Chapter 63 - The Merchant [4]

"Excuse me?" Noah had exclaimed at her proclamation of wanting to purchase all the fruits.

She nodded and with one hand on her hip smirked brightly which only furthered the radiant exuberance of the sun glistening off her skin. "Of course." She began, "in fact, I'd like to purchase all of your future ones as well. Of course, I'll pay just a little under market price for them." It was said with such a casual tone that Noah couldn't even process it at first.

"You mean. Like, everything? As in, all that I have?" he sounded like an idiot, he was self aware enough to notice that.

"And everything you will ever have."

Noah's mouth hung, his mind clicking in a feeble attempt to catch up with the story. He pressed his hands into his face and groaned himself awake. "Sorry. I'm a little tired, give me one second." He held up a finger and the woman went silent. He breathed in until his lungs could take no more then slowly hissed it out, calming and clearing his thoughts then looked up to her verdant blues. "Sorry about that." He rose to his feet using the stall as leverage to pull himself up, "so you're wanting to do a bulk order then? Or do you mean something along the lines of a hanging contract."

The woman nodded heartily, "hanging contract preferably. Though, I would much prefer to speak more on the details in a more formal setting. Just to properly cut the details out of the pigskin."

Noah slightly shook his head at the phrase, noting how he was never going to get used to this worlds peculiar differences. "That's fine but…" he looked over the streets still not seeing the girls. Worry was steadily rising in his heart that something had happened to them, "but the people I came with aren't back yet. So I'd rather not leave just yet."

She arched a brow and followed his worried gaze. "Hmm, well. I would rather speak now rather then later. Would it work if I left an associate here to guide them to the merchants guild then?"

It would, but still, Noah wasn't entirely comfortable with this. "Sort of. It's just, who are you?"

The woman paused staring at him with confusion then the faintest of flushes rose up her cheeks. "Oh, excuse my rudeness," she elegantly placed her hand over her heart, "Meira aet Stefan. I am a merchant with the Bajan trading company." She watched for his reaction, frowning when she saw little.

"Really?" Noah put on a facade, it sounded important but the thoughts that this was a scam kept wandering in. It wasn't uncommon in his old world for fancilly dressed people to be utter scum when their cool outside was peeled away.

She still saw his reluctance and sighed. "I can see you don't believe me." A hand rose, dove between the cavern of her breasts and pulled free a small metallic card and handed it out towards Noah. He took it and scanned it, on it an intricate shield with two woman, their bodies pressed together and fingers interwoven with the others. Just beneath them a wrapping of what looked like two lions tails and on the side the foreign yet legible words of 'Meira aet Stefan. Apprentice Merchant of the Bajan Trading Company.'

"Apprentice…?" Noah mouthed.

"As you can see," she held herself with her ample bosom outstretched and back straight in pride, "I harbour you no ill will."

Noah kept still and eyed her, involuntarily finding himself latched to her breast but quickly pulled away before his hormones could take over. "I guess. But an apprentice, are you out looking for contracts for your teacher?"

"No, no. I'm looking for a contract for myself." She waved her hand as if to wave away the concept, "my first you may say. My studies have long since ended but I have been seeking an interesting partner for my first." Sparkling like the stars soon to come out, a giddy smile rose upon her face. "I think you may be just that."

Noah verily doubted that and scanned the streets once again. Hoping for the slightest that Liora and Caina would return to help him with this new event. "How so? If you don't mind my asking?"

Meira bobbed her head in a short nod, "these aren't simple cherries." Her voice lowered into a dulcet whisper while Noah heart pulsated to silence. His entire mind latching its attention onto what came next, "I've seen plenty over my apprenticeship and my father specialised in certain types of produce. Ethos enriched fruits and vegetables. The only cherries I have ever seen of this size, have been those from the Gaishiri serrule dryad orchards in Zesune." Noah paled but she kept talking. "I can smell they are rich and fresh, though their special aphrodisiac is noticeably weaker. So I can only think you chose to sacrifice that for something else and from the Ethos I can feel inside, its sapping by the moments like the cherry itself is eating it and sustaining its freshness. Longevity is likely what you had your dryad focus its ethos on."

Her smile hollowed out though didn't turn quite cruel. It was almost all knowing in how she could surmise so much from a single berry. "Also…" her tone lowered even further, "from the amount of ethos inside, I can tell this dryad has been fed, quite recently at that."

Noah sucked in his cheeks half tempted to hiss like a deflating balloon. THough she didn't say it outright, he could tell from the way she was looking at him that she had an idea that he was more than just the face of this sale. Noah hadn't ever had that good of a poker face. Always easily seen through from what his friends on earth told him.

There was no point in trying to sideline her, that and Noah was much too unaccustomed with this world to ever one up a woman like her. He sighed mournfully then looked over the fruits of his 'labour' and scratched the slight frizz beneath his chin. "I can already tell this is one of those 'an offer you can't refuse' type of situations." He sighed and handed her card back over, "you'll make sure my friends get to us?"

Meira took back her card and stuffed it between her breasts. "I will." She smirked and dug between her bosom yet again, this time pulling out a small token with a opalescent gemstone carved into a semi-circle atop it. She set it down then tapped the top five times setting off a small convalescence of lights. Noah eyed it curiously, "A representative of the local merchants guild will be by soon." She said as a thin metallic pen appeared in one hand and a small piece of parchment in the other. On it she swiftly scribbled down instructions and with that opalescent gem, weighed it down. "And with that, they now know what to do." She beamed as bright as the molten gold that was her hair.

Noah could only watch astonished and confused from her actions. Half tempted to utter words in questioning whether her breasts were breasts or if they were pockets. Though that would be rude, he quickly calmed himself but not before she chirped a laugh and twisted her upper body causing a cascade like ripple to roam across her bosom. He realized this and pulled his vision away, flushing.

Meira on the other hand was calm as could be, completely unfazed by his lecherous action and even looking for a small bit pleased with her feminine allure. "Now," she whispered, her voice now more womanly than the business like tone it was before. "Shall we head off then?"

Honestly, he didn't want to but as he wandered over her body once more, her full hips, her perfect hourglass form and that strange gal like look she had with her bronze chocolate skin and sun strewn hair, he knew he couldn't. Even if they didn't do anything or if this was truly related only to business, Noah's manhood refused to just allow his refusal.

He wet his lip, looked around uncertainly, then nodded. "Yeah, yeah, alright." He eyed up the flashing gemstone and the note beneath it. From what he could see from his upside down view it looked like instructions for the cherries under the tarp and to tell Liora and Caina where to find him, though it didn't quite say their name. He skirted around the stall and fixed up his tunic and pants and collected his sack of buckles, hooking it to his belt all whilst under the watchfully curious gaze of Meira. A shade of disappointment could be seen but that quickly faded as this ominous look like that of a woman finding a new project replaced it.

She sidled to his side and forcibly hugged his arms, a task turned unusual by the fact she was near a heads higher then Noah himself. He did his utmost not to think about the amazing plushness of her bosom and the smoothness of her skin. She narrowed her eyes more as she squeezed his arm as if testing his musculature but finding him lanky. "Then shall we?" Noah couldn't refute and gave his acknowledgement and soon they were off, Noah practically dragged by the collar only able to turn back his head worriedly at the empty stall hoping for the love of all that is holy, he didn't stupidly loose everything.