Chereads / Ms. Genius:I'm back / Chapter 16 - Chapter 16

Chapter 16 - Chapter 16

Chapter 16

"Me? Scared?" I scoffed "if I was scared, I wouldn't be stirring the pot. They taunted me, now they're in for a sting."

Rocco looked at Mary's face, her expression is serene, but her eyes have a look of quiet menace. He slouched back in the chair and smiled. Seeing this look again on her face after all this time, gave a him a sense of déjà vu. It seems like she's really back. After hearing of her first accident, he went to see her, but she didn't even look at him as she didn't recognize him.

That saddened him, after all, he did like her but not in a romantic way. She was the only person who's bold enough to quarrel with him. Not afraid to mock or be sarcastic with him. She trusted him like an older brother. And for him she was his little sister.

After that day, he didn't go to meet her. But he kept visiting her from afar, making sure she's fine and doesn't need anything. He was ready to help if her family needed a financial support, but it wasn't needed. He investigated both accidents to make sure it's not a contrived accidents but didn't find anything weird. But he was wrong. It seems the opponent is stronger than him. And only one person is able to match their strength.

"tsk tsk, what an unlucky formidable fiend. Out of everyone out there he got to mess with our demon witch. He woke the snake, now he'll feel its venom."

Marry played with her loose strands of hair, twirling a curl around her finger, "you can't play with fire and not get burned, just like you can't mess with a snake and avoid it's venom." Then with a breathtaking smile and sweat voice she said: "Have you ever seen such a captivating snake?"

"Yeah, I've seen one. They're usually followed by chaos."

"Well, chaos does have a way of keeping things interesting."

Rocco let out a heartfelt laugh.

"Guess life was boring for you lately."

"You think you're the only one surrounded by boring people? Try getting ready for official examination. You'll know what true boring really mean."

"I'm sure you're the only one who get to say that. After all, you crack equations apart every day for fun. Others won't even have time to think if this is boring or not with the stress of studying."

"I believe we agreed not to compare me with normal teenagers."

"You're right, normal teenagers don't come with this much drama."

Marry burst into laughing. How much she missed this.

"That remind me, your birthday is coming up soon."

"YES, I'll officially become an adult."

"As if you've ever acted as a teenager."

"With IQ like mine, it's tough to play the teenager role, but I suppose it's a blessing-I can keep up with the ancient wisdom of old-timers like you."

"Well, it's good to know that even a high IQ can't stop me from teaching you a thing or two."

With that both of them burst out laughing. Neither of them was offended by the offhand insults, actually they enjoyed it.

"Back to the topic, what would you like as a gift?"

"Now you're making me all flustered asking me that."

"oh, you're capable of feeling that? Who knew you had such hidden depths?"

"I've got layers you'd never be able to comprehend."

"Seriously now, ask me anything you want. Think of it as a gift for survival and starting a new patch."

"Honestly, I don't need anything for my birthday. I'm grateful for the love and care you send my way. A simple birthday wish is all I need. The thought means much more than anything material."

"Your humility always surprises me."

"Well, if you insist on giving me a gift, you could consider renovating this place. And maybe making it more hygienic. An air freshener won't harm anyone, dispelling unpleasant smells, like the blood."

Rocco raised his eyebrows and said smiling "Guess even death can't change that OCD of yours."

Marry took her bag and stood up to leave, "Thank god no. I'd rather live my whole life like this, than living in this."

Rocco burst out laughing, while watching her leaving. This kitten never fails to amuse him.

He then looked toward his righthand man and said, "Send the best men after this guy, I want to know everything he do, every breath he takes. And the prisoned man, I wanna know everything about his family, no matter what silly stupid thing it is. Make it as fast as possible."

The man bowed then hurriedly left to take care of the task. Rocco's remained alone, thinking of what happened just now and the things that happened.

'Well, it's interesting'.





When Mary left, the horizon slowly darkened. Before getting into her black Camaro, she walked toward the cliff. This place is actually beautiful. One of the reasons she likes coming here, is the scenery itself. As it's an abandoned area, it's very rare for cars to pass. And there's no living people here. It's quiet and peaceful.

It overlooking a meadow, that's surrounded by trees and greenery. The air is crisp, clean and refreshing. It's epitome of nature.

While Mary was lost in the beauty of the view, the sound of her phone ringing snapped her back to reality.


"How's your day going, partner?"

"Like the usual"

"umm, you left early today, are you really okay?"

"hahaha, did you really think a piggy like that can hurt me, Jason?"

"No, but the one behind him, maybe?"

Sigh, "Won't lie to you, Jason, it did hurt, didn't expect him to be this low."

"Well, it's always those close to us who hurts us the most."

"Yeah, but, I'm grateful for the accidents. It's always in your darkest lowest point in your life, that you find out who truly care about you."

"can't really agree, I mean those accidents were life turner literally. They took you to the edge of death, and that's why I'm not grateful to them, nor think of them as 'good thing'. But we all pass through hard patches in our lives, hopefully this will be the worst of it for you."

"hahahaha, yeah it was a near-death experience, but father always says, thank god for everything that happens, good or bad, because there's always a reason for it to happen. Maybe a benefit or a lesson."

"As expected from our dear father, always so wise. Sometimes I wonder if he was better as a priest."

"Want me to hit you?"

"Okay, okay, no more jokes. Anyway, what are you doing tonight?"

"That depends"

"On what?"

"On what you're going to ask"

Jason snorted, "Good, that means you don't have anything to do. Be ready at 8."

"Who said I have nothing to do? I have plenty of works. And where are we going?"

"yeah, I believed you! Don't you get bored siting on your computer all day long?"

"I'm not on my computer. And don't change the subject."

"I'm not evading, we thought of going out, have fun and partying."


"Me, Mar, Zi, Gia, and Malik. Tomorrow is the weekend, so we thought of taking a break and have some fun."

"What about studying for midterms that's start on Monday?"

"You know our group doesn't need that much of a studying. We're on the top of class"

"Umm, yeah, your right. Well then, where's the party?"

"What party? We're going to the club"

I squinted my eyes while looking into the horizon, it's not the first time we go clubbing. Even though we're underage, thanks to Jason identity, it's very easy for us to enter without anyone stopping us. However, it's not an everyday occasion. Although his father is a free spirit man, he raises his son in a …moral way. Drinking every day is prohibited, unless it's a light alcoholic beverage, even that has a limit. And he only allows us into the club with supervision, to makes sure we don't get wasted.

That's why we don't like going there very much, although it's one of the most prestigious venues, frequented by affluent and distinguished guests. But who would like to be in a place where he's supervised?

"The club? Your father will keep an eagle eye on us there."

"Well,, here's the thing, we're off the leash today!!"

"REALLY? Like your father really agreed for that?"

"yepp, I'm serious, we're free to drink, get wasted and do whatever we want."



"Is there something you'd like to tell me?"


"Are you asking me or telling me?"

"Haaa… why are you that hard?"

"It's my charming attribute."

"hahahah, you seriously, well okay. I might, or might not, told dad that you're heartbroken and need of ummm… some changes?"

"wh-hold on, me? Heartbroken? And your father agreed with only that??"

"Okay, maybe… I kinda exaggerated the story a little bit?" Jason said with a small voice, and I didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Something telling me I'm better off not knowing the story."

"Wise decision"

"Since when I'm heartbroken??"

"Since Ali and you broke up???" Jason shot out in a 'DUH' tone.


"Okay, maybe I'm a little heartbroken. But as I said I'm grateful for the accidents. Maybe it's because I lost my memory, I didn't feel that attached, nor hurt for what he did. Even after I regained my memory, I was hurt, yes, but not as much as everyone think. I always thought heartbreak would be very hard as everyone described it to be, but the year I lost my memory, created a gap between us, and thanks to that I wasn't hurt much.... Either that or he was right… I didn't truly love him after all."

"…..Whether you truly loved him or not, is not something for me to decide. But despite that, you've always cared for him, been faithful to him, supported and cheered him in every possible way, you believed in him when no one did. If he believed, you didn't truly love him, then he has the right to break up with you, but not in this way. He cheated, lied, fooled you to take your virginity, and left you in your worst moments. And that, regardless of whether it was love or like between you two, it hurts. He could break up with you like a man, and leave peacefully for the sake of bread and salt that was between you, but he chose to act like a jerk."

"… Then do you think I loved him or not?"

"…Is that the only thing you've heard?"

I burst out laughing, talking to my friends always make me feel lighter. "well, it's heard to listen to you when you're being serious and not sarcastic."

Jason laughed too, "you bring out the worst parts of me."

With that I kept laughing, cause even to him, this part is till strange, "even though, I like this part of you"

Jason snorted, " of course, I'm awesome, no matter how I act"

"And they call me the arrogant one"

"Being modest when it's a fact is hypocrisy."

"aha keep it up, I might end up falling in love with you"

"oh please don't, you're overwhelming for me to handle."

"That's a creative way to reject me" I said while laughing hard.

Jason laughed too, for both of us know, that what I said was merely a joke, what's between us is stronger than a love relationship.

"See you at 8?"

Looking at my watch, it was 7:00, "You guys go ahead, I'll meet you there."


"yeah yeah, I'm out of the house, there's few matters I needed to take care of, I'm heading back now. I'll change and meet you there."

"Alright then, it's the usual room, see you there."

"Great, see you then."

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