Chereads / Knights of the last Tree / Chapter 6 - a Knight unlike any other pt.I

Chapter 6 - a Knight unlike any other pt.I

Magos lifted his head as the Paladin Commander vanished into the night. The Commander sent word for Magos to meet him outside the castle walls near the tree line. The only reason the Commander would be here is to warn Magos of some kind of danger. "If that is the reason why then would they meet so far away from the Queen". Interrupting his thoughts the Commander spoke and Magos listened. "Don't worry about her highness, normal guards can protect her from thieves and assassins. The reason we were asked by The King to protect his daughter has finally revealed itself. The White Church is making a move, in the far east magical beings are being quietly taken out. Soon they will begin moving publicly. They have staged many attacks on prominent witches and warlocks. They're Inquisitors have began taking out the most powerful wizards and elves of other nations. Soon they will turn they're attention to Dolus. The court wizard will be their first target. You must begin training her Highness with him. She must be able to protect herself and with how powerful she really is it should not long. I have begun moving our forces into the mountains, I also took the liberty to assign four shadows to assist you in her defense". The Commander turned around and began walking away."Remember Magos she is the future of magic, keep her safe". The Commander vanished into the mist and Magos was left kneeling alone in the dark.

After the grave warning his Commander left him with, three weeks later Magos began teaching Morana everything his master had taught him. He was proficient in earth magic but could still teach her how to imagine magic circles and mana control. How mana was connected to the tree of life and how with patience and understanding it could grow from a sprout to an enormous oak. She was a natural within weeks she went from cooling the air to freezing lakes. It was the middle of summer but no one in the capital was ever hot. If only they'd had more time she could have been the most powerful Ice mage in all the lands.

Meetra fell hard against the wall, she had no idea how long she'd been walking. She had already long abandoned all of her gear. The noise it generated seemed to attract the undead. She was covered in cuts and bruises. Even tho her eyes were use to the dark she still couldn't see anything. She slowed her breathing and listened,hearing the sound that she had come to fear. Rustling of armor and the dragging of blades. She limped slowly making as little sound as possible. When Meetra left her gear she decided to leave her boots as well, knowing they made to much noise. She had been going like this for seemed like hours upon hours. She had lost so much blood from her leg wound she could hardly walk for than 10 minutes without having to rest. She had ripped her shirt to make bandage, it worked the blood stopped some time ago. The pain radiated through her whole body, it had even begun to effect her sinces. The feeling in her left foot was absent even though her right was freezing. The labyrinth of these tunnels must have been enormous. With no heat source it the cold reigned here. It also didn't help the problem with the undead. How she wondered were there so many. The air was stale and filled with dust, it felt heavy to breathe. She constantly felt eyes on her but could do nothing. She continued to limp slowly until she reached the edge of the wall. Feel forward it was a corner, the wall turned to the left and ended again. The must be a doorway, but was it to a room or another hall. Slipping around it she hugged the wall closely as with her left arm extended she felt for anything. Until her hand felt something leaning against the wall. She straightened herself and reached out with her right hand. Her fingers studied the object cautiously, it was made of smooth wood. Spreading her arms out she found the edges, it was some sort of table. Pushing her hand forward she felt something else, a wooden cup following this found plates and bowls. Attempting to step around the table she was impeded by stubbing her knee against something hard. feeling around the location she felt a bench and followed it for a few feet. Finding the edge of the table and bench she once again felt the wall. Meetra started to run her fingers along the wall once more when they met something new, a handle on the wall. She touched it caustically extending her finger along its base to find some kind of rope leaving it. A crack along the opposite side told her all she needed to know, wrapping her right hand around it she braced herself against the wall and dropped her wait holding onto the lever handle. A rustic clicking sounded somewhere above her. That is when hope feeled the room as sunlight began pouring from 2 small windows in the ceiling. A clang told her they were completely open and would stay that way until she pushed the lever back up. Even if she wanted to do that she did not have the strength left. Leaning against the table she slumped under her own weight and fell onto her left. She could no longer feel her right arm, She tried to move it to lift her self back up but smoldering strength she had left was keeping her conscious as she began to loose focus all the pain in her body awakened at the sign of rest. Her right shoulder burned, cuts in her feet trickled blood and her left leg stung with a piercing pain unlike anything she'd ever felt.

Meetra stared out the window seeing the blue sky fade away, the realization that hours have passed dawned on her. Her eyes were so heavy, she wanted to close them and sleep but she was afraid of what that could mean. What if she was never able to tell her best friend how she felt. What if she never saw her best friend again. Suddenly clamoring outside the door way drew her attention away from thought and tears. She Could barely lift her head to see a familiar face.