~In the bleakest hour, the darkness nights, hold fast to your dreams.
Don't let hope bind your heart, for hope makes weak the mind and lazy the hands.
Empty dreams like empty words, resolveless ambition brings baseless hope which calls unto a spiraling despair.~
"Sir the scan is complete. The transfer looks to be successful no detectable errors or problems."
"Good now proceed to the next phase."
"Yes sir, now running diagnostic scan. . . Sir we are detecting an unscanable segment of code."
"What do you mean 'Unscanable', try again!"
"Yes sir. . . Uhh sir, the scan is coming up blank again."
"Yes sir."
"Try once more, if it fails to scan again, continue on and then once we finish, try to make a copy of that segment. Do not, botch this up! if you do you will burn, I promise you that."
"Yes sir. . . Sir again the scan has passed over the segment. Continuing on with the scan."
~Cling not to empty desires in the darkness of night, but stand on your feet holding steadfast to your dreams for man can not live without vision. With your hands strive till the very end.~