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Frieza Fortnite

Realidad 0 (Ángel Álvarez).

Sinopsis: Una historia inspirada en el videojuego Fortnite, de la mano de un fiel jugador y seguidor del lore del videojuego. Realidad cero relata los hechos acontecidos durante el capítulo 4 hasta la temporada actual en el que se esté desarrollando la historia de Fortnite, desde la perspectiva de Venra; un joven huerfano mitad cuervo mitad humano criado por una inteligencia artificial llamada M.I.A, el cuál emprenderá un viaje en donde aprenderá más acerca sobre el pasado de la isla así como de sí mismo, pero sobre todo, el verdadero significado de ser un "Raven". Preguntas frecuentes: P: ¿Esta historia puede emplearse como una guía para entender de mejor manera el lore en la línea principal del juego? R: No, Realidad cero si bien utiliza elementos y sucesos vistos en el canon de Fortnite, la historia narrada es totalmente independiente a la misma, puesto que es mi forma de darle una narrativa al lore del juego. Por este motivo nada de esto debería considerarse como un hecho o una guía clara para seguir el lore, es solo mi visión de la historia. P: ¿Porque comenzar desde el Cap4? R: Elegí comenzar a partir de este punto ya que considero que fue en este capítulo donde la consistencia entre hechos de la historia era cada vez menos clara; a diferencia de temporadas anteriores, eso no significa que se omitan dichos acontecimientos, ya que serán de vital importancia para el desarrollo de la historia pero sobretodo de su protagonista. P: En la sinopsis se indica que se abarcarán hechos actuales según lo que suceda en el juego. ¿Cómo se llevará a cabo eso? R: La historia se irá desarrollando de acuerdo a los elementos que el juego otorgue, ya que el objetivo de esta historia es ver como el protagonista se va desenvolviendo según lo que vaya ocurriendo en el mundo del videojuego. P: ¿Cómo se dividirá la historia? R: De momento la idea es publicar pequeñas partes cada semana, de ahí la frecuencia con la que se publiquen dependerá de la recepción de la misma.

Battle Royale Streamer in an Apocalyptic World

Okay, before you drop a review before reading this novel, let me just tell you this novel won't be about reading others playing games via a novel nor is it a fan-fic, but rather it's about someone who was known for being a god in PUBG carrying his playstyle and survival instincts into the real world when the apocalypse took place. This book is inspired by Code Geass, Gundam Seed, Gundam 00, and PUBG. Okay, now for the real synopsis, after battle royale games went mainstream and PUBG & Fortnite took it to staggering heights in popularity, streamers of this game were also brought in to share the spotlight. Amongst all PUBG streamers, the group Big D Brings Spring stood at the top, with the squad consisting of Phantom Pen15, Ricedoctor, Dildo Swaggins, and Givemethatchicken. So yeah, these guys were streaming PUBG, making good money, and suddenly sh*t hits the fan and the apocalypse happened. Is Big D gonna bring spring this time? Or is it gonna go limp and flap in the wind? Already familiar with survival, scavenging and battle royale style gameplay, can these ding dongs use what they learned in video games to survive in this new world, not be retarded, farm up, and rise up against the forces behind the apocalypse? Author Note: Yeah it’s a fiction, first time writing, but have been translating for 2 years now on both good and trash novels (one of the best and one of the worst on Webnovel), which taught me what to do and what not to do. Now the first question is, based on the username in the squad Big D Brings Spring, which ethnicity is each from? First 10 people that guesses right gets free boner- I mean bonus chapters and early access for a month. Post your answers in the form of 5-star reviews, and the winner will be announced when the novel reaches 2M views. Cover designed by DylanWE from DeviantArt.
FrostyNight · 994K Views

Epic Fortnite Clips But Random - MYSTORY Nr16

Epic Fortnite Clips But Random - MYSTORY Nr16 Funny And Very Random Clips In Fortnite Hello World, Hello Viewers! A hilarious Fortnite battle royale clips montage was made today. It might be funny but at least it is very random and very Fortnite. #fortnite, #random, #clips #fortnitefun, #battleroyale, #gameplay, #funny #video, #epic _______________ Epic Fortnite Random Clips _______________ New Fortnite Battle Royale Epic Random Stuff 0:00 - FORTNITECLIPS Hello World! In this new Fortnite blog post and in my video I decided to try something new. I made lots of weird and some funny clips and added them together. My main goal of this post is to provide some entertainment value and I hope I was successful. With that being said I hope that you will enjoy this post and my video and I think that I need some feedback. I will make more and I must know what people like about my content. Feel free to let me know your thoughts, I love engagement. 1:00 - BATTLEROYALEMONTAGE The game Fortnite has brought me some laughs so far because it is very chaotic when you know as much about it as I do. I am still very new to this game and I have only played it yet in front of a camera. The game videos are also very fun to make when I do not know hope to play a game. Otherwise I would probably not be able to try so many new games in a row. 5:00 - RANDOMGAMEPLAY I enjoy some funny fail here and there. In my case I had many fails and I also messed around on purpose which turned out to be unnecessary because I am always heading in into strange situations in this game. 10:00 - NEWVIDEO If you read this or watched the video I want you to know that I have tried online modes and the creative mode myself and it was very entertaining. Especially one custom map I have tried was very funny. It was also exhausting because I had to try the same parts over and over but luckily the creator of the map was nice enough to place some respawn points. 15:00 - FUNNYSTUFF In the end the Fortnite video seems to perform well and brings me viewers and people might like the gameplay. I my case the game is made the right way so that I can project my creativity on it. At least that is what it want to write here because it sounds smart. Or maybe not. 20:00 - ENTERTAININGFINAL With this new content post I am also willing to thank everyone who is supporting me and who will support me in the future. Thank you for reading this. I will make more and I will post many comments and make much more content in the soon. I will also keep telling my story of trying to create this online project and how it scales. Follow me on my journey! Greetings from the Fortnite planet! Yours Sincerely, ATMODEPTH X - About Section This is a compact list of my standard universal text and content! All My Stuff: Featured Equipment, Games, Clothing (give me your money) All My Merch: Exclusive Unique Merch (give me more of your money) Signature: ATMODEPTH gaming, fun, creative
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