Chereads / Futanari System / Chapter 234 - Shatter Beam

Chapter 234 - Shatter Beam

The Empire was remarkably light on spells this morning. Hurling them into our trenches, they were lighter than they normally were. Their wizards have spent some time letting us get our bearings and sparing our forces from having to put up too many shields. Tension in the air as Beast-kin talked in the trenches together with tension in their voice.

There was no sign of the battle to come yet. Isabelle and I ensured that everyone understood what was going to happen. The tension was building, and the dark haze surrounding the city seemed to darken a little with all of the death and destruction over the past couple of weeks.

in the distance, Armored heads stood like a row of steel on the wall, watching us unmoving. A thought in the back of my head about if those were an illusion hit again, which I brushed away. It would only make sense to do that to intimidate your enemy. But in a world of Warriors and Wizards? Who gave a fuck!?

Now it was the time for action, and I breathed in the air and looked up at the sky. It was a clean morning with crisp air, and I thanked whoever I should thank for the clear weather the past couple of weeks. Beast-kin didn't like to wear shoes or boots, and so they didn't, and they had been walking in bare feet through the dirt. If it were raining the mess would be huge, and it would be a hindrance to our advance.

I moved to the center trench where everything was going to start. I found my Mother instantly looking up in fresh, icy blue robes with a large smile on her face. Her long, pale legs poked out, and her silver fur wagged a little in the light breeze. "A good day for battle," My Mother said with a smile, "A day of showing the world that the Bunny-kin has a new A-ranked powerhouse," She said, her voice wistful.

Suddenly, Elder Kitty appeared around the corner and cut in before I could say anything, "A new commander and army are announcing to the world that we exist and will not be ignored," Elder Kitty said, "We will paint the ground red and take this city announcing that we will hold our borders now. No more enslaving our people," She said, her voice sharp.

"I agree," Elder Lily said, walking through the trenches, "We will bring our might to bear and strike them where it hurts."

"That I agree with," I said, finally putting in my two cents, "My plan, if it works even a little," I began.

"It will have the Empire take us seriously," Elder Leon suddenly said, showing up to add to the conversation.

"Agreed," Elder Lily said.

"Agreed," Elder Kitty said a moment later.

"We are impressed and waiting for you to order us, Supreme Commander Chelsea," My mother suddenly said, "You will be in charge of this battle. We will start on your command, and the Beast-kin Nation will start with your words."

Suddenly, all the Elders were in a dirt pit around me, and War Chief Isabelle started to enter normally. Queen Mira was in the corner watching with a small smile, and the Devil Carl was watching beside her with his arms crossed.

"Everyone here and the army at large," I said and began sending the same in a mana message to the army, "Today is the day. Today is the day THEY FEEL OUR WRATH," I announced even louder in the message as they heard it in their head. "Today is the day the Empire trembles. Today is the day when it is no longer just fortresses that fall, but CITIES will be taken into our control. You have wanted to storm their wall, and I have held onto a leash that I hated holding. Loathed, staying our hands in wait for this day. Now, No longer, We will move forward and CRUSH THE EMPIRE!"

The mana message went out to the army, and the army started to cry out, cheering and roaring, alarming the Empire that something might be happening. "Elders, please go to the discussed positions," I announced to them, and they moved out of my sight by my orders. I respected and expected them to enter their prechosen locations, and then I turned to my mother, who was smiling brightly.

I could see her excitement build, and I turned to Isabelle, "Are you ready?" I asked her.

"Yes," She replied.

"Elder Loveknot! Please, Start this Battle!" I shouted, and my mother obliged.

The world was not quiet when it started. Wizards were still hurling fireballs, ice spears, and various other spells to no effect. Walls and counter spells came up or intercepted each of them, and the mana would dissipate. It had been like that all morning and it was a little lighter today than normal. The Empire might be planning something for later today, but their plans would have to change.

Suddenly, everything stopped, and the mana of the world started to condense. The Dark haze started to lighten, and the mana started to move. Suddenly, a Silver Bunny-kin shot into the air with an Icy blue robe, and the world's mana moved as she started to charge something. The amount of mana was horrendous, and no one knew what she was doing. The world seemed to freeze, and I could not help but smile.

It was the Beast-kin Nation knocking with its newest A-ranked Powerhouse. 

Nothing could ignore the man build-up, and the Empire started to move. You could feel the A rankers of the Empire move, and they stopped just outside the fortress as they saw a New A ranker they had not seen in our Attack forces before. They had no time to stall, though, as they felt the spell building. It was a powerful spell of unknown proportions, and they could not allow it to be cast.

There were Four A-ranked powerhouses that showed up on the Empire's side now. Two new A rankers were here, and it seemed that either the Empire reinforced Border City or they were hiding two A rankers. It didn't matter as the four powerhouses decided at the same time to attack the solo A ranker, Charging a spell so out in the open.


Four loud sonic explosions of sound happened at the same time above the trenches as the Empire's powerhouses charged forth. They made it a little distance as Four Beast-kin Powerhouses found them in return, and the battle began.

"CHARGE!" The First sounds of the Devil's liner breakers moving out with high morale, leaving the trenches at once. The charge was sudden, and the beast-kin followed up as they finished leaving the trenches. Not all of the Army left at once; I organized the movement into waves this time.

The battle was heating up, and the mana of the world was surging all around as my mother charged her attack. All A rankers of the Empire were now caught up in battle, and I watched and directed with an order for the next wave to move. You could feel the mana surging higher and higher, and the Empire's A rankers were panicking. 

The Sonic booms of the A-ranked battle got louder, and suddenly, from almost nowhere, a Fifth A ranker showed up to the battle, ambushing one of our Elders. The ambush turned the tide for only a moment before one of our Elders clashed against them. It was reaching its peak, and I could tell that the Empire was bringing all they had to bear. They were scared of the spell that we were casting. The amount of mana was immense, and you could feel the cold on your skin. 

Hell, with the amount of mana that she was collecting, I hoped the spell she created didn't permanently hurt the world.


 A fresh sonic boom hit, and a sixth Empire A ranker appeared. Our last Elder intercepted, and then the fireworks started. I could feel the Mana had gathered, and I saw my mother smiling as she looked at the wall. "Shatter Beam," My mother said almost in a whisper, but I could hear it. It was like a whisper to the world, and the mana solidified and moved.

I saw a Wizard cast a large-scale spell for the first time ever, and fear grew in my heart. A beam shot out towards the wall, instantly freezing the wall. Hundreds of feet of it just froze instantly, and the beam pressed against it for a couple of seconds. You thought it might hold but then it shattered into ice shards. The breaking of the wall was beautiful to see in a macabre way as anyone there died. Then it passed the streets and into the center of the city, and my eyes widened as I didn't expect my mother to do this. 

Streets froze, buildings shattered, and her beam hit a second wall, and this one put up a fight. The beam collided for seconds and hit a barrier. For seconds, the wall held. It was like it could hold forever for those three seconds as the spell was starting to end. Only seven seconds had passed, and the spell was almost done, but the spell protecting the wall broke. 

Rainbow mana broke like glass visibly and shattered into thousands of pieces, and the wall froze in one more second and broke the next. The beam ended a moment later, opening a road to the center of the city for the Beast-kin army. There were no complicated roads and barriers we would face to take the center of the city. Now, it was a straight road, and we could see what was on the wall.

It was like the spell froze the world as we all watched, or maybe it was just me as the Devil Line breakers pushed toward the wall, and the Empire started to respond.

"NOOOOOOO!" An Empire A ranker suddenly shouted, and new attention was brought to the sky as Elder Kitty was smiling with bloodthirst and her sword pushing through the head of an Empire A ranker, freeing up one of our own.

"PUSH ONWARD!" Elder Kitty roared, and the fighting intensified, and the Army surged forward. 

The roar of the army called back to her in agreement as we moved forward.

No longer could I stay in the back, and I opened a rift to move forward into the battle.



I have completed Week 6 of Life of a Dominant Futanari! Thank you all for the Support and reading to this point. I would never have reached this point without my fans and supporters. I hoped you enjoy the bonus Chapter.