The breathtaking kiss that they shared at that time was totally confusing Ariena . Her mind decided into two groups as it debated over Andrew's action; mini angle Ariena,who was supporting the love between them, and the mini devil Ariena, who was blaming her for expecting to much.
Angel self sequeal as she said, "He likes you.."
Devil self immediately hit the angle on her head as she protest, "Don't dream on....he has some one whom he loves, already in his life.."
Angel self : You spoiler, see how passionate he is in his action,his touches, his lips, his groaning are all just a pretend... no I don't think so..."
Devil self: ''Don't be fooled by it, it's the effect of wine that you are seeing things..."
But as the time passed, she looked at him carefully and seeing him so amorous in his advances, she stopped struggling, completely submitting herself at his mercy. She locked the two quarrelling mini's of her in the darkest depth of her brain and tried to focused on him and his moves.
The butterflies has started to dance in her stomach, when he dragged her to her bed. She contemplated over this scenario, as she didn't know how many times and in how many different ways she had imagined of this scene to happen. But never in her wildest dreams she had thought it will be happening in such argy-bargy situation.
She was so engrossed in herself that she didn't notice when Andrew unzipped her gown and slipped his hands to her breasts. In the pleasure or heat a soft moan escaped her mouth, as she sluggishly open her eyes to see his expression shyly. She could see the salacity and desires in those perfect dark almond shaped eyes. She felt bashful under his stare.
But in a jiff, the sizzling and sensual touches were gone, the warmth that had engulfed her half unclad petite body were replaced with the cold air coming from the air conditioning, sending shiver down through her spine.
Her brain completely shut down, processing what had just happened in a split of seconds, leaving only silence in her head. Everything between them that transpired a moment ago was gone as if nothing happened. She kept looking at the man who was mumbling something to himself as he paced to and fro around her room.
'Was I just dreaming a moment ago.... But all that felt so real, his kiss, touches, and those amorous advances..... Is she turned into a horny and concupiscent person...' She kept raking in her head to gasped the current situation, when suddenly she looked down at herself.
NO... everything was REAL from that rough then passionate kiss to his intimate touches all was real. She covered herself on an instinct hurriedly, as she focused on what Andrew was mumbling.
"It was all wrong, I acted on impulse... just forgot about it... I'm sorry... I don't want to do that with you.... I'm sorry Ariena...." she heard his crying voice.
Her world turned upside down when she heard him apologising and pleading to her dearly. 'He is regretting his actions just now....he wants her to forget all those lovely moment, which she wanted to cherish for all her life..... he is sorry to her ...', she contemplated over his words. But suddenly her chaotic and muddled head became crystal cleared, as a realization hit her, ' No, not her..... he is not sorry to her instead to him, to Leora; his LOVE and LIFE..."
Ariena readied herself by zipping her dress swiftly, as she moved out of the bed to stand straight in front of Andrew. She stared into his dark eyes as she asked in a very calm tone, "Can you repeat yourself... "
Andrew shivered when he saw how dead her eyes were, when she asked to retell everything he said before. He moved forward to hold her hand, as he lightly squeezed them and said, "I'm Sorry I didn't want to hurt you like this, I don't know what had happened to me ....I'm Sorry... I'm Sorry,I'm ready to do anything just.... please forget all that happened a moment ago.. Please."
He literally begged for her forgiveness. His heart was sinking into the depth of ocean just by thinking that he is about to loose her. He didn't know from where this fear had come but he was ready to pay any price to go back to how they were just a few days before, laughing and chatting on the dining table discussing future plans....
Ariena shudder under his touch, completely loosing her strength, she went back two steps to get herself balanced with the support of her bed. She jerk his hands away and asked again with blank looks in her eyes, " Do you regret so much touching me... do you despise kissing me.."
Andrew was dumbstruck as he didn't know what to say. He thought to himself, 'Did he despise the kiss they shared just now... NO he Loved It..... did he regretted touching her sensually ..... NO he Crave For More... but can he tell her that... A BIG NO...'
He bowed his head down, hiding his true feeling from her, in shame for having such fancy thought about her and replied in a low voice, " I'm sorry... I regret my actions Ariena.. please... please forgive me..."
That very moment, Ariena's heart sting with undescribable pain, she lost her head and all her little fluffy hopes in their marriage. Her eyes turned cold as she asked again, "To you Who Am I ... think carefully before you answer Andrew.." She bite the inner sides of cheek really hard making them bleed in the process to control her unworthy tears to fall off from her eyes.
Andrew glupped unconsciously as he raised his head to look at her in her eyes, finding the real meaning of this peculiar questionnaire. He was shocked to see them so clear and cold without a hint of emotion in them. He tried to lessen the gap between them by taking a step forward, as he called her name, "Ariena..." but was stopped in his track as she cut him off by saying a pitch louder than before, " Stop right there.... don't you dare to come close to me and touch me freely as you want before answering my questions. Stay there where you are and tell me 'what you see me as'.."
Andrew quickly retreat his hands and leg, as he stared at her while replying to her plainly without thinking better what to say, "I think we have progress a lot in our relationship. From being acquaintance with benefits we are now like a friend to each other. We are now not just someone who have some monetary value to each other but we are also connected with emotions..."
Ariena felt that the land under her feet just slipped away making her loose her footing, she held the bed headrest to steadied herself. As she pounder over his words, " 'Acquaintance with Benefits', ' Friend's ', she could be anything to him but not his wife, his lover as it is already decided from the beginning. If she wish she can be a Mistress to him by offering herself to him but can never be his wife..."
She felt devastated as she asked her last question to him as she still thought she deserve something better than this pityful situation and status in her life. She gnashed her teeth while asking him sternly, " Just now what was it ....your ambiguous desire or..." she didn't complete her sentence as she didn't want to embarrass herself further by mentioning ''love ' to him.
Andrew,who was awe stuck by her question, blinked hardly, again activating all the cells in his brain to get an answer but he was completely lost.
The last straw of hopes also slipped away from her hand when she noticed how conflicted and helpless his face was right now. She regretted asking her question because she knew that all those things were in spur of moment and didn't mean anything to him. It was pure lust for him.
Before he could answer her she straighten up her body and toughen her expressions as she said in a low menacing voice, " Just leave this room .....". she takes a step forward and shouted again ,"Scram..."
Andrew was jolted back to his senses when he heard her loud scream, he tried to talk to her, "Ariena please listen to me...I ..." but she came forward and pushed hard on his chest, making him move back, to stop him saying any further. She said with a pleading look, "Leave me alone, Will You... just go away... You are the last person I want to see right now... Andrew it's enough please no more explanation.... SCRAM....GO AWAY"
She kept on hitting him onto his chest for sometime, as she slumped down on the floor wailing loudly and shouting to leave her alone in between her cries.
Andrew looked at her with guilt filled in his eyes one last time, before leaving her sorry figure on the ground contemplating over his actions,
"He Was To Blame For This Condition Of Her... What right he had to hurt her so badly.. he doesn't deserve her forgiveness.... Devil like him don't deserve her..."