Chereads / The land of Anthurium / Chapter 27 - Tour Time

Chapter 27 - Tour Time

We arrived at our dorm and I took a shower. After drying my hair I put on another pair of pants and a red blouse. With my hair tied in a ponytail and my black cloak around me, I grabbed my phone and put on my boots. "I'm heading out now" I yelled to Liyah. "Okay" Liyah called back, and I went out the door. Once I stepped outside I found the path that led to the Mage academy and started to walk over, not really in a rush. I arrived 5 minutes early and walked inside the main hall. finding a seat at a table, I waited for my tour guide to fetch me. After a few minutes someone walked towards me. Looking up stood a girl with a blue cloak showing she was a fifth year. "Are you Lydia Raven" she asked, with a sweet voice. Standing up I replied, "Yes that's me." "My name is Elizabeth Fallen, I'm the fifth year rep for the mage department and I'll be your tour guide today. Feel free to talk with me casually" Elizabeth introduced herself. "It's good to meet you Elizabeth," I said. Same here" she responded and started to walk towards the hall. She then explained that she had seen my schedule and will be showing me the rooms I will need to know. We stopped at my lecture rooms and she also showed me where the training room was.

"Lastly I'm showing you the student meeting room. Because you're a representative you'll have to attend meetings with other reps from the mage academy. I'll probably contact you a week before the meeting. The only reason you miss it is if you have a family emergency, get a pass from the head of the mage department, or in your case you have an excuse from your master." she explained opening a door and entering it. It was kinda like a lounge with different couches and beanbags to the side with coffee tables. In the middle of the room there was a conference table with 8 seats. "And because you're a representative, you'll also be able to do school work here, and you can only bring one other person." she informed me with a gentle smile. "Wow, I do have a question. What are the responsibilities of a rep?" I asked. "Good question, as the rep for the first years you'll attend a meeting where we talk about different events happening major and minor. You'll have to present the info from the meeting to your classmates via email to get their opinion. It's your job then to present the first year's opinion on different events and problems." Elizabeth finished answering my questions. I nodded in understanding, "thank you for explaining" I expressed my thanks. "It's my job" she responded cheerfully. After going back to the lobby I thanked Elizabeth one more time and walked out the door. I checked my phone and saw a text from har.

"Hey do you wanna grab some lunch from the cafeteria with me" I saw it was sent at 11. Checking the time I saw it was 11:20.

"Sure,when do you wanna meet up?" I texted back. She started to type and then she replied

"Let's meet in front of the cafeteria at 11:50, does that work?"

Yep, See ya" I then put my phone in my pocket and started to walk to the shared courtyard. I figured it would be a waste of time to go back to the dorm. As I was walking to the courtyard I saw Rachel sitting at a table with earbuds in. Smiling I walked over to her and sat across from her. She glanced up and also smiled, taking an earbud off. "Hey, good afternoon," she greeted. "Good afternoon to you too" I responded, "what are you listening to?" "oh do you wanna listen," she asked, offering an earbud. "Sure!" I grabbed the earbud and put it on. To my delight the song that was playing was don't wanna cry by Seventeen. "You listen to seventeen!" I almost squealed. "Yeah I love their music" she confirmed. We then started to talk about different groups we likes, it was pretty cool seeing how we liked a lot of the same music. Checking the time I saw I had to go. "I have to go sometime, but you, Selene, Liyah, and I should go out sometime." I said handing Rachel her earbud. "That would be a lot of fun, I'll talk to Liyah about it. See you later" she said waving.