covering the empty socket. Around both of his wrists her chains that held him to the wall. A special kind of restraint that absorbs all physical attacks and magic. Even if he did manage to escape those, the entire room was surrounded with a special kind of barrier that nullified all skills and magic attacks. It could not be escaped unless the caster removed it.

"Yeah, there's no way he's getting out of there." said the guard.

The white-bearded prisoner had heard the entire conversation about him, which lit a spark in his anger.

Angered thought flowed through his mind as he tried not to go berserk.

"No...none of that's true. It's not true. It's unfair. I was framed. I just want to break free. Bastards."

If he somehow managed to break free from his cell, all guards would be called to apprehend him as he was the most dangerous inmate out of the entire prison.

"I know why I still fight. It's no bring judgment onto filthy bastards. Just like the asshole who framed me. Ever since I got locked up, I decided that I would dedicate my life to finding him,."

A flame lit inside the depths of his soul and his eye shined yellow, even in the darkness of his cell.

['Nullifie' has been activated]

His legs guided him to stand up and the chains that restrained him crumbled into nothing more than dust. The truth of the matter was that he could have escaped from his cell anytime he wanted. A man who claimed he was framed, a man who was a limit breaker. His name was Hades.

"I'll need to make this escape as fast as possible. I'm not sure I can make it past this prison's strongest guard. She's awfully strong for a woman."

Hades stepped forward and shoved his foot against the bars of the cell, shattering them.



He walked his way out and an alarm filled the hallways all around the prison.

The two guards sprinted towards him with all of their speed and strength.

"Down." said Hades.

Two graceful strikes knocked each of the guards unconscious, sending them crashing against the floor.

His current location was 10 floors below the surface, meaning he still had quit a long way to go.

After that point, he made his way through each floor, defeated each and every guard he came across.

Floor 9. Floor 8. Floor 7. Floor 6. Floor 5. Floor 4. Floor 3. Floor 2. Floor 1.

With only mid-level effort, he made it pass each trap and guard. Despite the large structure of each floor, he managed to make it to Floor 1 in only 20 minutes. His steps brought him to a staircase that would lead him to the surface, the main floor of the prison.

"Each guard I've come across has only been S-rank. But once I head up those stairs, I'll be fighting multiple Silver-rank guards. Along with their top dog, Harley Vang, a Platinum-rank guard. This will be interesting. I wonder who will win this time."

1 step, 2 steps, 3 steps. He started his way up the stairs, reminiscing about all of his previous escape attempts. Each time, he had no problem making it to the surface but once he did, he was met by the strongest guard in the prison who would bring him down each time.

Hades had finally reached the top of the stairs where a pair of metal doors awaited him.

"Here goes nothing."

He lifted his foot then kicked the door off the hinges, sending them flying into the room.



His slow and steady footsteps led him into the lobby but then stopped as a figure stood up ahead.

A woman with purple hair who wore a white uniform stood with an irritated look on her face. Her knife-like teeth showed as she spoke out loud.

"Ah! Are you freaking kidding me?! You really decided to break out of your cell again, huh? What motivated you this time?"

Hades chuckled and he would look at the floor.

"Well, I just thought it was about time for me to actually leave this dump. I have something I need to do."

"Well , do it once your sentence is over! And that's going to have to get replaced again! Aright, let's get this over with, come at me."

Hades tightened his grip and held up his fists, then with a final shout, he ran forward.

"Here I go!"

His legs moved so fast that he left a footprint on the floor behind as he shot forward. Yellow lights flashed, following the swing of each of his disaster-like punches. Calmly, the Guard moved side to side, avoiding each strike.

Off to the side stood two other guards who watched as the disaster-like fight went on.

"The two Limit Breakers are at it again. I wonder who will win this time."

"You already know who'll win. Harley Vang. She just outmatches him in almost every aspect. She's faster, stronger and she's even a martial arts prodigy. If she wasn't here, I bet that man would have escaped long ago.

Left strike, right strike, left, right. Hades rapidly swung his fists as each punch only hit the air.

"I won't miss this time."

With one last heavy swing, he punched at the purple haired guard but at the seemingly last second, she quickly stepped to the side.

"Well, looks like you did miss."

Before Hades had a chance to even move, a hard and accurate blow hit the center of his face and knocked him across the floor.

There stood his opponent, holding their foot out.

"And stay down."

She walked forward and kneeled down next to him, grabbing his wrists and moving them behind his back. She reached behind and pulled out a silver pair of handcuffs and locked them around his hands.

Click. Click. Click.

Hades laid still, accepting his defeat once again.

"So..I lost again." He thought to himself.