Chereads / Breaking the Chain: The Slave / Chapter 19 - Supplementary chapter

Chapter 19 - Supplementary chapter

Hiisdeyim is orbited by four moons of equal size. These moons only ever appear in pairs of two with the other two vanishings from all perceivable means of existence. How they vanish and reappear is unknown and has never been seen happening. Each moon also represents one of the four gods. When a moon is visible, the associated gods' influence on the world is stronger than when it's missing. It's thought, these moons are also the respective homes of each god.

Pholm is Akramon's moon and glows Blue.

Thrim is Phylgrum's moon and glows Green.

Tryx is Adamysty's moon and glows Pink

Grulm is Troxal's moon and glows Red.

Curiously a 5th yet unseen moon has been noted to possibly exist. Its influence has been documented but is widely considered a myth or magical anomaly due to never having been directly observed and the gods will only confirm the existence of the four known moons. As a result, some believe there is a 5th god, often called the False god.


Orb Lamps are mundane magic item's that store sunlight and release it at night as a heatless light. These lamps are made from a smokey white crystal grown by the Dwarves. How the Dwarves manufacture them is a mystery outside of their underground strongholds but has become one of their key trades with the other races.


Magic is broken into five subclasses, In-born, Natural, Educational, Artificial, and Rune.

In-born magic is a rare mundine magical mutation of the person while in the womb. It can skip many generations before appearing and requires a perfect set of conditions to manifest. It's an uncontrollable adaptation of the body such as shifting eye color, resistance to temperature, ext. Unlike other magic's it can't be learned or manufactured artificially and can't affect anything outside the affected person's own body.

Natural magic is the manifestation of a person's personality. This can vary widely, and while anyone able to perform magic can achieve natural magic it takes years of learning about one's own self and as a person develops over time, their natural magic may change with them. While these abilities can be learned, those who do so only wield a fraction of its full potential.

Educational magic is magic developed over time off another person's natural magic. Such as learning to throw balls of fire after studying a person whose natural magic is to produce fire. This is magic that can be freely learned by anyone and while these spells can be powerful, they'll never be as powerful as the natural magic they're derived from. Fire produced from Educational magic will never burn as hot as a person with Natural magic to produce fire themselves.

Artificial magic, often called the Sin of Thought, is Magic produced by mage's who study the natural world or by simply experimenting to achieve some end result. Unlike Educational magic these spells are often signature's to powerful mage's and are never learned by anyone else. These spells can be as powerful as the craftsman imagines or works to achieve. The only limitation is the imagination of the image that produces them.

Rune magic. The most powerful of all magic. Once written into effect, these spells become subo-laws of reality and are only limited by the knowledge of the mage who wields them! While they are limited by what the gods have allowed the mortal world to understand, in theory if a person understood rune magic to its fullest potential, they could rewrite the very laws of reality or become a god themselves!


Slaver Coins are a sort of second currency, a magical item used to exchange ownership between a slave's owner and the buyer. Without one ownership can't be exchanged. The coin magically binds the slave to their owner. These coins aren't always used for the purchase and trade of slaves however. They can be used to buy anything, marking it as your property.


NightBlindess is exactly what it sounds like. A magical disease that affects the eyes and makes it difficult to see in dark spaces or at night. The darker the environment, the more difficulty the afflicted will have.