The classes already started.
Once again jeon il was shock at the benefits his increased intelligence brought.
At this pace, he don't even need to study anymore, he is absorbing knowledge like a black hole.
Jeon il notice that, listening to the class consumes time so he grab a book instead and read the book.
Just as the 1 hour period end he already read 50% of the book.
'This is faster than I expected.'Jeon il thought that when the school ended in the afternoon he would read all the books in his bag, and finish it in one night.
Fortunately the teacher in front didn't do anything to jeon il by didn't paying attention in class, but the teacher was throwing glares by now and then.
After the first period comes the second period, jeon il repeated the same tactic, he will just read book and didn't listen to class.
Just before lunch he already read 50% of 4 books, it just prelims now but he already learned the midterms lessons.
With a smile on his face the bell rung indicating that it's time for lunch now.
A number of his classmates brought lunchboxes and some we're going in the cafeteria by groups.
Well of course he brought a lunch box at least that's what he thought.
Opening his bag, he never touch any things resembling a lunchbox, opening it again more wide this time and taking a look.
"Yup, i left it."He forgot to bring the lunchbox.
"Cafeteria then."Jeon il thought that he will just eat in the cafeteria.
Jeon il look outside and he saw someone peeking in the windows.
Just as he look at the person, the figure suddenly hides.
'I couldn't be wrong that's the nerdy girl aren't it?'Jeon il thought as he proceed to get outside of the room.
Opening the door, he stepped out of it, turning his head on the left, he couldn't be more wrong, that person is the nerdy girl before.
The girl was hiding her face with both of her hands.
The girl have this really really black hair, more like a vanta black color.
"What are you doing?"Jeon il asked.
The girl lowered her hand a bit to show her eyes.
"I'm shy."The girl said.
"Why?"Jeon il replied.
"I'm not pretty."
"I just thought that you must have mistaken me for some other girl, and so you saved me."The girl said.
"No I haven't mistaken, I did save you out of being a nice guy, I don't have any underlying intentions or whatsoever."
"For what?"
"I got you in my own problem."
"Don't worry about it, it's my responsibility to bear the consequences of my actions, I fully know who am I dealing with before I take actions, pretty or not it doesn't matter to me, if I don't like you then i don't like you, I don't like those girls and so I did that."Jeon il said.
the girl lowered her hands and seemed to be thinking twice before saying something, in the end she still says it.
"I notice that you might have forgotten your lunchbox."
"Let me treat you lunch in the cafeteria as a thanks for standing up for me."the girl said.
"You? Treating me?"Jeon il said.
'No way, a girl treating me? It should be the other way around, I should be the one simping right? No this is wrong, if I let a girl treat me I don't know if the app will still consider me as a SIMP, this is troublesome.'Jeon il thought.
Then he remembers that a simp doesn't recognize outside the appearance, pussy is pussy, jeon il would just simping no matter the situation.
"You don't need to do that, you need that money, like I said to you i don't expect any compensation when I did that."Jeon il said then continues."How about this? You pay your own and I pay my own, I mean being accompanied by a beautiful lady is enough as an exchange isn't it?"Jeon il said.
The girl became red, it seems that all she heard is only the beautiful lady phrase.
"Me? Beautiful?"
"Yes, of course, to be frank I've known you for quite some time now, you're Samantha right?"Jeon il said, knowing her name is easy he just take a glance in her ID, with his increase senses even if she were some meters away he could still be able to read her ID.
"You know me?"Sam said.
"Judy like I said, yes, let's go to the cafeteria now let's just continue chatting in there."
Jeon il take a look at his phone, someone chat him, it was a girl, the girl's reply take 5 hours, well of course jeon il only need 5 seconds to reply, after replying to her, his phone vibrate showing a notification saying that he earned Simp coins.
After that they proceed in the cafeteria.
After arriving there was some line to take but of course as a nice guy, jeon il was the one who stands in line.
"Sow chu seyd dat the leader of those gurls like diz guy named adam? Butt den this adam jush ignores her whenyava she tries to gather his attention?"jeon il said while there is still a lot of food in his mouth.(So you said that the leader of those girls like this guy named Adam? But then this adam just ignores her whenever she tried to gather his attention?)
Jeon il then swallows his food and continues.
"And then this Adam is your childhood friend, which also quite close to you in school? And so the girls take it on you instead?"
"Yes."Sam replied.
"I see, then why is this Adam didn't do anything about the situation?"
"I didn't tell him about it, I don't want to make trouble for him, he's rarely in class since he is the vice president of the student council."Sam said.
"Why did the other people didn't do anything?"
"She's part of the martial arts club and student council, being part of the martial arts club bears weight but what's making people not making a move because she's part of the student council, she's top 9."
"Then what if she's not in the martial arts club and student council?"
"Then people wouldn't even think twice about it, well she's strong and have the right to do things like this."
"How do you get them off in this student council thing?"
"If someone beat them and replace them in the council."
'I see, I'm planning on joining the club and council anyway, that 500 bucks is really enticing and by no means a small amount, doing this I might even look like a nice guy in other people's perspective, maybe I could get some points.'With that jeon il abruptly stand up.
"Follow me."Jeon il said.
"To where?"Sam was in question
Jeon il didn't say anything and proceed to go in the martial arts club.
A few minutes later
Sam was following jeon il.
Jeon il was sweating in buckets, he just remember he didn't know where is the martial arts club located.
"Where is the martial arts club?"Putting down his pride jeon il reluctantly asked sam.
Outside the martial arts club
Sam was tugging jeon il's uniform. Sam thought that he might do something stupid, which he does.
Jeon il was looking at the door of the club.
Raising his foot jeon il kicks the door.
With the door wide open, some dust and smoke envelopes the area.
The people inside look at the hazy figure and hears a shout.
"The nice guy has arrive."