I was in our master's bedroom talking to my mom.

"Oh my god! Really! Oh, can't wait to tell Shana about this." She said, excitement tone of her voice. "Wait! Does she know it already?"

"Not yet, Mom. Callie will tell them later." I spoke.

I heard Callie shouted, calling me. It was different with the way her voice was. I let the bedroom door open so that I can hear Callie.

"What was that?" My mom asked with worried voice.

"Mom, I will call you back." I did not wait for her answer and I rushed out quickly.

I did not see Callie. So, I called out. "Callie!"

"Sweet, in here." Her voice was in the entrance door.

I walked towards her. She was standing still, waiting.

"Hey! What's wrong? Are you in pain? Are you okay? Why are you in the door? Are we going to the hospital?" I asked her so many questions.

"Yes, I am okay. Do not worry. There is nothing wrong with me and our triplets." She answered.

"Then why are you shouting?" I asked again.

Instead answering, she pointed something outside. I raised my brows in confused. I opened the front door widely. I was dumbfounded when I saw a baby inside the stroller. He was sleeping peacefully.

I turned to face Callie, looking for an answered. She seems to hear what's on my mind.

"I do not know him either. I got up after you went to our bedroom when our doorbell rang." She said in details. "I looked at the monitor. There was no one. So, I decided to open it then I saw him like that. That's when I called you."

"Okay, okay! Let's get him inside and figured it out later." I said as I pushed him inside our unit carefully.

"I think you should eat first. Our babies need to feed in your stomach." I reminded Callie.

She was engrossed with the little angel in his stroller. Yes, it is a baby boy. He is still sleeping. Callie started eating and so did it.

We finished the last one when the cute little creature woke up. He has a very pretty face and long eyelashes. He was staring at us.

"Da..da... Mi..mi." He said, smiling.

Both Callie and I were looking at each other with our mouths opened. He did not even cry seeing us as strangers. Instead, he called us like we are his real parents.

"Hello, my little angel!" Callie smiled. "Sweet, get him out from his stroller."

I got up to unfastened the seatbelt. I pulled him and a white envelope fell on the ground. I sat the little boy beside Callie as she was feeding him with fruits.

I picked up the letter as I glanced at Callie. She never says a word but waiting for me. Slowly opened it and read.

'Please take care of him as your own. I know he will be in good hand. His name is Hendrix Kent Moore. Born April 12, ****. I could not bring him with me. I entrust him to you. Please show him your love and care. Thank you!'

There is another paper. It was the birth certificate of the child. Only a mother's name written on it.

"Da... da!" Reaching his hands on me.

I smiled and gave Callie the note. She read it too and glanced at me.

"What do you think?" I asked Callie.

"I know this is unexpected to us. But I cannot barely to see him go away. I know it is too much for us." She paused. "I know we are having triplets but we just hire nannies for them."

I feel the same way to what Callie said. The first time he called us made my heart ripped. We do not know the real reason why his mother left him. This cute little angel is not his fault.

"Okay, okay! I know what you are thinking. Besides, it never said that we have to adopt him. I guess, we just love him as our own." I said, Callie hugged. "However, we still need to consult a lawyer and be his foster parents." She nodded.

Our doorbell rang again. That both of us were looking each other's eyes.

"I will get it. You two stay here." I murmured.

I walked to look who's outside the door. Seeing the monitor, there are people outside. I opened to let them it.

"Where's Sky? Is she okay?" My mom said.

"You got us nervous. Your mom told me she was shouting." Mommy Shana said as they entered.

I could not even reply as they all barged in and walked straight inside. My parents, Callie's parents and even her brother Charles were rushing in.

"I got nervous too when Mom was talking nonstop." Charles said. "I just came out from the meeting when she called me." They stopped in middle living room as they saw Callie. "Who's that?" Charles pointed to Kent.

"Hello, parents and brother! Meet Kent our foster child." Callie said, smiling.

"What????" They said the same except our fathers.

"Come again?" My mom asked.

"Yes, mom. We are going to be his foster parents." I answered.

I started telling them the details about Kent. How we got him and why Callie was shouting? Everything I told them without leaving any of it.

"Okay, I will let Eddy called our lawyer. And even trace his origin too. Avoiding trouble for both of you." Dad Colton said.

My dad called our family lawyer immediately as Daddy Colton instructed.

"Who would dare to leave this handsome and cute little angel?" Charles murmured.

Little Kent was smiling as they played with adults. He is so adorable.

"Mom, Dad, we are having triplets." Callie told her mother.

"What?" Charles burst out in shock.

"Yeah, we just found out this morning, Bro Charles." Callie chuckled.

"Yes, we know. George told me and got scared too when we were calling both your phone. No one answer." Mom Shana said.

"Oh! Our phones were not with us. We were too busy with Kent." I spoke.

"Yeah, we see that." My mom rolled her eyes. "I already ask to hire a nanny with you in here. It will be good that they can take care your needs." She added. We nodded.

"It is a good thing that you live here than in Aunt George unit. You are having a big family now." Charles smiled.

Yes, we are now having a big family with the new unexpected family member.