Chereads / Secret Dark Love / Chapter 2 - Hardest Goodbye Ever

Chapter 2 - Hardest Goodbye Ever

"I knew it was Breaking, yet my heart kept Hoping"

"I call upon Siyun on to the stage", our Principal of honour called out through the mic. Yes, they are calling me to receive a gift on stage. Oh! I wish I could say that I am receiving "The Best Student Award". But, unfortunately it was just a call to receive the farewell gifts. As per the rules of our high school, all the students graduating will be called over the stage and would be gifted.

There I went shying all over the path to the stage. As I climbed on to the stage, I heared people shouting and cheering me. What? Cheering me up? Was it my musketeers? As I walked towards the principal, I tilted a bit on to my right side, to take a view of my pals. There on the seats, my musketeers were happily clapping and waving at me. They were neither shouting nor screaming.

Were on this planet, did such sounds come from. I am still hearing Screaming voices over me. As I walked further close to the honourable principal, I saw a gang of boys over the last seats shouting and screaming at me. Was It any wardrobe malfunction ? Or was I looking like an ugly ass. I somehow managed to focus my eyesight towards that noisy gang.

There was him. And that was his Gang! Yes, they were fuckin screaming at me. And he was blushing in the midst of the gang. That sight is enough for any girl, to be on cloud eleven. So, He likes me? I wasn't sure. Will he propose me? It may happen. Why would his friends shout at me? May be they thought, we had a wavelength inbetween. May be he would have confessed we had something between us. Or may not be.

Any teenage on this world, would understand my feeling. How it would feel, when things appear to be on your court. It's priceless. The feelings of life moving in your way. I felt the universe had finally listened to me. Hoping my life book is going to end soon quoting "Happily ever after".

Carrying these feelings and excitements in my heart, as the party gets over. Myself and my pals went straight away to the dinner area. "So this is our last day at High school and our last meal together", said Sachiko. Daxiang and Aileen nodded. I looked at those girls and felt bad for us.

These girls were studying with me from 5th grade. They have seen all my happiness, sadness and hyperactivities for these years. It's definitely a hard time for us. I will definitely miss these people around me. "Why don't we make promises girls", I said. "Promises! What kind of a promise, you talk about?", exclaimed Aileen.

"Okay Girls, Look. I know we have different dreams and our future Universities are definitely going to be different. But why don't we promise ourselves that, we will all meet every year for New year celebrations", I said. "That was a great idea indeed", Sachiko shouted in excitement. I knew I can sort things between my girls and can stay in touch with them forever. But what about him? I never had an actual idea to execute with him.

My eyes started looking for him. There he was, having dinner happily with his friends. With No signs of any approaches. By the way his gang shouted at me, I felt there was something between us. By this time, he should have proposed me right. Why don't he come and propose me right away? My heart ached for such an incident to happen.

But Nothing happened, he dint approach me until the entire dinner time. It was almost the end of the party, everyone is getting ready to leave the School. And the photo sessions has started, with crying ladies around, and hugging boys in groups. "To wait for too long is utter nonsense", my mind started advising me. Yes and that was indeed correct. I cannot wait for him to approach. Let me take the first move. Finally I decided to propose him myself.

I wished Goodluck to me and started to look around for him. Searching through the dramatic groups of hugs and kisses, atlast I found him. With no further delay, I made a move towards him. Praying to all possible God's of all possible names and hoping for a magic to happen, I walked towards him.

As I walked towards him, the space between me and him grew longer and longer. He was moving away from me. He was moving in another direction. I walked faster, and so was he (should I say he walked in giant steps). "Where the hell is he moving", telling it to myself I moved a little faster. Grabbing the layers of my frock, I literally started to run towards him. The moment I reached near him, I was literally gasping for oxygen.

"Hello, Can I have a moment please", before I could utter those words. The words went into my ears, having uttered by someone. Yes, it was her - Tejiko. The girl, whom the whole High school looks up to. To be frank, I do agree she was beautiful. But I think all the creatures on this world is equally beautiful.

With no second on clock for me to realize, even before I could utter any word, Tejiko grabbed his hands, pulled him closer and patted a soft kiss on his right cheek. "Will miss you so much, hope we catch up soon", She said to him. The kiss lasted for an hour (at least that's what I felt). His eyes where filled with shock and excitement, while her eyes with love.

Can you even imagine, someone kissing your beloved crush, in front of you, just when you were about to make a proposal. Seeing them together, seeing their eyes. My eyes started to collect with tears. "What excites others, may be a pain for you". As tears flooded up my eyes, a drop fell over my cheek. Following it drops rolled over one by the other on my cheeks, while her lips were pressed over his cheek.

Wiping out my tears, creating a fake smile. I smiled at him and watched him stepping into a blue car with Tejiko.


With Love
