Chereads / Futanari System / Chapter 235 - Overwhelming

Chapter 235 - Overwhelming

Explosions and sonic booms erupted all over the place as the fights with the A rankers clashed to a new level. My mother joined in and started to fight after her announcement to the Empire that she existed. The A rankers of the Empire were fighting more and more above the city instead of out in the trenches where they were before. I could already tell they were in a retreating battle after one already died.

A ranked spell started to erupt as my mother joined the fun, and the world started to snow as Devil Line breakers pushed into the City. I rifted forward and moved, watched as the Empire's soldiers gathered and fought in the streets. The sudden eruption of violence and the loss of their main defense did not immediately shatter their morale, which was amazing.

As the Line breakers reached the wall, the half-hazard wall of steel they tried to put up with their bodies did not last more than a few seconds. The Line breakers broke their line in seconds, but those were precious few seconds to the empire as the Beast-kin Barbarian Army rushed in behind them. The cheers and morale of the army were great, and the Empire moved more and more soldiers blocking the streets.

B rankers and C rankers clashed against each other, and the D rankers that filled the numbers died gruesome deaths to help their stronger counterparts. The steel wall held on to some parts, and the Line breakers took a moment to crush them. Fire spells of the empire reaped the first lives of the Beast-kin nation that ran in, and wind, earth, and ice spells also came on their heels. Without the Bunny-kin to protect the warriors in their mad dash, the Wizards of the Empire had free reign.

I rifted forward and sent my mana out with fresh orders, taking control of the fight. "FORWARD TOWARD THE NOBILITY DISTRICT!" I announced, "Kill all along the way!" 

The tide of beast-kin drove into the black-misted city, and the streets were filled with killing. Beast-kin flowed in, heading down the icy path that the Shatter beam laid, and the Empire was struggling to man defense down where it lay. But they were coming from the side streets. Men and women in Steel put up a valiant defense, and as the Beast-kin tied in like the barbarians, they were many stopped from fighting the many fronts of the Empire.

This was ideal; I could not help but smile. I moved and rifted to an Ice wizard in a blue battle robe with steel to protect the body. It's an interesting design, making it a light or medium armor for battle. My staff appeared in my hand as I appeared through the rift, and the Empire's Wizard looked at me. I smiled a bloodthirsty smile, stopping him from killing more Beast-kin. I shot a thermite fireball in his face, and the screams as it erupted in front of him sounded on the battlefield. 

All it did was join the thousands of others who were fighting. Bedlam was all around us, and no one was safe. A dozen spells shot at me, and I opened a rift and felt it get harder to do so as the A rankers above us got lower.

To my knowledge, no more deaths had happened, but it seemed like the sonic blasts were getting louder and more frequent. The mana is already thick, and we're blasting more against each other. I appeared a distance away, and I started to shoot Arcane missiles from a rooftop I had rifted onto. 

I looked down the frozen road and winced as I watched the barbarian army coming in wave after wave, trampling anything in their path. It was horrendous as I knew some of our own men and women would slip and be stomped to death by their own allies. Many split off to engage those steeled men in formation at each road on the icy path, and more charged forward. 

I could not help the sneer on my face in disgust as I watched our fighters move. It was something that was never seen before in my previous world. Hundreds of thousands of barbarians ran forward with all the valor and courage to decimate a civilization. This was not how a nation should fight. Not how a people should be organized as there was no organization. Even my waves didn't stop the bedlam from happening.

No matter how much I cast and shot into the Empire and killed their wizards in quick battles, It didn't stop our own people from trampling over some of our own people. We have wasted courage and valor, wasted lives, and wasted effort and supplies.

Wasted the life of the strong.

Our own people seemed to be killing more of our people than the fucking Empire.


This is why barbarian armies were small, unlike this massive wave of people moving through the city. Then I noticed the first signs that someone on the Empire's side was thinking. 

"Retreat!" Sounded over the battlefield, an indiscriminate order from an A ranker that was not from the Beast-kin nation, "RETREAT OUT OF THE CITY THERE IS TOO MANY!" 

The Wave of Beast-kin toppled over, and the organization of the Empire moved back. Or they attempted to. The massive wave of beast-kin stumbled into the city, and their lines were barely holding. 

My orders rang out as the first beast-kin made it to the Noble district and flattened all in front of them. The Empire was running in front of them, and the A rankers were in retreat as well. Then, a roar over the battlefield sounded, and Elder Gloria Brownfur took her first A-ranked Kill.

The roar in return from the Barbarians returned her excitement, and I realized that it had barely two hours, if that since the battle started. A fresh roar and Elder Redscale took another of the Empire's A rankers. They were in full retreat now, and the clash got faster as they were outnumbered in strength. I realized it was a complete victory for our side.

Despite how sickened I was from the rush forward, I realized something fresh and steeled myself. I couldn't rift toward the center of the city to stop what I knew was going to happen. But my orders were sent to every beast-kin in the area. 


I moved forward, shooting spells into the Empire's backs as they tried to retreat, and the gates of the City were now open with steeled soldiers running away in the distance that I could barely see. I moved forward, and a fresh roar of victory sounded and again as the Elders caught up and slaughtered the A rankers of the Empire.

This was a major victory, no matter how disgusted I was. The Empire lost Six powerhouses and a City to us. We outnumbered them and didn't let them know until the last moment. It was a sign that we were winning the war, and the Empire had to take us seriously. To be fair to them, bringing eight to their six A rankers was overkill as it left major cities open to attack from a force of A rankers from the Empire. 

For now, We won this fight, and I moved toward the Noble district and the Palace lord of this city. I wonder if they are alive or if one of the A rankers is being killed now. Another roar told me another A ranker died, but I dove down into the city, now able to rift, and started to pick up the scraps. It was time to get these Barbarians under control.

I went forward, and my orders raged out as the blood lust of the Barbarian army swept over the civilians and the Empire's soldiers alike. 

I wanted a functioning city at the end of this battle, not a pillaged nightmare. I sent a mana message out, hoping to also reach Isabelle somewhere in the bedlam to have her assist in ordering these Barbarians to stop looting and pillaging.



I have completed Week 6 of Life of a Dominant Futanari! Thank you all for the Support and reading to this point. I would never have reached this point without my fans and supporters.