As Kellen walked he silently was debating whether or not to turn back, having the feeling that this once again was a bunch of crap spouted by a mysterious woman hiding her real identity plus her amount of information was disturbing, to say the least. 'But a lead is a lead to getting my magic restored to its former peak, at that point it really wasn't that bad he was actually a decent mage in his school and had a good shot at making the cut for the academy in the entrance exam.'
The night had now fallen on the landscape around him, as the night fell Kellen could see the city lanterns being lit. Of course, now on the gravel road outside the city limit in close proximity to the old shrines, there was no light, but being a hex-tech apprentice has its perks, as Kellen pulled out his magic-powered hex-tech lantern that would burn forever unless he ran out of mana. Even he still had some mana left in him, getting closer to the gate to the shrine Kellen could hear someone praying in the area. Stepping through the gate he saw that the building was that of traditional eastern style made of wood and stone. Kellen couldn't see very far with the light from his lantern "This place is giving me the chills and since someone was praying here would there not be lit candles?" as he finished his sentence all the candles at the shrines lit up giving the area a red glint. Kellen heard a voice from the now visible old man sitting a the shrine directly in front of him "Curse those fiends, their children too... Who is out there disturbing the shrine?" the old man said not turning around.
'How did I not see this guy with the light from my lantern?' Kellen thought and answered, "Sorry to disturb, but I have got intel that the solution to my problem lies within this place."
"Aah, so young to already be seeking answers with no answers to be given, by an old man like me" The old man answered still sitting with his legs crossed while praying to the statue in front of him. The statue did not embody any god that Kellen knew. The old man continued "Tell me, young man, what is it that you seek for you to end up in a place like this at this late hour". Kellen stood silently staring into the candlelight watching the flames flicker. "Well? I've been the only monk here for a long time, don't really get to converse with others that often, but does this problem have to do with that mark on the back of your neck?" The monk said driving the onesided conversation taking place between them. "Hey, old man do you know what that mark is?"
"Oh yes I do, it's the shadow mark, it brands the ones carrying it with connections with the demons of this world. Born to live in exile the carriers of this symbol usually end up all alone and shunned from the public ruled as dangerous and bringing bad luck and misfortune to others around them. The connections with demons result in racism toward the individual so they live in solitude as they weren't even there in the first place"
Kellen was not very surprised since it was an old monk, who definitely should know that much. "If you know all that about the subject, I ask of you would you know how to get rid of it or its effects?"
"The shadow mark is not something you can get rid of my child, only through acceptance and knowledge of the demons can one obtain tranquillity and peace of mind and soul. If you want help with that return tomorrow night and I shall teach you to find your peace." The monk said offering to help Kellen in his endeavor to conquer this challenge. The monk continued "You don't need to give an answer right now, just return any time at night. I'll be here, as I have always been for many centuries now."
At that moment there came a strong wind that blew through the shrine, as a result of the wind all of the candles were blown out and when light returned to Kellen's lantern he walked forward to find that the old monk was gone. Kellen shouted on deaf ears "Wait! Who are you?" with no one answering his question he started you look around the shrines. It was still dark but Kellen could tell something was weird about these shrines, since their abandonment during the end of the old war. It looked as if there hadn't been a soul in this place since then. 'What have they been doing at these shrines, who were the paladins praying for here? All the shrines' figures aren't gods or angels, what was the church praying for help from to turn the war in our favor?' Kellen thought to himself finding the entire place very strange again finding no answers left a bitter taste in Kellen's mouth. But the old monk said to return another night and that he would find the monk the same way in the same place.
The walk back to the Cellric mansion was done in complete silence. Kellen approached the guards at the gate, they were wary of him for a moment since Kellen was wearing a cloak with the hood up because it had started pouring down during his walk back from the outskirts of the city, pulling down the hood to reveal his face there were no further complications. Entering the mansion's doors into the entryway Kellen saw a familiar face leaning against one of the pillars. "Master Kellen, may I ask as to why I find out this late on my patrol?" Master Knight Arthur asked taking a few steps toward him" Not out to find answers about your 'situation', are we? I told you there is no way to cure this, now stop this nonsense and go get some rest for the training with your brother tomorrow." Arthur commanded. Kellen was shocked for a moment, but he already knew Arthur's opinion on the subject. "Yes sir, I'll be in my room" he responded as he walked by Arthur to the stairs.
Kellen laid down on his bed, noticing that the maid had changed his sheets for him since he never thought too much about it. 'Who was that old monk anyway?' Kellen thought as he fell into a deep sleep...