The needle pricked my skin slightly as Noah extracted my blood.
"We are going to be the only ones with our DNA classified and categorized on the ship." He smiled. " I have made a modification in which it can be grown like a specimen."
"Do elaborate." I nod briefly as I extract DNA from a spiky plant.
"When our DNA comes into contact with a specific amount of carbon, it will grow into a form like ours."
"Will it look like me?" I ask, inclining my head toward him.
"It would look like you, being your DNA. It could possibly have traits as if it were your offspring. I have only tested it in animal trials."
I narrow my eyes at him. He knows how I loathe harming creatures and refuse to test on animals. He pretends not to notice my anger.
"What about eggs and sperm?" I say as I place the plant back on its shelf.
"I have already collected samples from the Elite and they will also be housed aboard the ship."
"Ah, do those grow when influenced by carbon as well?" I jest and he gives me an exasperated look.
"You know how our lineage continues." He says dryly.
"The quip was merely to test your patience. I understand the reasoning for your actions."
"They are in the final stages of assembling the attack force." Noah comments carefully. "Are you going to give them your feedback?"
"They have plenty of competent scientists consulting on the matter."
"Not one that will be an Elite in two weeks time." He responds, a tone of amusement and respect.
"I am content working to plan the voyage." I shrug, trying to contain the anxiety from leaking into my voice.
Noah looks around before handing me a small folded paper. He plays it off as if asking to see the vile I am working on.
"We already have a sample of that, I forgot to label it and place it in the directory. My apologies." He hands the vial back as I continue to seal it.
Writing the label then setting it aside, I feel my curiosity itching to know what the paper says.
The closing alarm rang and we clocked out for the evening.
"Stay safe."
"Be well."