By the end of the day only 6 more parties actually entered Kraton's boss room, most of them had much better strategies and teamwork and so when the day came to and end, Kraton had only killed 3 more players. Because the level difference between Kraton and the players were on average a negative 3, the exp he gained was nowhere near enough to level up. However what Kraton did gain was a different type of knowledge: development knowledge. In this world, there were two main types of knowledge: core and development.
Core knowledge was knowledge that could be calculated in numbers, this was the main type of knowledge and Kraton's Core knowledge was at 81 points. This type of knowledge allowed beings to think of better solutions and strategies, could write more detailed and precise instructions and could find weakpoints in monsters or other players.
Development knowledge on the otherhand was more vague, it could include knowing if something sold in the market was at a good or bad price, what time of day it was, adaptation to a fighting style (but not learning it from watching it) or it could even be what creatures tasted nice to eat. This type of knowledge was gained by experience, it was more of being intelligent about how the world works.
If anyone was to ask which knowledge was more important, the easiest answer would be Core as a higher core knowledge would also help understand the basis behind development knowledge, however without development knowledge you would be easily scammed in shops.(common sense really)
What Kraton had learnt during the day was different players would have different roles. Furthermore, the weaker players tended to stay at the back, so if possible, aim for them as the players at front had more health and were more annoying and harder to kill.
He also gained some shallow knowledge of player skills, the most annoying one he found was the heal spell as all his efforts would be for naught, hence it would be even better to silence these players first. The reason why Kraton had never realised all of these things before was because he lacked the Core Knowledge to be able to understand it in the first place. You could repetitively show a toddler that 1+1 = 2 and 1+2 = 3, and eventually they will memorise this, however they might not actually learn how 1+1 = 2. Furthermore, Kraton had never realised that parties stood in formations, instead he mindlessly attacked whoever was closest, and when someone retreated to get healed, he just attacked the next nearest target.
As Kraton lumbered towards the door in order to close it and rest in peace without hearing the loud sounds from the goblins outside, a glint of silver caught his eye. He approached the object curiously and discovered an oversized twig with a silver ball firmly attatched to the top. What he was holding was a staff a cleric had dropped after dying (a rare chance for players), in Kraton's hand it looked rather small, bear in mind staffs were usually the height of their wielder. Seeing such a strange object reminded Kraton of the swords some players held, it was around the right size for Kraton as a sword, but this staff was rather blunt around the edges to be able to cut player's heads off. Whilst swinging around his new tool he discovered that the staff was top-heavy and instead of trying to replicate the seamless motions of the swordsmen, he used the inertial force to swing it around, much like a mace, just one thing was missing.
After some time Kraton had finally finished his upgrade of the weapon, he looked proud of his latest creation and settled in gently on the floor by chucking it by his sleeping corner. His upgrades involved melting scrap metal around the wooden body, making it seem colder and larger for a better grip for his large hands, and arounf the upper body and around the silver ball, he dressed it with thorned-clingers, a dungeon weed that possesses an outstanding grip to surfaces and is covered in many small, but incredibly sharp thorns. The staff now looked more like a crossbreed between a long handled club and a medieval styled mace, truly a weapon of pain and brute force.
Kraton could only eagerly wait for the next day when players would flock his dungeon again. No low-levelled player ever entered his dungeon at night as they were all young and were to busy chasing pretty girls and handsome boys in clubs and taverns to be bothered to raid a dungeon at night. Night was when all the fun came out for these young people, so who would care about chasing a hairy monster who dropped little gold. In this world, Three things stood above all else: Power, money and looks, and Kraton had none of these.
Kraton often dreamed about living like the king of the world, he would have all the cursed treasure and all the power in the world, so much that even High-Demoness Lillith would attempt to court him. However, dreams were only dreams after all, Lillith and him stood on the complete opposite sides of ranking after all. This was his passion and life-long ambition, but he could dream for eternity until she acknowledged him.
Tomorrow will be a fun day he thought.