Chereads / The Iron Alchemist / Chapter 91 - The Mayor's Intrigue

Chapter 91 - The Mayor's Intrigue

Lyolis stood to her feet tucking the parchment into her pocket. She felt the cold, golden key she had acquired at the event with the Mayor. She thought about not bringing the key, but something inside told her to keep it close. "Father! I'll be back in good time."

Leofort chuckled, "sure thing, Dear. Don't be gone too long … this thing is about to shoot off."

"I'm sure I won't miss much," 

She slipped from the row of seats, towards the back, then crept towards the other side of the podium, trying to keep herself out of the way of the bustlers who held silver platters and loose coin.

A nimble-nosed woman asked, "a last minute bet for you child?" 

"I've had enough gambling for one day, thank you," pushing past the woman, nearly throwing her off he feet. Lyolis crouched down, walking to where Tonsi sat. Her hair bun as golden as summer and eyes blue as ice, staring blankly out into the vast canyon. 

"Tonsi! Psst! Tonsi!"

It took a few more whispers and the girl peeked over her shoulder, finding Lyolis a foot away. Startled Tonsi jumped, looking upon the opened jaws and black, soulless eyes of the girls crown. "Lyolis? Have you been eaten?"

Lyolis tilted her head upwarded, allowing Tonsi to locate her forest-brown eyes. "Of course I haven't."

They giggled. "I've come to find you …"

"I thought you were mad at me … I sent you flowers with no reply … and the other night, I accompanied my father to your estates, and you were nowhere to be found. If anything, I thought you were avoiding me."

"I was," Lyolis confessed, "but that was until I discovered this …" She pulled the blood-stained parchment from out of her coat. 

Tonsi's nose wrinkled, "is the a blood rag …"

"It's a long story." Lyolis opened it up and held it out for her to see. "Your father has not been aiding the Howl King … he's been getting his arms from somebody else. I know this because my mother would never coincide with an enemy. Your father is selling guns to us."

"To you?" Tonsi took the parchment and read it over slowly, recognizing the initials. "That means that you are preparing for war."

Lyolis nodded, "which is why my father is so set on finding our Brusk'kab. She's been with him in every battle … he doesn't show it, but without her he is weak … And he needs her by his side if he is going to defeat the Howl King once more."

Tonsi glared at the Mayor, "But Keeblor Thompkins is in possession of the beast … How will you get her back?"

Lyolis rubbed her chin and searched the podium.  "Everybody is making wagers. Maybe the Mayor needs one more," she smiled.

Suddenly the Mayor lifted from his seat, twirling, and announcing. "My friends!" He waved his hands over his heads. "Those of you who have a golden key, please accompany me for the special event. The rest of you wait here."

Lyolis and Tonsi eyes grew to moons. They looked upon one another and said together, "did you bring yours?" They both giggled and nodded, slipping the golden trinkets from their pockets, and holding them out for each one to see.

Lyolis smirked, "let's go find out what these keys unlock."

The Mayor guided them deep into the canyon, walking down a path that snaked and descended until the path opened up into a large cave blazing with torches. 

"Who're they," Lyolis whispered, looking upon a second group of individuals, bringing their numbers to a solid fifty.

"I believe they acquired a golden key .. and by the looks of them, they don't appear to be friendly."

Lylolis scanned the group  Tonsi was right. Each one appeared angrier than the last. Their eyes sharp as tomahawks. Lips sunken. Some crossing their arms while others tapped their feet.

A well dressed man with a rounded nose said, "It's near High Noon … We're going to miss everything."

"Is this some sick joke? How're we supposed to see anything from here?"

The Mayor waved his hands, working to silence their murmurs. "I assure you, what you will experience will be far grander than anything the others are watching." He pointed to a ring of chairs, each positioned with podiums holding a small golden box. "Please, take your seat … the key will tell you your position."

"Two and three," Lyolis said, twisting the key until light touched it. "Looks like we're sitting by that throne."

The Mayor walked to the grand scarlet cushioned chair, with golden embroidery. Flipping his cape, and platting himself with a sigh. 

Tonsi pulled on her arm, "we're right next to the Mayor …"

"I see that …"

"He's going to know we stole the letters …"

"You stole the letters," Lyolis winked, "all I did was come along at your invitation."

Tonsi's icey blue eyes sparkled. The giggled. "Sure … blame me why don't you."

"Just don't act suspicious and we should be fine." With that, Lyolis raised her chin, walking over to the satin cushioned chair and took her place. Tonsi did the same. The seat was buoyant, causing both to bob until they shifted and got situated. The other guests did the same until each chair was filled. Lyolis leaned across the armrest, "See. Nobody noticed us—"

"Have my eyes betrayed me? Is that Ms. Mirrmane and Ms. Womberwheel besides me?" Both their nose's burned from the soft fragrance that reeked off the Mayor. They turned, showing their peraled teeth then waved their fingers that brought light to the man's black eyes. "My God, it is … how delightful it is to see you both! How on earth did you get down here?"

Lyolis shifted, bouncing once more, uneasy. The Mayor wouldn't reject them if he knew they were invited, right. From her pocket she pulled out the golden key, allowing his eyes to find it. 

He twirled his mustache almost intrigued. "You two girls are quite the surprise—"