To those people who are just about to start and read this 'fanfiction' let me tell you a few things that might be of help to you.
Now, you might be wondering why I stressed the word 'fanfiction'. Well, obviously, because this book IS a fanfiction. So, please don't just keep on comparing it to the original at every turn.
There might be someone who would ask, "Who the FCK is this character!? He/She is not in the ORIGINAL!". Well, unfortunately for you, good sir, this is a fanfiction and not the original.
Just think of it like this; This is a book where the author took reference of some characters from an anime somewhere, gave it a new background, and dumped him/her into the plot. Does that make sense now? No? Unfortunately, my poor vocabulary can't describe this book in any other way.
Some character's backgrounds will change. Heck, even some character's gender were changed and were given new names. So, technically, they're Original Characters in this book. Now, I can feel that someone will say something like, " It feels weird to see that **** is now a girl/boy,". I repeat, if their genders and background were changed, then, they're already not the character you know from the original. Just think of it that that certain character you know doesn't exist in here.
Now, if you don't like this idea, you're free to leave and drop this fanfiction. Honestly, I just felt good after sharing this book and found it great to receive some feedbacks on how I can further improve my book and writing skills.
I am taking constructive criticisms but I will not just follow some other people's 'instruction' just to satisfy their own ego. Nope, I didn't create this book to please you but to please myself. I believe in the saying, "You can't please everybody". So, if you felt like you don't like this book, you're free to go and find something that might be able to please you.