"Oh, you're back early today!", Diana replied.
"Yeah, I felt a little bit tired today"
Diana looked at me worriedly: "is anything wrong?"
I smiled noticing her worries and assured: "nah, I'm healthy like a horse"
She smiled: "oh, good to hear. The food is in the oven, heat them up and dig in."
While going to the kitchen, she seemed to remember something: "right, I forget to tell you, the hospital called"
I stiffened, worrying that they have called for money. It's not that we're unable to pay the bills, but it's only been a year between the last accident and this one.
Although my sister was my physiotherapist, other rehabilitations like occupational therapy, speech and language therapy, cognitive rehabilitation therapy, psychological and mental health support and others, alongside the VIP suit all costs a hand and a leg, especially that dad requested the best of the best.
Thankfully, this time I didn't need all this, rehabilitation. That's why this time the bills aren't too worrying, but it will still be draining to pay it.
'I need to pay the bills as fast as possible', as I was thinking, it seemed like Diana read my thought for she said cheerfully: "apparently, a wealthy man has made a substantial donation, requiring that every medical bill for serious cases to be paid fully. And apparently, your file was one of the approved cases, for it was a serious injury."
Upon hearing what she said, I was rooted in my place. Was I that lucky?? Or it's my family that lucky?? Where did this wealthy man drop in from??
While I was shocked, still processing the news, Diana continued not looking my way: "we're really fortunate, even though we've been through rough patches, but we're still counting our blessings. I was thinking of using my savings, so we won't be tight on money, it won't be hard for me, but dad was refusing, saying he can pay it alone, and being tight on money for few months isn't a big deal. Thankfully, no need for that anymore."
It's true. Although we're not wealthy elite, we're affluent and financially secured. With dad's income alone, we're financially set for life. Along with my sister's income we're in the clear for the foreseeable future.
However, father refuse to let my sisters pay a penny, he insists that these are their own money, and they should either spent it or save it for themselves. He even refused to let them buy clothes and other trivial stuff, saying as long as he's alive, he's responsible for our expenses.
I understand both parties. I understand father point of view, but I also understand my sisters'. Usually, we wouldn't worry, but since it was only a year between both accidents, and the bills aren't small, we'll be in a temporary financial strain. But won't be hard to bounce back.
But, as we all live, sleep and eat in this house, it's not just a house but our home. Me and my sisters always try to help even when it's not needed. Why to be strained when we can be comfortable? And I know, that between the four of us, I have the upper hand financially. Paying the whole bill, won't make a dent in my wallet. That's why I wanted to pay it alone, but it seems someone beat me to it.
Not that I'm sad. Who says no to free money???
But, I should inform dad that I'm working online. For if such situation occurs again, I won't need to explain the money.
"That blessing belongs to Dad, he's been a believer all his life, and we're reaping the fruits of that blessing thanks to him."
Diana nodded her head: "true, that also remind me of last incident too."
"why? What happened last time??"
Diana throwed me a troubled look, like she didn't want to remind me of bad memories, not like I ever forgot them. However, I smiled, assuring her it was fine.
She sighed and proceeded to answer: "actually back then, a medical relief NGO had a project going in the hospital, they provide financial assistance to those in need. It happened that Dr. Ian was a friend with the manager in control of the project, he talked them into assisting our family in bills."
While eating, I was processing Diana's words: "are you serious? But dad admitted me into a private suit to make sure I get the best medical attention that I need. Do they cover also VIP suits??"
"we were surprised too, both dad and the manager were reluctant at first, after all, it's not like we can't afford to pay the bills. However, it turns out the manager knew Faith. They worked on a field project some time ago, the manager faced a substantial trouble, and Faith helped him a lot back then. He wanted to repay her but she didn't agree. When he found out it was her family, he immediately helped us as repayment for her good deed. Dad refused at first, but after the manager insisted a lot, he agreed but refused to let them pay the whole fees, saying that it's better if the money went to those in need."
Listening to her, I understood why everything was smooth back then, although I was skeptical, but I know from Faith that NGOs have many projects like that in many hospitals and health centers. And she, herself, have worked on several projects like that. But is that enough reason for him to help us? Does he have this much influence in the organization to let them agree pay tge fees for VIP?
Although something didn't sit right with me, I decided to let go. Afterall, I was worrying how to pay the bills without alarming dad, I was planning on coming forth and telling him I work online as a white hacker, though I'm sure he will be suspicious that I might have a hand in dark and grey web, especially with my personality.
My dad is not naïve, he notices things faster than anyone. After all he's a judge. And he knows his daughters better than anyone. He knows our flows and tempers. Although he knows we don't hurt anyone first, nor mess with anyone without a reason, he's well aware of our extreme side (me and Diana mostly).
He said once that he won't be surprised if they called him from jail to bail us….
That actually would be fun… and that earned me a slipper to me head!!
Humming, I replied: "well, they say cast goodwill into the world, and watch it ripple back to you."
When I returned to my room, I sat down pondering over everything that happened lately. From the first accident to the hospital bills. It's like blockbuster with all the drama and suspense. And I was getting into my end wits.
I raised my phone and dialed an old number.
Ring, ringg...
"Hello miss Mary, it's been a while"
"indeed, it's been a long time miss Sandra, how you doing?"
"Everything is good as always. I've heard of your accident; I sent my regards with my father as I was out of the country. But to be frank, I was surprised to receive your call, I take it as your memory returned?"
"yes, you're correct. Thankfully, this accident acted as a reverse uno card"
"hahaha, I see you haven't lost your delightful sense of humor"
"sometimes, a little fun is the best remedy for the daily grind"
"can't argue with that. But who put you through the grind?"
"well, miss Sandra, you're quick to catch"
"say no less, after all I'm a lawyer"
"the best actually, and that's why I called. I'd like to commission you for a legal matter."
"I'd be glad to offer my services"
After briefing Sandra on the situation in school, and talk through the finer points, we reached a decision. I will sue Tomas, Ali and veronica for defamation, slander, IIED, false light, and invasion of privacy.
Though I don't have concrete evidence on Ali and Veronica, knowing Tomas's coward personality, he will definitely rat them out to save himself from facing the consequences alone.
All in all, it's more likely the outcomes will be monetary penalties, punitive damages, compensatory damages, and the compensation will be close to 70,000$, and if we pressed more, it will be higher.
and if the charges regarding cyberstalking is applied, it can result in imprisonment. But since there's no criminal defamation, the imprisonment period will be 1 to 3 weeks max.
I was satisfied with this. Afterall, I don't plan to throw them in jail forever. It's a lesson for them and everyone else that I'm done playing nice. Having a physical fight is nothing compared to be dragged to the court, have your family involved, and pay a huge sum of money, and might as well try the jail life.
"Miss Mary… would you like me to inform my father or not?"
Sandra hesitated when she asked this. For I knew she meant to ask whether to keep it away from her father's ears or not. And that's why I like working with her. She and I are always on the same page. Although she's older than me, but we do get along very well.
It's not the first time we worked together, and most of the time I asked her not to alert our fathers. Actually, Sandra is one of the few people who knows about my abilities. Though she doesn't know the whole truth and my real identity, but it's not something of her concern, and she didn't ask. And that's why I like her. She only ask the essentials and what she need to know to carry out the job.
And the reason for her question, is that both our fathers are good acquaintances. Her father is a respected and highly regarded lawyer, he's an influential advocate, whose career spans decades of legal victories and who has become a role model for the next generation of lawyers, admired for both their legal brilliance and ethical integrity.
His office is the number one in our country, as it deals with all types of lawsuits. From civil lawsuits to criminal cases. Everyone from high and low social standing fight to have him take their cases. And it happened that our fathers met when one of his associate attorneys was dealing with a complex criminal defense case and my father was the judge. They worked together and became close acquaintances. If her father knew he will definitely inform my father.
"Thanks for your consideration, but it doesn't matter, it's not a severe case."
"I understand. Then I will fill the complaint immediately and inform you of the date of the hearing."
Before replying to her, I paid her through pay-as-you-go function. A ding sound was made from her phone, informing her of the 500,000$ that was transferred to her account. It's not that much to me anyway.
"miss Mary, you know you don't have to pay me now"
"I know, but I still prefer to do so, so it won't slip my mind later on. Thanks for your hard work, I'll be waiting your call."
With that I ended the call, solving first problem. Now, time to find that bastard.