Chereads / Insomnium / Chapter 18 - Event

Chapter 18 - Event

The lights nearly blinded me as I made my way, arm in arm, with Adamanthe. I noticed everyone was wearing white, black, or red. It was quite the display of ornate objects and people. I could feel heat overpower my senses. An emotional reaction to a social problem.

Laughter bubbles in my throat at the thought. Adam turns a quizzical brow my way. I disguise it as a soft cough and relax my mouth the best I can manage.

The Elites have everything... money, wealth... the best jobs, homes, resources... suddenly the laughter that had once been feels cold, almost cruel. Looking at all the lavish, unnecessary items I am surrounded by, my stomach begins to churn.

"Adam." I whisper, in an intimate embrace. "This is too much."

"I know." He whispers back. "This is the way things have always been and this is the way things shall always be."

A slight gasp escapes my lips. He read my Doctoral Thesis on Behavioral Adaptations of Species.

"You may not think I know you, but I feel like I do. Your mind is such an exceptional outlier to our society. I am intrigued and enthralled by you. I am sorry for my actions being so forward. I know that must elicit and uncomfortable, emotional response."

"I would like to talk to you more about this in private." I whisper back.

"Elitist, Adamanthe." I shudder, that voice is all too familiar.

"Elitist Kronos." Adam replies, giving me proper distance in a public forum.

They both begin to laugh and hug one another.

"Who might this be?" He turns his direction to me.

"This is my guest." Adam replies smoothly.

"Does this guest have a name?"

Suddenly a security person grasps his arm and whispers into his ear.

"Alas, duty calls. To be continued." Kronos smiles at me and disappears into the crowd.

"That was close." I whisper.

"My father knows who you are."

I can feel my body heat they cool rapidly and dizziness consumes the forefront of my being. "And?"

"He is the one who suggested you be made Elitist sooner rather than later."

"We do have a lot to talk about, indeed."