Chereads / Knights of the last Tree / Chapter 5 - as Knight follows Day

Chapter 5 - as Knight follows Day

It had been a month now since Morana was named The Ice Queen. She yawned at the thought, though she did not particularly care the royal faction had gained much support. Now that the Knights have formally announced themselves as allies to the Kingdom other nations have scrambled to keep up by sending delegates to the Kingdom for reprisals of old treaties and agreements. Some in the noble factions have even expressed their wish to serve the crown. All of this has accumulated into the largest stack of paper work in the Kingdoms history. The prime minister offered to have taught servants come to aid her in the work and Morana was happy until Heka protested saying "it was the Queens duty to serve the people". So now She must complete all of the work alone, "how" she spouts "am I supposed to get anything done with you hovering like that". A man in blue and silver light full body armor stepped out of the corner, " my apologies your highness". The armor wasn't as noble or elegant as the other knights. It was more ruff and stylish. Showing off its leather craftsmanship.

Four days ago The Knight that had been her gaurd left without explanation and the next day this guy shows up. "Is this going to happen a lot, you guys switching out all the time". He leaned against the wall looking out the window, " no your highness this will not happen a lot The Captain was needed for a mission so they asked me to take over". Dropping her pin she stared at the slit in his helmet with a clear look of annoyance. "What ever at least you can hold a conversation. When ever I talked to him, he just grunted or ignored me completely. So do you have a name or do I just call you sir Knight"?

Kneeling he removed his helmet and laid it next to his knee. He face was quite handsome in Morana's eyes, few men had ever held her attention for mor then a minute. Short black straight hair accompanied a rounded straight jaw and black eyes. The man bowed his head and spoke in a completely different tone then before. "My name is Magos the III and I am the captain of the warlock division of the knights and I am at your command my Ladyship". Morana held her breath she was completely captivated, She wanted to say something that fit her personality but was to flustered. Magos looked to her, they locked eyes. For a moment he was awestruck as well the expression on her face was beautiful. He could lay down his life just to see her face. They both blushed, clearing her throat she turned back to her work. "I am Morana the II, named after my mother. You probably already knew that. I am happy to meet you Sir Magos".

At the entrance to the Room left of the stair well Meetra stood, studying the dark looking for any sign of movement. Meetra lit a torch and stepped in, Just last night Kiyara had woken her up and explained the room looked like a tomb and to stay out. Meetra figured that Kiyara thought it was to dangerous for someone with out magic. " Ha I'll show her by catching up all alone".

Large stone coffins lined the walls, They were old and cracked up. A faint smell of mold and soil feeled her nose. The coffins all shared the same symbol as that man's sword making her suspicious of him. Dripping water caught her attention and Meetra felt a cool breeze hit her skin but she ignored the obvious warning and began to search the room. Meetra looked for any sign that Kiyara had come this way. Once she reached the center of the room the beginning of the mistake was now complete. A large stone door slammed the entrance shut. Nearly jumping out of her skin she dropped her torch and ran full speed to the door. Moving faster than the eye could follow her lifes physical training meant nothing when she rammed the door. Bouncing off the door she fell hard against the stone floor. Knowing there was no way she could lift the door she sat down leaning against the it. She held her already bruised shoulder as tears followed the realization that she was now alone in the dark with a single torch and no real food. Fear crept in has she regained her baring. Meetra crawled towards the torch and with it in hand she got back to her feet. She began to examine the door but was interrupted by a strang metallic sound. The sound of heavy steel armor hitting the ground rang out in the small corridor. Turning on her heels swiftly. She stood completely still as the sight before her froze even her fear. An undead clad in heavy executioners armor stood slowly, reaching inside the coffin the undead crawled from it removed a large chunk of iron that could not be called a sword. It could not hold the full weight of the weapon so Its large tip dug deep into the stone floor as the creature began to waddle towards Meetra. The armor was old and full of chinks. The humidity in the room left it heavily rusted and degraded. As the creature moved peices began to fall off. Part of the lower helmet cracked and shattered revealing a skeletal jaw. Black ooz spewed from its mouth. Meetra knew even as old as the armor looked there was still no way her dagger could pierce its heavy chest plate and destroy the creatures magic crystal. It moved into striking distance and swung the large chunk from above. Dodging to the left Meetra's bag was ripped off her back causing her to loose balance. She fell on her bruised right shoulder and let out a yelp of pain. Scrambling to her feet her left leg caved, she caught herself with her left hand. Her leg was burning hot as red liquid began to form around a rusted iron tip. The realization and pain struck at the same time, she yelled pushing her lungs to the fullest extent. The chunk pulled out with lightning speed. She crawled furiously towards the other end of the room. Leaving her torch and destroyed bag behind. The sound of stomping armor and tears clouding her vision made it hard to navigate the floor. She was moving her left leg as fast as possible to match her right. The pain was excruciating. She reached the opposite door way which as far as she could tell led into a hallway turning right. She stopped and turned propping herself up on her left arm she kicked with all her might landing a blow that would shatter a normal man's unprotected shin. She felt the impact through her boot shoot up into her back. The rusted shin gaurd shattered and the undead fell towards her as it's right leg separated from the rest of its body. Rolling out of the way she grabbed at the iron chunk. Rapping her fingers in a grip that could crush rists, she shot up on her right leg. The undead grabbed at her feet as she moved to the wall using the bastard to steady herself. She fell against the stone wall once more on her right. Completely oblivious to the pain in her shoulder she lifted the chunk above her head and cleaved down against the undeads back. Crashing through the armor and destroying the bones the heavy bastards blade shattered the purple magic stone within. With the force if the attack she fell forward with the swing. Catching herself with her knees, she bent over holding herself up with her hands. She vomited the amazing stew on to the stone floor. The pain in her leg clouded her thoughts as she cried. "Kiyara, please help me".